Preparing berries for winter: autumn caregooseberry Secrets of cutting gooseberry, proper caregooseberry in autumn

Ср, 12 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Berry bushes are grown to get juicy and healthy.
fruits, gooseberries are no exception.

Provide good yield to the shrub helps only
quality care.

Particular attention should be paid to the berry in autumn, because
quality preparation of gooseberries for winter depends not only on his
health, but also the next harvest.


What care does the gooseberry need in the fall?

It all depends on the state of the plant. Shrub behind which
cared throughout the season, needs a minimum
leaving. After all, a healthy plant is able to resist
all diseases and pests, tolerates cold. In this case
the main task of the gardener becomes dressing and thinning

If the gooseberry is running, then before the cold weather you need
carry out the following work:

• remove all weeds around the bush;

• clean up litter and remove leaves from the site;

• conduct a control treatment against pests and diseases;

• dig the soil under the bushes;

• make additional fertilizers;

• prune shoots, thin the bush;

• Rumble the basal zone with the onset of cold weather.

Gooseberry Care: Autumn Treatments

It is helpful for novice gardeners to know how to prepare gooseberries for
winter in stages.

Loosening between rows and weeding

Shrub prefers loose soil. Only in this case can
harvest a good harvest. Weeds need to be fought for
all season, not allowing them to appear near the plant.

Important! To combat weeds can not
use herbicides. Weeds are harvested only by hand.

Experienced gardeners are advised to keep the soil under the berry in clean
condition, not allowed planting flowers or lawn grasses.
Additionally weeding will help loosen the soil. It is combined with
cleaning weeds.

Замечено, что осенняя перекопка почвы
around the bushes helps to cope with a number of diseases and pests.
This is due to the fact that pathogens and larvae of pests
overwinter in the ground, and digging allows you to raise them to the surface,
where they die It is necessary to perform the procedure in late autumn, when
frosty weather set.

Why mulch gooseberries?

If you can not often come to the country, then support
the soil in the right state will help the mulch. The need for regular
weeding and watering is reduced.

Gooseberry is good for mulching. As mulch
apply humus or ripened compost. These materials serve
дополнительным питанием для shrub.

The thickness of the mulch layer depends on the season and condition.
shrub. Autumn mulch serves as shelter from frost. Its thickness
is 10 cm.

Top dressing of a gooseberry in the fall

Last autumn dressing is carried out after loosening and digging
soil. It helps replenish plant nutrient stores.
substances that affect the yield. In this period
It is advisable to use phosphate and potash fertilizers. Nitrogen
top dressing in the fall do not use. Mineral fertilizers
make the scheme:

• 30 g of superphosphate;

• 20 g of potassium sulfate;

• 100 grams of ash.

This amount of fertilizer is designed for one bush. Feeding
bring both in liquid, and in a dry form. Granular fertilizer
necessarily embedded in the soil.

Late autumn bush watering

At the stage of preparation of the gooseberry for the winter, we must not forget about
late autumn watering. It serves to saturate the berry with moisture. After all
the roots of the plant go far inland. In order for all the moisture to go
to the roots of the plant need to make grooves, which will
be watered. Water consumption at the same time – 30 liters per one.
bush. Such water-charging irrigation is done at the end of September, but not
later the beginning of October. In the northern regions a little earlier for a month
before the onset of frost.

Important! It is impossible to neglect late watering.
Это снизит урожайность shrub. After all от недостатка влаги
young shoots on which fruits are formed suffer.

Gooseberry pruning

Taking care of the gooseberries and preparing it for winter is also important.
помнить об обрезке и прореживании shrub. Her main task is
rid the bush of all unnecessary branches that lead to thickening
and diseases. You need to remove all broken, old, sick and growing
inside the bush branches. Particular attention must be removed bottom
shrub. Delete all shoots that lie on
the earth.

In the fall, they carry out formative pruning. On the bush left
несколько развитых побегов, а остальные удаляют на уровне soil.
You also need to cut out all unfruitful and old shoots. Too
long branches can be shortened by a third.

Preparing for the winter: gooseberry shelter

In the conditions of the southern and middle lanes of additional shelter
shrub other than mulching is required. But in the north
regions: in the Urals, in Siberia, this issue must be approached

In the conditions of severe winters without additional shelter the plant
just won’t survive. After all крыжовник не переносит понижения
temperatures up to -40 degrees. Hoping for warm winters and risk
scrub not worth it. Gooseberry shoots need to be carefully tied
twine and bend down to the ground obliquely. Further, the bush is covered with dry
leaves or peat. On top of the set wooden shields and
cover them with sacking or covering material. When it comes
Winter, gooseberries additionally warmed, falling asleep with snow.

Preparation and shelter gooseberry spend no later than the end
September, pre-watering the berry to saturate it

In early spring, shelter from the bushes need to be removed, unleash
twine. For a few days he will take the right position
self-straightening shoots.

Such a gooseberry shelter scheme in the northern regions will help
save the plant, and increase the yield.

What gardeners need to know when growing gooseberries

Mealy dew on gooseberry

Frequent watering of gooseberries over the leaves leads to an increase in
moisture around the plant, which is a favorable environment for
development of fungal diseases.

Mealy dew is found on the shoots and fruits of the berries, less often on
leaves. At the initial stage of the lesion, you can see a thin
cobwebs, which eventually turns into a felt raid on
berries. At the same time the leaves of the plant turn yellow ahead of time, the fruits
Crumble, yield decreases.

Prevention of the disease will help preventive measures that
spend in the fall and spring. Shrub is treated with calcified
soda All affected fruit must be destroyed. Autumn shrub
sprayed with preparations containing copper. Well helps autumn
перекопка почвы по мерзлой the earth.

Aphids on leaves

Of the pests most often the plant is plagued by aphids. She settles
on young shoots and leaves of a plant that roll up and
slow down their growth. As a result, the development of shrubs slows down,
reduced yield.

Aphid colonies settle on the underside of the leaf where it is easy
to discover. Also on the surface of the sheet plate can be seen
sticky plaque left by insects. At the first sign of appearance
pests need to immediately take measures to eliminate it.

If the damage is not too severe, then use soapy
shrub spraying solution. When large
the number of pests spray chemical

• Actellic;

• karbofos.

Let’s sum up

The gooseberry is a garden survivor. With proper care, he can
to grow long enough in one place, regularly delighting good

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