Proper planting of daffodils: tips with photos.Features care for daffodils: watering, feeding, storage

Пн, 15 авг 2016 BUTвтор: Ксения Кузнецова

Daffodils are rightfully considered the decoration of a spring flower garden.

These bulbous perennials require a minimum of effort from the gardener,
bringing maximum pleasure.

They can be planted separately or alongside other perennials in
flower garden. Daffodils love the sun, but bloom longer in the penumbra,
flowers are bigger and brighter.


How to prepare the ground for planting narcissus?

Plants are unpretentious in the choice of soil, but grow particularly well
on loam. Acidity should be 6.5-7.0. Bulbs contain
many nutrients, so the first year will be strong and in
sandy ground. Then the grower will notice that the flowers become smaller, and then
and stop growing at all. Moreover, such soils are poorly preserved
warm, with the slightest frost daffodils die.

If your soil is heavy and clayey, sand is added to it,
and in the sandy land, on the contrary, you need to fertilize with clay and
Three months before planting the bulbs need to make
compost, manure, then thoroughly dig the site. Neither
In no case do not add fresh manure to the ground shortly before
planting daffodils. The minimum period for this is a year. Make a
easy drainage, otherwise accumulated moisture will destroy the roots of the plant.

It is impossible to say exactly when to plant the bulbs
narcissus. The main thing is that the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees.
It is obvious that in the north of the country landing will start faster than on

At about the end of September and the beginning of October
посадке нарциссов
. If planted earlier, the onions can
put in growth and die from frost. Bulbs deepened by 3-7
see, depending on the size of the bulb itself, the larger it is – the
deeper planted.

If the place is wet, fill the bottom of the landing hole
sand guest.
Bulb planted root down without pressing,
so as not to hurt. From above fall asleep ground. No need to water if
landing in winter. It would be good to cover the ground in the year of landing.
above – spruce branches or mowed grass in case of severe and
snowless winter. Shelter in the spring – remove as soon as possible, immediately
after the snow melt.

If on the site hosted a mole or a bear, plant bulbs
on the inside of a cut off plastic bottle on both sides, for less than 2
liters volume.

By the way, moles do not like daffodils and often leave the site,
densely planted with these flowers.

Proper care for daffodils: fertilize

Since most plants begin to bloom in the spring,
landing is held in the fall. At the same time it is necessary to fertilize daffodils.
To feed the soil add organic matter: humus. Spring watered
readily soluble in water fertilizers. They have to
contain phosphorus, sodium, potassium and nitrogen.

The same elements are introduced in the period when the plant is gaining
And the last time – after flowering. Fertilizers in this
period will help the bulbs accumulate nutrients to
survive the winter well. A good way to give strength to the plant: make
liquid feeding. For this, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are mixed in
ratio of 1: 2. On 1 square. meter must be taken 60 grams of fertilizer.
This is valid indeed if the soil is not fertile. For the land,
rich in humus, the concentration can be reduced by half.

Abundant watering – the basis of the care of daffodils

If you want to grow plants with large and beautiful
flowers, you should pay special attention to watering. Daffodils love
moisture, but the excess must be disposed of with the help of drains and drainage.
Starting watering is as soon as the first shoots appeared after
melting snow.

In the middle band, the plants start to bud
end of april.
At this time, daffodils should receive
sufficient moisture, otherwise the flowers may not
to form. But as soon as they appear, water should be carefully.
Drops on the petals will lead to rapid dropping. how
only the plant blooms, you can not immediately stop his watering.
For bulbs to gain strength, it takes at least a month.

Watering is useful in the morning. how только
the flowers dry out, they are cut off to preserve nutrients. BUT
here leaves do not touch, until they fall off.

Dates of digging daffodils

Replanting plants every year is not necessary. Optimal
period – once in 4 years. If the flowers start to grow smaller, it means
bulbs crowd each other. It is worth digging them and plant them in another.
a place that needs to be carefully prepared.

Since daffodils do not have a clearly defined state of rest, their
can not be stored for a long time, like tulips. Bulbs late
excavated and planted early in the ground. The period between these actions
may be no more than 1-2 months.

The foliage should almost completely turn black, i.e. extracted from
bulb land in June or July, depending on the variety. Doing so
comfortable garden fork. Plant in the second half of August.
Keep daffodils in a cool, dark place. Can
put in a clean and dry pan. Soon the earth will dry,
then you can proceed to the division.

If you plan transplant in the spring, first you need to make sure
that all the bulbs have survived the winter well. Black, rotted daffodils
throwing away. The rest are carefully removed along with the ground and
we land in the prepared soil. The neater you do it
the better the plants will take root. This option is optimal for those
wants to see flowering shoots already in the year of transplantation.

Daffodil Care: Diseases and Pests

All plants are affected by various microorganisms.
In addition, they also get sick. Consider the most common
diseases, we study pests and measures to combat them.

• Fusarium often get narcissus.
The causative agent is the mushroom fusarium oxysporum, infection
going through the root system. Recognize Fusarium in Narcissus
you can just. Signs are lag in development and growth,
darkening of the roots. If the bulbs are deposited, you can
discover that many of them rot. Of course, all patients
plants are thrown away. Before each planting bulbs for 8 hours
placed in 1% formalin solution or sprayed with special
means “Maxim”.

• Gray rot damages not only berries, but also
bulbous plants, including daffodils.
light brown leaves cover, then the disease passes
on the stem to the roots. As a result, the flower dies. To prevent this
happened, during the growing season spend spraying 1%
Bordeaux fluid solution. When the bulbs are dug, they need
process with sulfur.

• Specifically bulbous flowers are under attack
sclerotinia tulip.
Symptom: cotton-like white
mycelium formed on the bulb. Such a plant needs to be thrown out, and
best burned. Prevention: a month before planting spend
soil treatment with carbonation (3%). The bulbs themselves are pickled in
weak formalin solution.

• Bacterial scab. Especially often the disease
breeds on wet soils and where much lime is applied. AT
the growing season on the leaves you can see spots
red-brown color. how только пройдет дождь, пятна
turn into rot. Onions form ulcers. If a
defeat is not strong, the plant can be saved by processing the bulbs
a solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkled with crushed coal. Prophylactic
measures: before planting, hold the children in blue vitriol (3%).

• Surely few have seen clickers, much more
the larvae, the wireworms, are known.
worsen the living conditions of these pests need to be good
перекапывать землю во время подготовки участка к planting daffodils.
ATнесение извести и обработка луковиц дустом гексахлорана (12%) –
known measures to combat wireworm.

• Get rid of the onion hover will help next
Take 5-10 grams of thiophos emulsion and dilute it in
a bucket of water.

• Cabbage scoop – one of the main pests of the garden, in
including daffodils.
This is a dark brown butterfly that
lays larvae in may-june. You need to collect them in time
carefully dig the plot so that not one is left in the soil.
AT специализированных магазинах продаются средства для борьбы с этим

• Slugs feed on leaves, stems and buds
They need to independently collect from the site.
The soil surface is sprinkled with superphosphate, which serves and
fertilizer, ash.

We hope that these tips will help you grow the most beautiful
daffodils that will please the eye in the spring.

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