Planting and care for the berry bed: why it driesStrawberry? How to prevent strawberry drying and fight thismisfortune

Пн, 11 июл 2016 BUTвтор: Марина Onч

Who among us does not like strawberries or garden strawberries.

This berry, ripening in May and June, is unusually tasty and
helpful. It is tasty fresh, excellent in preparations, jams,
compotes, jams, for freezing.

In order to get a good harvest of strawberries, it is necessary
properly plant and care. Often, with poor care, strawberries
spoils, is ill and does not give a crop. Why dries strawberries than she
sick and why, how to prevent this, you can find out
reading this article.


Planting and care for strawberries

In order to feast on excellent berries you need to properly
take care of the plants. Begins care with proper fit.

Первое правило — грамотно выбрать участок.
Mostly suitable for strawberry subacid soils, sandy
or loam, the surface should be flat, and the site is good
lighted and protected from the winds. Put it in the fall and spring. On
clay soils make compost or peat, add sand,
digging up. If the soil is acidic, it is lime.

In preparation for planting, weeds are removed and
. It is possible to plant strawberries on the open ground, and
also under film or geotextile, so that it covers
the main area of ​​the beds. This will help retain moisture under the plants.
and will not let the weeds grow, besides picking berries is easier.

Второе правило — выбор хорошей рассады. She is
must be healthy and of high quality. Take seedlings better in
nurseries or those who grow it properly.

Strawberries can be propagated with the help of seeds or with
помощью усов и рассады
. If planted in the spring, they take
young saplings, if in the fall – you can mustache of the current year, then
next year they will bloom and give berries. Seedlings roots
treated with fungicides and insecticides before planting.

Почему сохнет Strawberry? We ask ourselves a question. BUT
these are fungal diseases. Fungicide treatment of the roots before
planting is an important preventive measure for disease.

Shrubs do not plant deep, the socket must be level

Between plants should be 20 cm.

Between rows 40 cm. Planted in a highly moist ground, “in

Young plants need watering: if planted in summer, water
every day, until the seedlings take root. And, further, by
needs, preventing the drying of the soil.

If before planting the soil was fertilized, then in the first year of life
plants do not need to feed. If not, then make a composition of 15
g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt per 1
square meter. The soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

Such care for strawberries helps to avoid drying.

So why does the strawberry dry: pests and diseases

The leaves curl, turn yellow and dry, and the berries become
small and fall off the ovary. In order to decide what is the reason
drying the strawberries need to examine it.

Moles or a bear can damage plants. They gnaw
roots and even push bushes out of the soil.

Fungal diseases of strawberries contribute to the drying of leaves:
spotting, powdery mildew, verticillary wilt, gray and
late blight, anthracnose.

If at inspection of strawberry ridges some
affected plants, they should be pulled out and burned. When defeat
mass, it is worth treating fungicides. Best if
prophylactic spraying will be carried out. In early spring
period of fallen leaves to burn and the frozen plants must be removed.

Consider strawberry diseases and methods to combat

• Spotting. Why does strawberry dry?
you wonder. BUT она, может быть, поражена коричневой
spotted. This is a fungal disease, as a result of which
leaves die off, plants grow weaker and yield decreases. Expressed
it is outwardly in the form of brown spots that appear on the leaves, whiskers.
They increase in size and contribute to the death of leaves in
form of necrotic tissue. Mushroom winters fine on leaves and spring
causes new infections. For prevention should fall
spray beds with strawberries Ordan. Spring can apply
Falcon, Quadris, Ridomil, Metaxil. Also sprayed and after
berry picking bushes are not the first year of life.

• Mealy dew. A sign of her is
damage to leaf blades, mustache, berries. Onчинается оно с нижней
side leaves. It is a white bloom. Affected leaves
cease to grow, grow coarse and curl. The whiskers are also curled.
Then the tissues die off. Flowers in this period are incorrectly pollinated, and
the berries become ugly underdeveloped and with a mushroom flavor and
the smell. Mealy dew develops in warm, moist air. For
prevented treating plants during the period of growing leaves
means kvadris. BUT если болезнь уже проявилась, то после сбора
harvest – Fundazole, Switchem.

• Вертициллезное увядание может погубить на
second, third year since the onset of the disease, about 50% of the landings. This
the fungus acts on the vascular system of the plant, the roots and rosettes.
The bushes lay leaves. From the central parts peep out
deformed leaves reddish – yellow. If a
look at the cut of the affected root can be seen vessels
Brown color. Then they can affect both the leaves and the whiskers.
Prevention is the right care and choice of quality
healthy planting material. In the manifestation of his struggle
by spraying with the help of drugs Fundazol, Benorat or
дождеванием с them. If a disease is detected at an early stage,
also, trichoderma is used as a prophylaxis.

• Серая гниль может уничтожить до 60% ягод.
It develops well in areas heavily thickened and
unventilated, when grown for a long time in one place.
All aboveground parts of plants are affected. Most manifested
on the berries, with the appearance of rotting foci with spores. On листьях видна
dark gray or brown spots. For профилактики применяют
high-quality seedlings, high ridges, spraying by Euparin,
Switch, Topsinom M or Derozalom. When rainy weather sprayed
again after flowering. Affected berries should be removed, so
as disputes spread very quickly.

• Фитофтора — бич большинства садовых культур,
and strawberries as well. May affect roots and aboveground parts.
Especially in wet, warm weather. Pathogens are fungi. On растениях
there are specks of brown-gray, bordered by mold or
by touch Shrubs die when the disease spreads. To the measures of struggle
include proper care, quality seedlings, treatment with Ridomil,
Metaksilom, Kvadrisom.

• BUTнтракноз. Pathogen overwinter mainly
on infected shoots. Especially fast the disease develops in those
years when humidity is high in autumn and spring. Leaves and stems
covered with small gray-purple spots, stalks ulcerated, in
As a result, the shoots die. In order to prevent use landing on
high ridges, with healthy seedlings. When a disease is detected –
опрыскивание BUTнтраколом, Metaksilom, Kvadrisom.

They affect strawberries and pests: nematode, strawberry mite,
weevil, slugs.

Fighting them is an important step in getting a good harvest. For
rid of all these pests can be carried out comprehensive

In late September, take a bucket of water, add 2 tbsp there. spoons
ash, burnt vegetable oil, liquid soap, vinegar and these
composition sprayed plants. Apply also in early spring
colloidal sulfur or karbofos.

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