Potted strawberries: fragrant harvest on the balconyand on the windowsill. How to grow strawberries in pots, to bloom andfruited

Чт, 16 июн 2016 Автор: Лилиана Кузнецова

If you really want to grow strawberries, but there is no dacha, not

Take to grow strawberries in pots – it is interesting!

It is best to grow pot repair self-pollinated and
ampelous varieties.

Plant strawberry seedlings in a pot that is not too thick to
The seedlings touched a little, but did not shade the neighboring bushes.

Fig. 1. Ampelnaya strawberry


The choice of varieties of strawberries for growing in pots on the balcony

There are 3 types of strawberries:

– strawberry varieties that produce one crop in the middle of summer;

– varieties in which berries are formed in spring and autumn;

– remontantnaya, she bears fruit all the time.

Experts advise buying for cultivation in pots varieties
remontant strawberries. She has no special requirements for day length, she
fruits year-round, and ampelnye varieties will hang beautifully with

For example, gardeners recommend planting “Queen Elizabeth”, in
She has a very large number of berries that are collected from the bush. She is
gives a mustache. Also suitable are “Homemade dessert”, ampelnaya “Frapendula”.
�”Bolero” does not give a mustache, but it bears fruit throughout the season. These varieties
give a harvest for the first year.

The choice of varieties of strawberries for growing in pots at home

According to the recommendations of people who grow strawberries on
window sill, best for this variety: “Dutch”,
�”Homemade delicacy”, “Elsanta”, “Geneva”, “Eros”, “Queen
Elizabeth 2 “.

Soil for strawberries

Best to get ready-made universal soil for strawberries
in the shop. But you can make the land yourself. Take for this equal
parts of humus, sand and earth.

Or make a compost pile in the fall – dig a trench
put the leaves there, put the cut grass and tops. Sprinkle with
a mixture of humus, sand and earth. Pour still the earth “Magic
грядка», купленную in the shop. Cover with black film and edges
film sprinkled with earth. In the spring the ground will be ready.

Take pots with a diameter of 18 cm, drainage, as
Strawberries do not like stagnant moisture. At the bottom of the pots put the fragments from
bricks, small pebbles, expanded clay.

Potted strawberries: from seeds

1. How to collect your seeds?

Leave one of the largest berries on the bush. When she matures,
then tear, wipe in a strainer under running cold water, after
put in a glass of water and leave for 3 days, then the flesh
will move away from the seed. Next, rinse and dry on a napkin.

2. Planting seeds

1. Purchase strawberry seeds at your local nursery. The best thing
sow in mid-February. Fill the drainage pot with sand
half, then pour the earth mixture, thoroughly pour.

2. Spread the seed over the ground. Since they are very
small, then you can do it with tweezers. Press the seeds a little.

3. Put snow on top.

Fig. 2. Planting seeds клубники

4. Cover the pots with polyethylene film or glass.

5. Set the pots in the sun. If you plant strawberries in winter,
then place the peas near the radiator.

6. Water the planting. Let the earth be wet, but not too much.
raw. See that the soil does not dry.

7. When the first shoots appear, remove the film. Now earth
will dry faster, so remember to check the soil and
water it.

8. Tear out sprouts. Let the seedlings grow at a distance of 15

9. Ground the surface of the ground.

Planting seedlings

If you want to plant in the pots seedlings, taken from his cottage,
then choose healthy bushes, put them in a small container with soil
and put in 14 days in a cool place, so you will provide the bushes
rest period. After carefully lift the bush from the temporary container,
Carefully shake off the excess dawn.

To grow strong roots of seedlings, put in 5 liters of water 1
heteroauxin tablet. Put the seedlings in solution with
heteroauxin, so that they are saturated with it. Leave for 18 hours.
After spreading the roots on the surface of the soil in a pot. Sprinkle with
soil so that the socket was above ground level. Seal the ground.
Carefully pour water, where you will see dips, pour
the soil.

Strawberries in pots at home: conditions for flowering and

Potted strawberries are advised to be placed in the south and southeast
window sill, as the bushes love good lighting.

If your strawberry grows in a pot or hanging basket, then
turn the container, then the plant will be lit from different

In winter, plants need additional lighting, they can
light the fluorescent lamps so that the culture has a 12 hour
day. Strawberries can be watered through the pan, but not poured
stands, or the rhizomes will rot, and green algae will appear on the ground.
Then the rhizomes stop getting oxygen, and the strawberries are not
will grow.

If the strawberry leaves are pale, then add a pinch of ground
coffee in the ground, it will add nitrogen to the soil. If you noticed
that the rhizomes peep out of the hole in the bottom of the pot, then transplant
Bush in a larger pot.

Strawberries love soil with a pH = 5.3-6.5. You can to pour
a handful of compost in a pot once a month. Once a week is necessary
feed strawberries with ash and pink solution
potassium permanganate. When the ovaries appear, stop feeding.

When the first flower stalks appear, remove them so that the strawberries
managed to grow powerful leaves. Second peduncles grow through
2-3 weeks, but they are much more powerful and stronger than the first. Usually on
peduncle 7-9 buds. You can оборвать 4—5 бутонов, оставив по
3-4. Then the berries will be big.

It is necessary to spray the strawberries with well-settled water, and
also substances with iron, as it helps tab

In addition, some remontant varieties produce sets
whiskers, if you want to collect as many berries as possible, then cut
mustache scissors as they consume a lot of nutrients and
therefore greatly reduce the yield.

After 2 months you will harvest the first harvest. When flowering
draw a soft brush over the flowers to make them pollinate. Right away
pick ripe berries, those that hang for a long time, can rot.
Shrubs cease to yield for 4 years.

After picking the berries, you need to cut the leaves and put the pots with
bushes in a dark place for 3 months, it will be a period of rest, in this
time you need to water the bushes to the ground was not dry.

Strawberries in pots on the balcony

При посадке в горшки оставляйте дистанцию между кустами в 20 cm.
On the balcony you can also highlight strawberries with lamps to ensure
12 hour day. Pollinate plants yourself daily
put a fan in front of a blooming strawberry. Watch out for
watering, the soil should not be dry, but not too wet. Two
times a month, feed the bushes with fertilizers.


Until the buds unfold, the bushes are sprayed from
blackflies and other insects composed of herbs. Take: leaflets
nettle, celandine, hot pepper pods, pour boiling water.
Leave overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion, dilute with water and
spray bushes.

Spider mite and aphid

On the immature berries often spider mite appears. It can
notice a small cobweb on the plants, and sick leaves
turn yellow and dry.

To eliminate the pest make the tincture: add 2 finely
chopped garlic cloves in 100 g of water and spray the bushes fresh
infusion, it helps well from spider mites and aphids.


If the berries on the balcony begin to peck the birds, fix
wire mesh over the pot.

Strawberry Mite

If you planted sore bushes, then in the spring, as soon as they appear
the first leaves, spray them with the composition of “Sulfur colloid” or
�”Karbofos”. 10 days before blooming, spray

Fig. 3. Strawberry Mite


You can поставить на балконе банки с компотом, тогда осы
distracted by compote and will not touch the berries.


Fusarium and late blight, with him on the edges
leaves appear necrosis, in the future the leaves become brown and
die off. When fitoftorozny withering bushes grow very poorly,
leaves become grayish. Then die off the rhizomes.

If you plant strawberries in seedlings in pots, then for prevention
Before planting, wet the rhizomes with Humate K solutions (with
concentration of 15 g / l) and agate 25k (with a concentration of 7 g / l).

Mealy dew

With this disease, the leaves curl and become purple.
color, they have a mealy patina. With the defeat of the plants need
spray it with the composition: in 15 l of water add 30 g of soap, azocene and
copper sulphate and 15 g of “Topaz”. But you can use the composition
just before strawberry bloom.

Fig. 4. Mealy dew

Gray rot

It is found by the fact that the berries are visible light brown
the specks having a fluffy raid. The berries dry up and
mummified. For prevention you need to mulch the ground in
pots finely chopped with straw or pine needles. In the spring when
the beginning of the growth of leaves, spray the bushes 2-4% Bordeaux

Brown leaf spot

Brown spots appear on the leaves and sepals, then they
are increasing.

White leaf spot

Brownish and purple specks appear on the leaves. When
The new seedlings will grow the first leaves, then spray them 2-4%
бордоской fluid. When the berries are fastened, it is impossible to carry
обработки до конца fruiting.

That is, if you do not have a summer cottage or you have no place to plant
strawberries, then you can plant strawberries in pots and grow them in
room or on the balcony. Strawberries perfectly decorate the windows in
apartment or loggia, both during flowering and when

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