Planting primrose seeds of all the rules: the timingseeding, care features. How to grow good primrose seedlings fromseed

Пн, 27 мар 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Garden primrose refers to spring primroses,
to grow that is not so simple. Often failure befalls even
experienced gardeners.

But the loss of part of the seedlings does not mean that to plant and
it is impossible to grow a primrose. The process requires endurance, knowledge and


How to choose primrose seeds for planting

For planting it is better to use fresh, just collected.
seeds. Even with proper storage by spring germination
will fall by 40%. What to say about store seeds, storage conditions
which are unknown.

Important! The older primrose seeds, the
longer time they need to germinate. Often the seeds are just
do not sprout at all.

You need to collect the seeds together with the boxes to prevent
self-scattering. Next, the seeds ripen in a cool place.
A temperature of about 20 ° C is already destructive for planting.

If you collect your own seeds is not possible, then
When buying, pay attention to the expiration dates indicated on

Правила проращивания seed примулы

Не стоит отчаиваться, если своих seed нет. Growing success on
90% зависит не только от seed, но и от агротехники выращивания.
Therefore, purchase seeds shortly before planting primroses, better.
total late autumn or early spring.

Immediately proceed to landing. During the summer landing will have a little
tinker, regularly water the bed and mulch it with humus.
Sowing at the same time carried out directly into the soil, surface. how
only sprouts will appear, and a second pair of leaves, primroses will form
need to pick out. Plants grown this way for the winter
Be sure to cover with a thick layer of dry leaf mulch.

It is better to spend podzimny planting primroses in boxes, but not earlier than
stable frosty temperature will be established, and the soil is enough
will freeze. In this case, the seeds also have a superficial, but
cover with dry leaves, then cover with foil. In such
able to leave them in the penumbra until the spring. Shelter is removed,
as soon as the snow melts.

Tip! Sub-winter seeding
густо, часть seed может вымерзнуть или вымокнуть.

how только появятся всходы, примулы регулярно поливают. Even
short-term drought has a detrimental effect on plants.

In spring, primrose is planted on seedlings in late February or early
Martha. The seeds are not buried in the soil, the container is covered with a film and
clean in a cold place where the temperature does not fall below -10 C.
Stratification is carried out throughout the month. After this containers
transferred to a warm room with a temperature of +16 C and good
light. After some time, should appear first
seedlings. Seedlings carefully watered, airing the greenhouse.

how вырастить качественную рассаду примулы из seed

Primrose grows and develops rather slowly, therefore
be patient. Dive seedlings as soon as they appear
second or third pair of leaves. With this tiny plant
hook with tweezers and transfer to the pot. Primrose need to replant
several times as you grow. Grow plants before planting in the garden
need two years.

Containers for growing seedlings fit any, most importantly,
so that they have enough drainage holes and good drainage
layer. Почву для посадки примулы из seed выбирают плодородную,
loose, but rough in structure. Seedlings are suitable.
or independently prepared soil from such

• turf soil – 1 part;

• sand – 1 part;

• leaf humus – 2 parts.

Before planting, the soil is not sifted, in a container it is good
water, so that it is sealed, there were no grooves and holes.

На качество рассады влияет предпосадочная обработка seed. If a
seeds were bought at the store, then there is no such processing
of necessity. Manufacturers pickle them beforehand
by packing.

Self-collected seeds from the dacha necessarily
disinfected to avoid the appearance of fungal diseases,
which will destroy the landing primrose. For this, seeds are soaked in
solution of potassium permanganate or a suitable fungicide for 20 minutes, after
what they are washed in clean water and dried.

Primrose Seedlings Care

The main task of the gardener – neat watering. Should not be allowed
waterlogging of the soil and its dryness. The soil should always be
moderately wet.

Do not rush early to open the greenhouse with shoots, they
develop so slowly that it is not soon buried in shelter. But
high humidity seedlings needed.

During irrigation water should not fall on the tender shoots
gently water the soil from a syringe, syringe or other
improvised materials.

Before planting a primrose in the garden, it does not need extra
harden Only the largest bushes per week are carried out on
the street.

how посадить примулу в саду (фото)

At the permanent place primroses transplanted in the spring, when it passes
threat of frost or early fall. In summer, plants can
grow in a container.

Planted primula in the open place with moderate lighting, under
trees or shrubs. Direct sunlight is not allowed.
The soil on the plot should be loose and nutritious. But it is more
depends on the variety of primrose. Be sure to pay attention to this.

During transplantation, try not to injure the roots;
seedlings in the hole along with the earthy clod, method of transshipment.
Equally important is the distance between plants. For
development of primrose need enough space, so between large
bushes leave up to 30 cm, and small planted at a distance of 15

After transplantation, primroses mulch and water well. On the usual
growing mode they are transferred gradually. how правило, взрослые
plants are watered only during the drought.

Зацветают посаженые из seed примулы только через 1,5 года,
Some varieties will start up color only in the third year of cultivation. it
worth considering.

how размножать примулы

Garden primroses can be propagated by several

• division of the bush;

• leaf cuttings.

By dividing the bush, adult primrose bushes propagate well.
have grown up. For 4-5 years they are dug, the roots are washed under water and
share a sharp knife on the plots. Primroses are planted on new
place in mid-August or early September. Once planted
primroses, they are easy to propagate and at the same time get a lot of planting

Weak plants can be saved by propagating them with leaf cuttings.
A sheet with a heel is cut from the bush and rooted in a wet substrate
at a temperature of 16-18 C away from sunlight. When will
young shoots, plants are dug up and placed in a container, where they
hibernate. In the spring of plants are transferred to the garden.

What to do with primrose after flowering

When the plant ceases to bloom, the soil around it gently
loosen, remove weeds and leave it until autumn. At this time
primrose leaves grow, which you need to keep until winter.
They will serve as a natural shelter.

Autumn leaves can not be cut, because the flowers will shrink,
the plant is reborn. Old overwintered leaves are removed only.
in the spring.

Young primroses in regions with severe winters
укрывают сухой листвой, слой которой не менее 10 cm. Там, где
the climate allows enough snow cover, but with the arrival of spring
ice crust removed from the plant.

how видно, выращивать примулы непросто, но даже если выживет
at least a few plants – this is a reward for the work done.

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