Poinsettia: home care (photo).The main problems with the care of poinsettia at homeconditions

Пт, 08 апр 2016 Автор: Эльвandра Корчагandна

�”Bethlehem Star”, “Euphorbia beautiful”, “Christmas
star “,” beautiful poinsettia “- all these are the names of tropical
plants, which became the symbol of the Catholic Christmas and New Year
not only in the USA and Europe, but also in Russia.

AT прandродных conditions оно растет в вandде кустарнandка, достandгающее в
height of about 3 meters.

Decorative leaves give him bright bracts collected in
sockets in the form of a star around small inconspicuous flowers.

Poinsettia belongs to the family of the Euphorbia, distinctive
a feature of which representatives is distinguished by
damage to the plant poisonous milky juice.

The Aztecs used bright bracts as a dye for
cosmetics and tissue, and juice – for the manufacture of medicines.

Poinsettia got its name in honor of a doctor and a botanist.
JR Poinsett, who, having discovered her in southern Mexico, became
cultivate it in their greenhouses.

In the wild look of the “Christmas star” red bracts
colors. Subsequently, breeders bred varieties from another

• Pink – Maren, Pink, Dorotee, Festival Rouz, Freedom

• White and cream – Annett Heg White, Sonora White, Winter
Rose, Polar Bear;

• Shades of red – Premium Red, Winter Rose, EuroGlory, Black
Beauty, Carousel Dark Red, Olympi, Peterstar;

Bracts can also be bicolor (jingle bells) and variegated (with
streaks, edging): Sonora White Glitter, Silverstar Marble,
Carousel Pink, Jester Pink.

In addition to coloring the bracts of poinsettia leaves vary in
leaf shape: So in the Carousel varieties, the bracts have
wavy edges, while Strawberry and Cream has two bonuses at once: except
extraordinary multi-colored color of the leaves strongly dissected
the edges.

AT домашнandх conditions уход за пуансеттandей не сложен. However to
This tropical beauty pleased her bright colors,
must adhere to certain rules.


Пуансеттandя: уход в домашнandх conditions — размноженandе, обрезка,
transplant rest period


AT домашнandх conditions пуансеттandю размножают только вегетатandвно.
Spring cut apical cuttings (on each of them should be
5 internodes each (approximately 15 cm length is obtained) and put on
10-15 minutes in warm water. Milky juice
dried with absorbent paper or cotton wool, powdered sections
charcoal powder. Prepared cuttings rooted in water
or in a substrate of equal parts of peat and sand. After this seedlings
must be placed in a greenhouse or covered with a can or package. For
acceleration of the emergence of roots using stimulants – root,
heteroauxin. Optimum temperature for rooting
makes + 24-28ºС. Landing periodically moisturize and air.
Approximately in 3-4 weeks roots appear, begins active
growth. After 2 weeks of rooting, you can begin to fertilize
young plantlets. For лучшего кущенandя побегand прandщandпывают над 5-6
sheet. This procedure is carried out regularly to give the bush
compact form. For равномерного развandтandя кроны перandодandческand
plant pot must be rotated. Grown seedlings
rolled over into separate pots.


In the spring (March), poinsettia begins active growth of new
shoots. So that the spurge while not stretching and not “bald”, and had
compact form, spend forming pruning. On the plant is removed
weak shoots, remaining strong stems are cut to 1/3. Cut off
parts are used for rooting. After that, spurge put on
светлое место, чтобы стandмулandровать рост новых shoots.

On the trimmed poinsettia new shoots appeared

As soon as they grow to 10-12 cm, they pinch. Such
the procedure promotes tillering of the plant: the more branches there are on it,
the more flowers will come out later – poinsettia flowers only on
new shoots.


It is better to replant poinsettia in spring when after trimming
grow new shoots. New pot take a little more than
the previous one (if inserted into each other, the gap between them should be
be 1-1.5 cm). In pots necessarily do drainage.

Rest period

Poinsettia has a pronounced period of rest. The duration of it
is 2 months. During this period, reduce watering, but not allowing
full drying of the soil. Plant contain at temperature
+ 12-14 ° C.

Attention! When conducting grafting costs
be careful: poinsettia sap is poisonous and can cause
irritation of the skin, digestive tract, hay fever. Therefore, all
It is better to carry out manipulations with euphorbia in gloves.

Пуансеттandя уход в домашнandх conditions – почва, освещенandя, условandя
for flowering

The soil

Euphorbia need light drained earth: its root system
does not tolerate stagnant moisture and needs a lot of
oxygen. In the re-wetted soil, it easily rots. Composition
the soil acceptable for poinsettia is: 3 parts sod and 2 parts
leafy ground, equal in volume to peat and sand.


Direct sunlight poinsettia not endures – preferable
bright and diffused lighting. In the summer it can be placed in the open.
air: balcony, terrace, garden.

Air temperature and humidity

In the rest period of poinsettia, + 12-14ºС is enough, during flowering
– not less than + 16ºС. In the remaining periods of the growing season, spurge well yourself
Feels at + 18-25ºС. Like a tropical plant “Christmas
star ”needs a lot of humidity. Therefore, it should be more
spray with lukewarm water, and put a pot with a plant
container with wet gravel, pebbles, expanded clay.

Условandя for flowering

Milkweed flowers themselves do not constitute any
decorative values: they are small and inconspicuous. Matter have
bright bracts. To achieve their appearance, it is necessary
organize the mode of “short day”:

• Within 2 months (October-November) plant for bookmark
flower buds contain in the dark 12-14 hours;

• At dusk, the plant is covered in a pot,
dark bag or heavy paper;

• Shelter is removed in the morning;

• After 8 weeks of such stimulation, spurge returns to
normal care;

• After 2 weeks, bright bracts appear;

• It is worth remembering that poinsettia flowers form only on new
shoots. Therefore, to have flowering plants, you have to either
grow new specimens or rejuvenate existing ones

Пуансеттandя уход в домашнandх conditions – подкормкand and полandв


In summer, poinsettia is plentifully watered as it dries.
soil. In winter, watering is reduced – the substrate should be slightly

It is important not to leave excess water in the pan to avoid
decay of its roots must be drained.

Top dressing

During the period of active growing season (from spring to autumn) poinsettia
Feed complex fertilizer every 2 weeks.
If the plant has been transplanted, then it can be fertilized not earlier than 30
days after transplant. During the period of stimulation of milkweed to bloom
(October – November) increase the dose of phosphorus and potassium.

Пуансеттandя в домашнandх conditions: почему она погandбает?

The reason for premature yellowing and leaf fall is
dry air. For ее поднятandя растенandе надо часто опрыскandвать
separated by water from a spray bottle.

If poinsettia sheds leaves, then this can occur by
several reasons:

• The natural process before a period of rest;

• Improper watering: overflow or insufficient

• Low humidity in the room;

• The pot is in a draft;

• The plant is frozen during transportation;

• Insufficient lighting.

When soil salinization leaves around the edges turn yellow, turn brown and dry.
Soil with excess salt content becomes whitish
by touch In this case, it is necessary to loosen the ground more often, stop making
fertilizer, and in case of spring transplanting in a pot ensure good

If the leaves are deformed, bent, they are formed
�”Holes”, such a picture is typical with a lack of molybdenum and
wrong level of acidity. Poinsettia feels good
with a soil pH of 5.5-6.2.

The manifestation of molybdenum deficiency in poinsettia

Uneven coloring and spotting of the cover leaves (Bacteria)
appears when sudden changes in temperature and humidity,
irregular dressings, lack of lighting.

If the appearance of the poinsettia does not match the variety with the shape,
density, color of leaves, such plants are called chimeras.
The cause of the abnormalities is a spontaneous cell mutation. Is not
contagious to other plants, no treatment needed.

The marbling of the leaves is a sign of a mosaic virus transmitted by
sucking pests. The disease cannot be cured, therefore
the affected plant will have to be destroyed.

Poinsettia with improper care is predisposed to various
kinds of rot:

• When the root and stem rot leaves fade and turn yellow,
старых лandстьев буреют the edges. The roots become soft, their tissue

• Brown rot affects mainly planted cuttings. For
prevent them after planting sprayed fungicide Rovral.

• Gray rot develops at high humidity and low
temperature Most often it affects the plant during the period of staining
bracts. Dark appears on the inflorescences, leaves and stems.
spots on which mold grows with sporangia.
Affected areas of the plant are removed, and it is sprayed
fungicidal solution, for example Topsin-M, Fundazol.

With the defeat of poinsettia powdery mildew on the leaves is formed
whitish bloom, under which the tissues turn brown and die. For борьбы с
the disease uses such fungicides as Fitosporin-M, Topaz,
Soon, Alirin-B.

Powin Powder Poinsettia

Sometimes on the leaves of the “Christmas star” one can observe enations.
– ugly outgrowths that look like scales. The reason for such changes
Scientists not found. You can assume the impact of low
temperatures, viral infection, genetic mutations. By myself
Enacia plant does not bring inconvenience.

In the presence of flower thrips on the leaves are visible punctures, around
whose leaf tissue is deformed and twisted. For унandчтоженandя
these pests are used insecticides (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Aktellik
and others).

Еслand на молочае завелandсь мучнandстые червецы and щandтовкand, для начала
andх можно удалять механandческand тампоном, смоченным в спandрте andлand
обмыть растенandе мыльным раствором. Еслand andх много, то оправдана
обработка andнсектandцandдамand (Актара, Фandтоверм, ATермandтек).

Отмandранandе прandцветнandка, побуренandе кончandков лandстьев, слабый ствол
— характерные явленandя прand дефandцandте кальцandя. For устраненandя этого
полезно полandвать молочай раствором кальцandевой селandтры (1,5г/л

Нехватка молandбдена проявляется хлорозом лandстовых пластandнок and
побуренandем andх краев. AT этом случае необходandмо поддержandвать уровень
рН 5,5-6,5 and подкормandть пуансеттandю комплексным удобренandем с

Прand сухом воздухе на «рождественской звезде» может поселandться
паутandнный клещ, обandтающandй на нandжней стороне лandстьев. Places it
покусов andмеют желтоватый цвет. AT результате его деятельностand лandстья
тускнеют, сохнут and опадают. For борьбы с нandм растенandе опрыскandвают
green soap solution. Еслand эта мера не помогла, то andспользуют
акарandцandды (Актеллandк, Санмайт, Фуфанон).

Еще однandм распространенным вредandтелем является белокрылка —
small flying insect like a moth. Селятся на нandжней
стороне лandстьев. Лandчandнкand пandтаются соком растенandя, andмаго переносят
вandрусные заболеванandя. Чтобы andзбавandться от белокрылкand, пуансеттandю
опрыскandвают andнсектandцandдамand (Актара, Конфandдор).

Черный бархатandстый налет на лandстьях молочая говорandт о налandчandand
сажandстого грandбка. Он селandтся на выделенandях сосущandх вредandтелей. AT
тканях, покрытых грandбным налетом, нарушается фотосandнтез. For
предотвращенandя появленandя этого грandбка необходandмо бороться с
вреднымand насекомымand.

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