Powdered milk: myths and reality. Chemicalcomposition of the product, its benefits and harm to the body

Ср, 30 май 2018 Автор: Анна Лунина

Powdered milk – white or light beige powder – not that
other than natural pasteurized cow milk concentrate.
Roughly speaking – milk without water. Perhaps the absolute majority
people consider it, if not harmful, then at least useless
product. Let’s see what is milk powder with
In terms of chemical composition, and why it is more healthy
human – benefit or harm.


The process of obtaining dry milk

Production of soluble concentrated milk powder
became interested in the XIX century. Different sources call
the various names of the “discoverers” of the product – doctor Osip
Krichevsky, chemist M. Dirchov. Almost at the same time, they established
release of powdered milk, the main purpose of which was to create
product with a long shelf life. As you know, natural
cow’s milk – a very capricious product, lactic acid bacteria
ferment it for 48 hours, whereas the dry concentrate can
store months. But does dry milk keep all of its
useful qualities?

The first manufacturing processes were complex.
cycles: first fresh cow’s milk was concentrated and then evaporated
at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Dry powder thus obtained
retained all useful dry ingredients and in diluted form by
The composition was no different from the natural product.

Unfortunately, modern production in pursuit of profit and
cost reduction significantly accelerated the process by
increase the evaporation temperature to 180 ° C. Talk about saving
any vitamins after such exposure is not necessary. But,
However, technologies do not stand still, they are constantly being improved.
Diligent manufacturers, taking care of their image, quality
products and consumer health, learned how to produce
powdered milk, which has a number of useful properties.

Comparison of the composition of dry and natural pasteurized
of milk

Natural milk goes through several processing steps before
How to turn into a dry powder:

– separation – separation of cream from the main mass:

– pasteurization (disinfection from microbes at 86 ° C);

– condensation (t 55 ° C);

– direct drying with spraying (t 180 ° C).

The resulting dry product retains its beneficial properties for up to 2 years –
this is the most important advantage of the powder over the usual solid
milk Let’s see how its quality is reduced, and compare
the content of valuable substances in 100 g recovered from dry powder
of milk и пастеризованного цельного одинаковой жирности 2,5% (в
brackets for comparison shows the composition of natural pasteurized
of milk):

– caloric content – 48.3% (54%);

– proteins – 2.42 g (2.9 g);

– Fats – 2.5 g (2.5 g);

– carbohydrates – 3.93 g (4.8 g);

– Vitamin A – 0.013 mg (0.02 mg);

– Vitamin C – 0.4 mg (1.3 mg);

– Vitamin B1 – 0.01 mg (0.04 mg);

– Vitamin B12 – 0.02 mg (0.15 mg), as well as others of this group –
B 2, 4, 5;

– choline – 23.6 mg (23.6 mg);

– calcium – 100 mg (120 mg);

– magnesium – 12 mg (14 mg).

In addition, milk powder (like whole milk) contains 20 vital
essential amino acids. Heat treatment reduces content
vitamins, but the mineral components are fully preserved.

Obviously, whole milk content of useful components
slightly ahead of the dry, so it is quite acceptable to replace
натуральный продукт его аналогом — сухим milk Boil
a reconstituted dry powder drink is not required since it is
processed and cleaned during production.

What is the use of …

When buying milk concentrate you need to pay attention to
manufacturer. Only a good product, without adding soy, flour,
powdered sugar, etc. possesses unique useful qualities
most valuable natural product. О пользе сухого of milk говорит
the fact that it is used to make baby food and
infant formula for infants that replace breast
mother’s milk. Vitamin B12 is indispensable in the treatment of certain species.
anemia. Особенно полезно употребление сухого of milk тем, кто
refuses meat.

Rich mineral composition – potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D –
put powdered milk in one row with natural dairy products.
It is very convenient to always have a stock of this valuable product in your home.

…и вред сухого of milk

Like any product, especially processed milk powder can
to be harmful. First of all, it will not benefit people
suffering from allergies to dairy products, since it has the same
composition. If the product is of poor quality, produced with non-compliance
Gostov, of course, such powdered milk will bring only harm.

If a precipitate formed during the dissolution of the powder, then
the manufacturer used poor quality raw materials or additives.
Perhaps there will be no particular harm from such a drink, but

The quality of the concentrate depends on the quality of the original
product. If herds are grazed in environmentally polluted areas,
close to the roadside or near the eco
adverse production, the milk of cows is saturated with toxic
substances in the processed product the content of toxins will increase
factor of. Therefore you should not buy products of any doubtful
�“LLC”, because for profit they can use milk as raw material
of dubious quality.

There are no other contraindications, dried milk is more likely useful.
product than harmful and it can and should even be used,
necessarily observing the rules and terms of storage.

The use of milk powder in cooking

Длительный срок хранения порошкового of milk делает его очень
practical: it is used not only as a valuable drink – the source
minerals and vitamins, but also widely used in cooking,
in the manufacture of pastry, bakery products, fermented milk
products, various creams, jelly, ice cream. Powdered milk
popularly and widely used both at home and in
industrial scale for the preparation of milk porridges, baby
nutrition and fortified mixtures, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese,

При добавлении сухого of milk в кондитерское тесто получают
crumbly, higher quality raw materials for baking. Various creams
pastes, jelly and ice cream get a more dense, rich
consistency and stored much longer, perfectly preserving the taste
quality. Very comfortable at home to cook fresh
cottage cheese or milk cheese.

Нередко для сушки of milk используют вальцовые сушилки. Their walls
during the production process, the milk particles are heated up
powder in contact with them, caramelized. Powdered milk
acquires a light caramel aroma, flavor and cream color.
This product is the best fit for cooking homemade
сладостей и конфет, сгущенного of milk, пастилы, ириса и многих
other products. Due to its high fat content, milk powder
is an excellent base for making chocolate and
ice cream

Another use for powder is cosmetology. Masks based on it
perfectly nourish the skin, rejuvenate, smooth wrinkles.

Powdered milk — ценный и полезный аналог натурального

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