Planting strawberries in spring in open ground -secrets of a bountiful harvest. The nuances and rules of spring plantingstrawberries in the ground

Чт, 16 июн 2016 Автор: Татьяна Зайцева

Strawberry – a favorite berry, and quite unpretentious
a plant that can make a harvest on its own

If we consider all the features of the time and place of planting, the soil,
strawberry care, you can get sweet, tasty berries.

And it is quite logical that newcomers to garden culture
There are lots of questions about how best to plant strawberries in
open ground.

We will consider the answers to them.


Where better to plant strawberries in the spring in the open ground
– tips on choosing a site

One of the reasons why the strawberry harvest will be poor or
it will not be at all, there may be a wrong choice of place for
landing. You should not choose areas located on the southern slopes
– here it will snow before and it will harm the strawberry bushes.
It is important to take into account the permeability of the wind – the strawberry carries
constant drafts, and in winter the wind will entail blowing
snow, while the bushes will be important snow cover.
Surprisingly, this fragile plant requires no snow cover.
less than 20 cm!

You can not choose places located in the lowlands – here
cold air will stagnate, the earth will warm up longer
and the harvest will be late. Strawberries have high demands for light – in
shady terrain harvest can not wait. Therefore, choose
plot for planting strawberries need away from any buildings,
trees, shrubs – they can give completely unnecessary strawberries

If the region where the strawberries will be planted is often exposed
thaws, and then frost – strawberries may well die.
To avoid this, it is enough to cover it with spruce branches – it will save
temperature conditions.

When choosing a site for planting is important groundwater level. If a
they will flood the roots of strawberries – it will inevitably die.
It is important that the groundwater passes no closer than 80-100 cm from
surface. If a грунтовые воды залегают ближе, можно использовать
raised beds.

The former “tenants” of the beds where the strawberries will be planted are also important.
It is unacceptable to plant strawberries where cabbage previously grew,
cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, tomato, raspberry, pepper or
fruit trees.

Soil preparation before planting strawberries in open ground

Ideal for growing and rich strawberry harvest
black earth, sandy and loamy or forest dark gray soil.
If a грунт глинистый, следует добавить в него речной песок, в
proportions of 4 kg of sand per 1 m² of land. You can also add compost
peat and dig up well. Sour soil is “liquefied” with lime.

Before planting, the soil should be checked for bugs or
larvae, and if found, should be processed – 2
liter of ammonia solution per 1 hectare of land. Another way how
can disinfect the soil from potential fungal diseases,
is a land treatment with a solution of lime, copper sulfate and
water in proportion 500g / 50g / 10l. The resulting mixture is heated to 70.
градусов и распыляется на plot.

The soil where strawberries will be planted should be
cleared of weeds and their rhizomes. For this, the land is weeded, and
then the remains of weeds are removed by hands. Then you can go to
soil fertilization procedure. It will require peat, mineral
fertilizers without chlorine or humus. Start preparing the soil for planting
Strawberries in spring can be from autumn.

Schemes and methods of planting strawberries in the spring in the open ground

Before planting, carefully select the seedlings. Perfect,
if their roots do not exceed 8 cm (if they are longer – should
cut them), and the tip should have 5 whole, healthy
leaves. The more small hairs on the rhizome, the
it is better.

Novice gardeners can choose for themselves various ways.
landing, but more will be available private, lines. but
should consider all options.

So, the main ways of planting strawberries

• bush method;

• Method of planting nests;

• Landing in rows;

• Carpet method.

При использовании кустового способа рассаду
planted in the form of rectangles between which adhere
distances of 0.5 m horizontally and about 70 cm vertically.
Strawberries planted in this way will get a lot of air and
places for development, but will require more thorough care –
remove whiskers, weeds, loosening the soil and mulching.

Посадка гнездами более популярна, чем кустовой
way to. With this type of planting, 1 bush is planted, and
a distance of 10 cm from him planted another 6-7 bushes on an equal
away from each other. There must be a distance between each nest.
not less than 30 cm

Рядовая посадка, или посадка строками — самый
easy way to plant strawberries, where you can get
impressive harvest. Each bush is planted at a distance of 15-20
see from each other, in a row. Maintain distance between rows
at least 40 cm. Care is provided for the same as in other cases.
– loosening removal of weeds, cutting off whiskers.

Ковровый способ — это наилучший выход в том
In the event that a novice grower cannot regularly take care of
plants. With this method of landing is not required to tear off the antennae
strawberries, seedlings quickly cover the ground with a “carpet” where they form
your microclimate. Planting strawberries in this way is necessary in rows,
observing the distance between the bushes – 6-7 cm, and between the rows –
25-30 cm. Strawberry harvest with this method of planting will not bring
large berries, but the care will be less troublesome.

Перед посадкой strawberries in the ground рассаду необходимо подготовить.
Experienced gardeners recommend hardening procedure – for this bushes
keep a few days in a cool place where the temperature is not
exceeds 15 degrees.

After selecting the appropriate planting pattern, the wells are dug,
the depth of which must be at least 7 cm. As recommended
above, the length of the rhizome should not exceed 8 cm, because
located in the ground it will be vertical. Before planting
strawberries in the holes are advised to treat the roots with a solution of water,
which contains 1 tsp of copper sulfate and 2-3 tbsp. spoons
salt. This will help the roots resist pests.

Falling asleep with strawberries in the ground is very important not to sprinkle.
sockets because they contain fertile buds. If a в
�”Heart” will fall the earth, the plant may die.

Planting strawberries in the open ground in spring – care, watering and fighting
with pests

Strawberry care is not a difficult process. Right after
planting and as the soil dries should be watered. To not
to allow rotting, especially in the fertile period, is required
mulching – sprinkling of beds with sawdust, cut cardboard,
sand, paper, straw or plastic. This method will help
retain moisture, prevent weeds from appearing, protect strawberries
from overheating and reduce the frequency of watering. Laying mulch will
effective when choosing the right time – it should be laid on
moist soil, but in dry weather. Should not hold
procedure under the hot sun – it is better to wait for cloudy weather or

Further care for strawberries is to shelter the beds on
winter, cutting off the buds and whiskers during the growing season
period, and at the onset of the new spring – fertilizing the soil, removing
dried foliage, processing plants from pests. At one place
strawberries can produce crops for 3-4 years, and then better
поискать новое место для посадки клубники в open ground.

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