Planting an apple in autumn: advantages and disadvantages.Rules for transplanting and planting apple trees in the fall – time and step by stepintructions

ATс, 25 сен 2016 Автор: Сергей Осиев

As a rule, planting an apple tree in the fall is practiced in two cases –
planting cheap nursery seedlings or transplanting adults
garden trees. This landing has its advantages and
limitations. Let’s try to figure out how to do it right.


Selection of seedlings for planting apples in the fall from the nursery

Usually in nurseries adhere to the following cycle
выращивания саженцев:
осенью-зимой статифицируют семена и
planted wild in the greenhouse, in the spring they are grafted, and by the fall get
already ready planting material. Therefore, you can buy good
grafted saplings in the fall at a lower price than in the spring, as often
The nursery needs to free up space for new trees.

How to choose a good seedlings? First
queue need to pay attention to the place of vaccination. Vaccination more often
the whole is done by budding, that is, the kidney is grafted
tree on the wild. Externally, the site of vaccination looks like a small stump
with a bend. It is better if the vaccination site is from the root collar.
defend about 10-15 cm, such seedlings even with a drawdown
the soil will settle down well, and the grafting site will be above the ground.
The seedling itself is a rod about 60-70 in length.
cm, without branches. Some unscrupulous sellers sell
seedlings wild without vaccinations, so be sure to note
Is there a vaccine or not.

It is also worth looking at the presence of external damage to the cortex, and,
if seedlings are sold without land, on the integrity of the root

Photo of a good graft sapling

Terms of planting apple seedlings in autumn

If you planted an apple tree seedling in the spring, then in the summer the land under
the seedling will squander due to the fact that it will dry out. AT
As a result, the root neck may be lower than the soil level. In the autumn
however, it will dry out and sink much less. AT этом один
of the main advantages of the autumn planting.

Landing should be done at least two weeks before the first
frosts. AT средней полосе России это обычно в сентябре-октябре.
Planting earlier than mid-September is not recommended, because
prolonged daylight and high temperatures may begin to rise
leaves and shoots that are frozen in winter, for a seedling it will be
hard, it can not settle down and dry out.

Technology planting apple seedlings in the fall

ATначале выкапывают неглубокую ямку глубиной около 50-60 см. AT
it is laid a layer of humus, a good black earth or well
rotted manure, so thick that the root of the seedling
which would be planted on top, would be when landing above the level
soil. The root collar is easy to determine – look,
where the roots begin to grow on the seedling, the root neck will be higher
this place is about 4 cm.

Then put a seedling in the hole. It is held with one hand, and
the other is poured into the hole. In this case, the seedling will be a bit
sink down under the weight of the earth, it needs a little
poddergivat so that the root of the neck all the time was above the ground.
It is better if the earth is poured with a small mound. Land around
the seedling is trampled down so that it is on a slight elevation above
soil level, about 2 cm. It is necessary to trample down well.

After planting produce watering seedlings. Desirable in the water for
watering add potash fertilizer in small quantities.
Water at the rate of one bucket of water per sapling. No holes or
it is impossible to make holes around the seedling – if the water spreads,
water slowly from a watering can.

After that, the seedling is tied with a layer of roofing material from rodents, and
the ground around the seedling is mulched about 10 cm thick with a layer of loose
land or synthetic materials. Sawdust and peat not
recommended to use – with them you can bring out of the forest
tree beetles or microorganisms that are painful to trees.
Tie young seedlings, rods do not need – usually tied
more mature plants.

Photo of a planted apple tree:

Transplantation of adult saplings of apple in the fall

It is best to initially plant trees so that
continue to do without their transplant. However, if
it is planned to build some buildings in the place of apple trees, you can
resort to transplant.

For transplanting a tree is not older than 5 years. Before transfer
waiting for the leaves to fall almost completely off the trees, or even
would turn yellow. Before this point transplant can not begin. Before
A transplant approximately mark the orientation of the tree branches relative to
the corners of the world – in the future when transplanting it is desirable to plant
about the same as it grew before.

It is carefully dug out of the ground, keeping a layer of earth around
root cervix at a distance of about 40 cm in all directions intact.
Thick long roots will have to chop off. You should be able to
almost hemisphere with a diameter of about 70-80 cm

Tree carefully transferred together to the place of new planting.
ATыкапывают яму такого размера, чтобы корневая система
repotted tree it fit completely and it would remain
More space about 20 cm in all directions. Partially filled pit
humus or well rotted manure. Filled in layers of 10
cm, ram each layer well. Then dig a hole in shape.
корневой бульбы repotted tree, чтобы корневая шейка была
about 5 cm above the soil level. The seedling is placed in a pit and
upset, gently stomping feet on all sides. Then bark
trees for the winter are covered with roofing sheets from rodents and the ground is mulched in a layer
about 15-20 cm

After planting, the tree is watered with water in an amount of at least 5
buckets AT воду нужно добавлять калийные удобрения. AT дальнейшем
поливку продолжают до первых frosts.

Errors when planting apples in the fall and their consequences

• The most common mistake is incorrectly chosen.
the position of the root collar. It is necessary to determine very precisely where
root neck after planting a tree. It is convenient to use for this.
board, which laid across the pit when landing. Board thickness 2.5
cm, it is at this distance from the ground should be the root
neck – under the upper edge of the board.

• If the root collar is set too low down the tree trunk
it turns out to be in the ground, and after landing it will be curled. AT результате
peeling of the bark and the death of the tree is possible, and if the tree takes root,
it will come into fruition much later than during normal

• In contrast, if the root neck is located above ground level, in
such a tree will continue to experience problems in the summer
due to lack of moisture. It will bear fruit rather poorly
especially if these are early varieties that produce crops in
July and August.

• ATторая ошибка — недостаточно качественное притаптывание земли
при landing. This forms a layer of loose soil, which in
Soon, under the action of moisture will settle, and the position of the tree
will be significantly lower than the original. The same may occur.
problems, as with low located root neck.

• When transplanting mature trees often to save power
when carrying, choose a root system smaller than
required. This can not be done – the tree not only loses more
parts of their original root system, resulting in
can dry out, but it also appears that it can
to pull the wind out of the ground, as the transplanted apple tree will have
insufficient mass of support below.

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