Prevention of major gooseberry diseases.Methods to combat gooseberry diseases aimed at their completeelimination

Пн, 01 авг 2016 Автор: Ирина Унжакова

Gooseberry is a perennial garden shrub belonging to
family kamnelomkovye plants. In height, this culture reaches
1.5 meters and has twigs with prickly thorns in the form of needles at
bases of small green leaves.

Fruiting of the gooseberry begins in the third year, in connection with
than for planting this shrub is better to buy a biennial


Features of the cultivation of gooseberry

• Gooseberry planting is carried out in the autumn, as well as
the root system in young plants is still tender, not mature, and
it can freeze, it is covered for the winter with a layer of sawdust or peat.
Before planting, humus and superphosphate are added to the pits.

• Place for planting shrubs need to pick a bright and good
warmed up by the sun.

• The first (nitrogen) dressing is carried out in the spring, the second at
the appearance of the first leaves, the third – before the flowering of the plant (on
bucket of water art. a spoonful of potassium sulfate), and the fourth before the ovary

• Watering gooseberries is recommended under the root rather than on top, and
only warm water, heated by the sun, in order to avoid
scrub diseases.

Gooseberry disease and how to prevent them

It is necessary not only to care for the gooseberry, but also
to look after his “health”. Since many diseases of this
shrubs can significantly affect fruit yields
gooseberry and even destroy this amazing plant.

Gooseberry diseases are in many ways similar to currant ailments. Only
this shrub disease develops and proceeds much
faster and harder.

Therefore, at the first signs of gooseberry disease, you must immediately
take emergency measures. Especially since at first with
the disease is easier to handle using traditional methods without
use of any chemicals.

Prevention and control of gooseberry diseases

It is more expedient to prevent possible gooseberry diseases.
preventive measures to combat disease

Preventive measures can be

• Compliance with all agrotechnical rules of cultivation

• Avoiding thickening of the bushes and timely
destruction of excess – damaged and dry twigs.

• Collection of fallen leaves with their further

• Regular digging of the soil under the plant.

• Planting near gooseberry bushes of certain plants.
scaring harmful insects.

• In the spring, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the gooseberries,
thus eliminating spores of possible fungi.

• Conducting constant nutrition to strengthen the immune system

• The necessity of spraying a gooseberry with a mixture of zircon.

Symptoms, types and fight against gooseberry diseases

American powdery mildew is a fungal disease and its
the symptoms

This disease is really a real plague not only for
gooseberry, but also for many other crops, in which list
currant comes in too. Symptoms of this disease manifest
начиная с весеннего периода, после цветения shrub. Young
twigs and leaves are drawn in with a whitish, slightly fluffy bloom,
which at first is easily erased.

After the raid begins to cover the ovary, spreading berries
more and more. Gradually the raid becomes so dense that
is like a darkish felt.

Due to the disease, the gooseberry twigs become crooked,
stop their development and dry up soon. Leaflets
twist, break, and the berries under a touch stop their growth,
cracked and sprinkled.

And if such a diseased shrub is not treated, then after a few years
he will disappear.

In addition, the spores of the fungus, the wind can spread to other
plants and infect, therefore, them. Even a hard frost is not
will be able to eradicate this harmful fungus, since it is beautiful
he feels himself in winter, being on fallen leaves and
sprigs under the infected gooseberry.

Therefore, the fight against gooseberry disease, especially powdery
it is necessary to maintain the whole season with dew from spring to
of autumn.

Methods of struggle

• The gooseberry bush can be doused with boiling water from time to time,
thus destroying some spores of the fungus.

• It is also possible to cultivate gooseberries and the earth around it.
a solution consisting of soda and laundry soap (1/4 soda on 10
l vodichki). It is more expedient to spray the plant before

• Spraying can be done with diluted ash. Or
simply depositing ashes in the soil where the gooseberry grows.

• You can insist topping the tomato by adding, then in the infusion quarter
a piece of rubbed soap. Spraying with this solution
must be carried out once a week until complete destruction

• It is also possible to spray a shrub with a solution consisting of
whey and iodine (a liter of whey and 20-25
iodine drops).

• By autumn, the shrub needs to be spared without pruning by removing
all the affected branches, and then burned together with the fallen leaves.

• Also special chemicals can be used but this is
running cases. You can use drugs such as –
�”Topaz”, “Oxy”, “Fitosporin”.

Gooseberry anthracnose is a fungal disease and its

Anthracnosis fungal gooseberry disease, or rather, its
leaflets. Anthracnose is manifested, in the form of brown spots covering
leaves like burns. At first, small specks are formed,
a little vague, the disease campaign they merge between themselves,
draining thus the leaves. And soon on the branches
остаётся всего лишь несколько leaflets.

Because of this disease, young shoots grow and develop poorly,
gooseberry fruit decreases the sugar content, in connection with what a good
harvest can not count.

Methods of struggle

First of all it is necessary to collect all the leaves that slept from the plant.
and burn them. So how on their surface can remain disputes

If the disease has just begun, sick leaflets are recommended.
tear off, in order to avoid further infection of the plant. You can also
spray the gooseberry vitriol (40 g. on a bucket of water).

When the disease is neglected, it is better to process the bush
prepared solution of soda and soap, not less
four times – before the gooseberry blooms, after this process, through
two weeks after the last treatment, and afterwards collection

Gooseberry septoriosis – the disease and its

This disease manifests itself as round spots on leaflets.
grayish color with dark edges along the edges. After these
spots are formed brown spots that are pathogens

Leaflets начинают закручиваться в трубочки, сохнуть и падать с
plants before the time allowed. Thus, the plant through
некоторое время остаётся совершенно голым без leaflets.

Methods of struggle

Paramount, as in the process of combating anthracnose, it is necessary
near the plant to collect all the fallen leaves and then burn.

And resistance to this disease will impart the following means,
boron, copper, manganese, zinc brought into the soil near the plant.

Glass rust – a fungal disease and its
the symptoms

Such a fungus parasitizes gooseberry leaves, appearing on them in
orange spots, which later take the form
goblets. All summer the fungus remains on the leaves
shrub. Then with the help of the wind, the fungus is transferred to
located near plants, where it remains for the winter to

After the disease, the leaves of the gooseberry twist and fall,
and the berries cease to grow and dry.

Methods of struggle

Since most often the spores of this fungus huddle on sedge. Thats
gooseberries should be planted next to marshy
lowlands. For gooseberries, it is better to pick well-lit
and warm places.

Already infected plants are recommended to be treated with interest.
solution Bordeaux mixture, for three times – before the appearance
leaves after flowering and a week after the last

Мозаика крыжовника и the symptoms этого вирусного

Gooseberry Mosaic – A Viral Ailment Growing Up Alive
organisms of various sucking insects, such as aphid, mite. Besides
In addition, contamination can occur due to the use of unclean
working tool, after cutting the diseased plant.

This disease manifests itself on the leaves of a bush in the form of a yellow
nets, due to which shoots stop growing, leaves
shriveling and shrinking, and gooseberry bushes produce a bad crop.

Methods of struggle

Combating gooseberry disease, namely, viral mosaic
conducted by the complete destruction of the bush plants.

To combat this disease can only be used
preventive measures – by treating the bushes against harmful
insects and the planting of new and healthy gooseberry seedlings,
resistant to various types of diseases.

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