Properly compiled diet groupof blood

  • one Эффективная диета по группе of blood для похудения
    • Диета для one группы of blood
    • one.2 Диета для 2 группы of blood
    • one.3 Диета для 3 группы of blood
    • one.four Диета для four группы of blood
  • 2 Delicious Recipes

Диета по группе of blood разработана двумя поколениями докторов
D’Adamo. According to them, during the evolution of biochemistry cardinally changed
организмов, а потому людям с разной группой of blood следует
stick to a different menu when losing weight
individual characteristics of the body: the digestive system,
immune system, acidity level.


Эффективная диета по группе of blood для похудения

Диету для похудения по группе of blood разработал доктор Питер
D’Adamo, based on his father’s research. The doctor thinks
that in order to lose weight absolutely no need to starve and
calculate the daily caloric content of your menu. Proposed by him
diet involves eating in the diet beneficial to
digestive system products to normalize the work
gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism, withdraw from
organism harmful toxins and slags. For representatives of each group
need a different diet menu.

Диета для one группы of blood

Диета для первой группы of blood назначается для похудения,
strengthen the immune system, with diseases of the digestive system and
in order to normalize the metabolism. These people –
прирожденные охотники и мясоеды. It is believed that
it was from them in the process of natural selection that the rest
группы of blood.

Their diet menu should contain foods with
высоким содержанием протеина:
нежирные сорта мяса, морская
fish, seafood, and cereals (with the exception of wheat).

У людей первой группы of blood с положительным и отрицательным
rhesus, according to Dr. D’Adamo, slow metabolism, and
therefore, their products should be dominated by protein products and complex
carbohydrates. The body spends a lot of energy on their digestion,
significantly higher than their caloric content, which contributes
weight loss

On the menu диеты по one группе of blood должны

  • Red meat;
  • Offal: liver, kidney, heart;
  • Sea fish and seafood;
  • Olive and linseed oil;
  • Vegetables: sweet potatoes, beans, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, turnip, leek,
  • Seaweed, seaweed, parsley, spinach, ground pepper,
  • Walnuts;
  • Germinated grain;
  • Prunes, apples, plums, cherries, figs, cherry plums.

Из напитков при диете по one группе of blood рекомендуется
use teas (green and lime), fruit drinks, decoctions and tinctures from

The following should be excluded from your menu

  • Pork and goose;
  • Sausages (especially ham and bacon);
  • Fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Corn, peanuts, lentils;
  • Pasta and bakery products from wheat;
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup and vinegar;
  • Cabbage, potatoes;
  • Oranges, melons, strawberries, avocados;
  • Strong coffee and tea, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

Меню для диеты по первой группе of blood:






Pumpkin porridge

Cream Shrimp Soup

Tobacco Chicken


Cottage cheese with figs

Rassolnik. Prunes, dried apricots

Beef croquettes in tomato sauce



Chicken bouillon. Chicken fillet

Turkey Seaweed Fillet



Rabbit stew with vegetables

Beef with rice. Spinach


Rice waffles

Salted herring. Baked vegetables: sweet potatoes, Bulgarian

Stewed lamb. A fresh vegetable salad


2 soft boiled eggs


Lightly salted salmon. Jerusalem artichoke


Rye gingerbread. Honey

Baked turkey with vegetables

Veal in a creamy sauce. Vegetable mix

Диета для 2 группы of blood

It is believed that 2 группа of blood возникла из-за перехода от
hunting for farming.
Based on these arguments “agrari”
must adhere to the menu consisting of vegetables, fruits, cereals and
croup. According to Dr. D’Adamo, meat is recommended at all
исключить из своего рациона представителям данной of blood
negative and positive rhesus. Allowed to use
low-fat birds (chicken, turkey), as well as fish. On the menu
диеты людей со 2 группой of blood должны преобладать:

  • Fish (carp, mackerel, perch, cod, sardines, trout);
  • Grains and cereals (gluten-containing in limited
  • Vegetables and legumes;
  • Fruits: pineapple, grapefruit, apricot, plum, fig, lemon;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Scalded coffee, green tea, juices (except orange).

To people со 2 группой of blood рекомендуется исключить из меню
при диете следующие Products:

  • Red and fatty meat;
  • Milk products;
  • Sugar and sweets;
  • Bread and bakery products from wheat;
  • Eggplant, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, olives;
  • Bananas, mangoes, oranges, tangerines, papayas, mangoes, melons,
  • Black tea, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, orange
    the juice.

Product table for diets in group 2
of blood:






Muesli. A pineapple

Vegetable cream soup. Sardines

Cod liver. Beet salad


Buckwheat. Apricot

Shchi Turkey fillet

Baked perch. String beans in a creamy sauce


Fruit salad

Mushroom soup

Chicken fillet. Vegetable stew


Fig. Grapefruit

Sturgeon soup

Mushroom roast in cream sauce


Berry Mousse

Bouillon. Chicken fillet

Turkey cutlets. Carrot salad


Oatmeal. An Apple

Bouillon. Stewed vegetables

Baked Hake with Vegetables


White Cabbage and Apple Salad

Chicken and champignon julienne

Mackerel stuffed with vegetables

Диета для 3 группы of blood

It is believed that 3 группа of blood возникла в период пика иммиграции,
development of new territories. Люди с 3 группой of blood адаптивны
к изменениям питани
я, отличаются сильной пищеварительной и
immune system. Диета для похудения представителей этой of blood
more gentle, balanced and diverse.

Всеядным «кочевникам» при диете для похудения
: мясо, молочные продукты, овощи, крупы, бобовые.
The high content of alkali in their body allows you to use
squirrels and fats. However, the abuse of fatty foods may
привести к скапливанию токсинов, по мнению Питера D’Adamo. Only
only a balanced menu combined with moderate physical
loads will achieve the desired result. To people
с 3 группой of blood показано употребление в меню при диете следующих

  • Meat: lamb, beef, rabbit meat, venison, veal;
  • Молочные и кисломолочные Products: натуральные йогурты,
    cottage cheese and cheese, kefir;
  • Рыба и мореProducts: лосось, треска, окунь, щука, скумбрия,
    halibut, flounder;
  • Vegetables: White cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, beets,
    болгарский pepper, баклажаны;
  • Fruits: bananas, papayas, plums, pineapples, grapes;
  • Legumes: beans, soybeans, beans;
  • Ginger, horseradish, parsley, kari;
  • Green and herbal teas, decoctions, tinctures.

When dieting it is recommended to exclude from your

  • Meat and poultry: pork, horse meat, chicken, duck, goose;
  • Рыбу и мореProducts: хамсу, осьминога, хамсу, барракуду,
  • Молочные Products: мороженое, швейцарский и плавленный
  • Eggs: duck, quail, goose;
  • Cereals: buckwheat, wheat, corn;
  • Legumes: beans, lentils, peas;
  • Vegetables: Jerusalem artichoke, tomatoes, pumpkin, olives, radishes, radish;
  • Peanut, rapeseed, coconut oil;
  • Tomato paste, starch, gelatin.

Меню на неделю для диеты по 3 группе of blood:






Cottage cheese. An Apple

Mushroom soup

Stewed lamb. Pic


Omelette. Oat cookies

Trout soup

Baked Flounder. Grilled vegetables



Fig. Fillet of halibut

Roast Beef


2 hard boiled eggs

Cabbage rolls with beef

Rabbit in cream sauce


Muesli. Raisins, dried apricots

Cod fillet. White Cabbage Salad

Fillet of beef. Vegetable stew


Cottage cheese casserole

Beef borscht

Baked mackerel with vegetables


Natural yoghurt. Banana

Solyanka made from selected meat

Beef pilaf

Диета для four группы of blood

Диета для похудения при four группе of blood отличается многими
restrictions in the menu. У людей с редкой four группой of blood наблюдается
slow metabolism and weak gastrointestinal tract, considers
Питер D’Adamo. When dieting, you should include in your menu vitamins and
dietary supplements, seaweed and foods high in
polysaccharides. To people с four группой of blood рекомендуется
use in the menu when dieting:

  • Mutton, turkey, rabbit, lamb;
  • Red fish, cod liver, sturgeon liver, tuna;
  • Kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese and sour cream, natural
  • Soy, millet, rice, barley, oatmeal;
  • Eggplant, onions, carrots, beets, cucumbers, broccoli,
  • Grapes, cherries, watermelon, kiwi, plums, grapefruit;
  • Walnuts, peanuts;
  • Vegetable juices, green and ginger tea.

Следует исключить из меню при диете людям с four группой
of blood:

  • Pork, veal, beef, chicken, duck;
  • Bacon, ham, smoked sausages;
  • Herring, halibut, eel, pangasius, anchovy, mollusks;
  • Parmesan cheese, whole milk;
  • Buckwheat, cornmeal and flakes;
  • Corn, potatoes, artichokes, tomatoes, radishes, beans;
  • Almonds, pistachios.

Меню для диеты по four группе of blood на неделю:






Oatmeal. Kiwi

Lightly salted salmon. Cauliflower in batter

Grilled lamb with vegetables



Bouillon. Turkey fillet

Cod liver. Beet salad


Fig. Plums

Sturgeon soup

Baked turkey with vegetables


Home-made cottage cheese, seasoned with natural yogurt

Seafood julienne

Philadelphia rolls


2 soft boiled eggs. Grapefruit

Vegetable Cream Soup

Salad with tuna


Cottage cheese casserole

Baked sturgeon fillet. Cucumber Rolls

Rabbit in sour cream sauce


Muesli. Grapes

Rack of lamb

Mutton pilaf. Eggplant puree

Delicious recipes

Recipes for a diet in the blood group:
Tobacco Chicken

Tobacco Chicken


  • Chick;
  • Black pepper in peas;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salt;
  • Garlic;
  • Lemon.

Wash the chicken thoroughly, dry, cut along the brisket and
deploy as a book. Put the carcass on a cutting board, top
cover with cling film and slightly beat off to make it flat.
Finely chop the garlic. From all sides, rub the chicken with a mixture of
pepper, salt and garlic. Fry on hot with olive oiled
chicken pan under the press (for example, a pan suitable
диаметра, наполненной водой) по onefive минут с каждой стороны. Squeeze out
lemon juice, mix it with finely chopped garlic. Posting
chicken on a plate, sprinkle with lemon sauce. Tobacco Chicken
diversifies the savory taste of the diet menu of people with the first group
of blood.

Cabbage salad

Cabbage salad


  • White cabbage;
  • Болгарский pepper;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Parsley dill).

Pepper to remove the seeds, cut into thin strips. Cabbage finely
chop, salt a little, sugar, mash your hands. Parsley
or dill to taste chop. Mix cabbage with pepper and herbs,
перемешать, заправить растительным oiled. To people со второй
группой of blood рекомендуется включить в свое меню при диете
vitamin salad from cabbage.

Roast Beef

Roast Beef


  • Beef;
  • Onion;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • Potatoes;
  • Olive oil;
  • Butter;
  • Demiglas Meat Sauce;
  • Garlic;
  • Dill;
  • Соль, pepper.

Beef washed, dried, cut into pieces, with a diameter of 2
see Pepper peeled seeds, onion peeled, diced vegetables,
диаметром one см. На разогретой сковороде с оливковым oiled
обжариваем сначала лук, затем pepper и чеснок, даем остыть.
Boil potatoes in uniform, peel, cut
squares, fry in a frying pan, let cool. In the pan
melt butter, lay out beef, fry with all
sides until ready, then pour the sauce Demiglas, salt,
перчим, тушим five минут. In the center of the plate lay out fried
vegetables, top lay out the roast beef. Optionally, you can
decorate the dish with chopped dill. Diet people with third
группой of blood допускает в меню отменное жаркое из

Philadelphia Rolls

Philadelphia rolls


  • Pic;
  • Philadelphia cheese”;
  • Salmon;
  • Nori seaweed;
  • Cucumber;
  • Avacado.

Boil rice. We put half a sheet of “nori” on the mat. Above
Spread the rice, distribute evenly throughout the sheet, not
clutching. С одной стороны оставляем «Нори» на oneсм не покрытым
rice. We turn it over so that the rice is at the bottom and the algae
from above. We spread cheese in the middle, evenly distribute, not
reaching both ends. Roll up and with the help of the mat
give it the right shape. Cut a thin knife with a sharp knife.
salted salmon. Wrap fish rice. Mat press fish
to rice. Cut into 8 equal parts, lay out the rolls on a plate.
Served with mustard mustard, ginger and soy sauce. Rolls
�”Philadelphia” will make piquancy in the menu of the diet of people with the fourth
группой of blood.

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