Proper planting lilies in the fall: place, time,depth of landing. Features of planting lilies in the fall in the ground

Чт, 29 сен 2016 Автор: Ольга

A novice gardener may be frightened by growing lilies on the site. But
in fact, this delicate and sophisticated flower is not so capricious, but
with proper care will surprise the owners and neighbors with abundant blooms.
Let’s talk about planting lilies in the fall in the ground, especially since many
experienced growers consider this time as the most advantageous.


How planting lilies in autumn is better than spring

Lilies can be planted in the fall and spring. But большинство
varieties (North American, Caucasian) is preferable to plant
early autumn – in September. Asian hybrids can be in October.
If at this time warm weather persists, the onion has time
take root. In the cold landing should be covered with peat, fallen.
leaves or special material. Do not use hay or
straw – mice will be started and gnaw through onions.

Bulbs planted in the fall for a part of the fall and winter will have time
acclimatize, absorb nutrients and energy.
Will be ready for spring frosts. Such lilies bloom earlier than
planted in the spring and, as a rule, more abundant.

But если лилия приобретена весной, то и всаживать ее надо как
can be faster. It is undesirable to wait for the autumn – the quality of planting
material may decrease.

How to choose a bulb for planting and how to process it

Make it easy, in many ways, you have to rely on intuition.
Of course, sick and rotten bulbs are immediately discarded. Need to
pay attention to the roots: too long “live”, as well as any
lifeless is better to trim.

Externally healthy and strong bulbs are processed in maroon
solution of potassium permanganate.

If the planting material is unhealthy, stained
orange or brown, they are treated with a solution
Fundazole or Karbaphos. Before soaking, remove or
cut off all diseased parts of the bulb, cuts are treated with woody
in coal.

To improve future flowering and accelerate the growth of the entire flower
cultures can be used Epin, Zircon or yantranuyu acid. AT
the last solution is better to leave the bulbs for 10 hours, in the rest
preparations for 40 minutes. After spreading the planting material on
paper and dry, but not in the sun.

If there are several days before the scheduled landing, it’s best
put the bulbs in a cool place, sprinkled with sawdust, sand
or overlaid with wet moss.

ATыбираем место для посадки лилий в грунт

From the correct place for landing depends most
of success. It is better to give preference to the site sufficiently illuminated in
in the morning. In bright sunshine during all light
time of day lily can burn out and grow not high enough
with the exception of varieties: Royal, Bulb-bearing, Regale, Asian
and others.

Excessive shading (near buildings, under the crown of trees) –
detrimental to culture. AT таком случае вырастает тощий ствол с
rare leaves and not quite developed flower.

The soil should be fairly loose. And there can be no talk about
groundwater close to the landing. Bulb can
rot, and not having time to sprout.

An excess of organic fertilizer (manure, kuryak) can bring to
abundant development of green mass to the detriment of flowering.

If at the site a clay substrate, then it can be diluted
bringing peat and mineral fertilizers into the ground for planting lilies in the fall
and sand.

The preferred soil reaction depends on the type of flower.
Тигровая, ATосточная, Генри, Азиатская, Давида, Поникшая
prefer subacid earth. Regale, Umbrella, Bulb-bearing
like a slightly alkaline substrate.

When choosing a place, it is necessary to take into account that the bulbs themselves cannot stand
sun light Therefore, it is better to plant lilies in a flower garden, so that next
were low-growing plants.

Depth and scheme of planting lilies in the fall in the ground

For the normal development of colors, the distance between them should
be 10-17 cm. Between the rows it is enough to leave a gap – 20

For different varieties of lilies have their own rules for size
the holes. But стандартная ориентировочная глубина ямки должна быть
equal to three sizes of the bulb itself. If we are talking about tall
hybrids and lilies, releasing the stubble roots, it is better
Increase this parameters twice. ATо всяком случае, лучше
plant the bulb deeper than it should be, so the risk of damage from
frosts will decrease, and the formation of children will increase. There are and
small flaw – late bloom. Shallow landing threatens
diseases and the precarious position of the plant.

Lilies with ground leaf rosettes (Catsby, snow white
or terracotta) must be placed in the hole so that the top of the scales,
turned out to be at the surface.

The correct and convenient scheme of planting lilies in the fall can be seen on
a photo.

Step-by-step instructions for planting lilies in the fall in the ground

The sequence of actions when planting bulbs in

1. dig a small hole about 40 cm in diameter and 20-30 cm

2. lay gravel or expanded clay on the bottom;

3. on the drainage decompose a layer of soil in 4-6 cm thick;

4. make a groove in the soil;

5. put in well onion and sprinkle with its substrate (you can
use sand to protect against infections and excess moisture);

6. next to the landing, make a recess with your finger and place it there
granular fertilizers;

7. sprinkle with a rare layer of wood ash on top.

AT жаркую погоду при сухом грунте обязательно после посадки нужен
watering. This will help to secure the bulb in the ground and straighten its roots.
ATлажную землю поливать необязательно.

Planting lilies in the fall using sand can be considered.
на a photo.

Fertilizers for planting lilies in the fall

Before planting, the land is dug up and fertilized in
depending on soil condition:

• podzolic and poor fertilize with humus at the rate of 7-9 kg per 1
sq. meter;

• sand, peat and some organic matter are brought into heavy and dense;

• chernozem and leached ground diluted with 4 kg of humus per 1
sq. meter;

AT почву ни разу не используемую под выращивание культурных
in addition to organic fertilizers, plants are also phosphate,
nitrogen and potash.

Excess organic fertilizer (compost, kuryak, manure) can
cause disease. To protect planting flowers from pests well
powder it with ashes.

Problems of planting lilies in the ground and how to solve them

1. For planting selected area in the valley with the risk of stagnant water
in the spring.

Решение: если нет другого более удачного места, то
It is worth paying much attention to the drainage system – to make more
deep layer of expanded clay and gravel.

2. There is poor podzolic soil in which it is necessary to add
organic, but it can lead to diseases.

Решение: использовать только обеззараженные готовые
composts such as “Bogatyr” or “Peaks”.

3. ATыбрано солнечное место без малейшего затенения, а это
detrimental effect on the bulbs.

Решение: мульчирование земли материалами светлых
shades (sawdust), landing next to the lily of other colors:
bell, flax, peonies, chamomile.

4. There is a risk and suspicion of infection of Fusarium bulbs.
rot when scales and bottom of bulbs rot. At the same time, at the very
lilies turn yellow leaves below.

Решение: замачивание луковиц суспензией Фундозола
(0,2%) or solution “HOM”. There is a popular way: soaking in
concentrated salt composition, after the destruction of rotten
parts of planting material.

Butвичкам лучше начать свое знакомство с лилий азиатского вида.
They are characterized by high winter hardiness and unpretentious to the conditions.
Tubular hybrids will need shelter. The most beautiful eastern
varieties: Japanese, golden, beautiful, in need of increased
attention. For them, everything is important: the soil, the place, the weather conditions. Not
like high humidity and raindrops on the leaves. Fine yourself
feel in the greenhouses.

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