Planting alissum in the garden: choose the right oneplace and grade. Caring for an alissum according to the rulesbreeding

Вт, 02 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Alyssum is an amazingly beautiful shrub that belongs
to the Cabbage family. Today there are over 170
species that are grown in Europe. Among them are found as
perennial and annual varieties of alissum.

Unusual shrub is a decoration of any garden. Shoots
plants branch well, covering the soil tightly. The leaves are small,
oblong, gray shade, pubescent. Simple foursight
flowers are collected in racemes. Alissum is good
honey, its aroma attracts insect pollinators. Coloring
colors can be white, yellow, pink or purple. Plant
conquered gardeners with their long flowering, which
It starts from early spring and continues until autumn. With proper
flower brushes become larger.


Growing alissum in the garden: how to use and with what to combine

Alissum flowers go well with other perennials. Their
placed in a group with Turkish carnations, dwarf irises and
tulips, marigolds, phlox. To achieve contrast alissuma
planted with other plants that bloom blue and red

Honey flavor can be emphasized by placing next to the shrub
decorative leafy plants. Designers often use this.
flower when creating rock garden, rock arias, all kinds of flower beds.

Varieties of perennial alissum (photo)

Perennial decorative culture is divided into three

• Alyssum rocky;

• Marine Alissum;

• Ampeln.

Скальный алиссум — это многолетнее plant с
well branching shoots, whose height reaches about 30 cm.
Its distinctive feature is that the flowering of this species
lasts more than a month. С возрастом plant нуждается в
rejuvenating procedures as shoots become bare. Sockets consist
from leaves of gray color. The bush is thickly covered with yellow buds,
which are assembled in brushes. If you place two plants next to each other, then
the flowering period of the bushes look solid bright carpet.

The flowering period of this species occurs in early spring.
With good care re-emergence of flowers is possible in the fall.
As a rule, it occurs in varieties with white color of flowers.

Grades of rocky alissum (photo)

• Golden wave – this species blooms in the second year
after landing. Plant невысокое, образует плотный ковер желтого
colors. Looks good in self landing and in group with
other perennials. The variety is very fragrant.

• Пленум — сорт с махровыми золотистыми flowers.

• Citrinum – used for clearance curb. Цветет plant
lemon color.

• Compactum – variety gives small fragrant inflorescences. Height
plants reach only 18 cm.

Sea Alyssum is distinguished by its tart flavor. Perennial
shrub grows in warm climates, reaches a height of about 40 cm
Widely distributed in coastal regions. Bushes are lush, with
creeping branches. Marine plant species exude aroma
honey Grassy shrubs are undemanding in care, however,
regular pruning of old shoots stimulates lush flowering.
Hybrid forms grow well on fertilized soils.

The most decorative is ampelnaya alissum, which is widely
used for growing in hanging pots, gardening terraces and
arbors. The most common was the Esther Bonnet variety, which
grown in baskets. Plant выглядит как пышный белый шар,
studded with many small flowers. To create a spectacular
the composition will need several plants in one pot.

Growing long-term alissum: planting, care, breeding
(a photo)

Location selection

Алиссум — неприхотливое plant, которое хорошо растет на
open sunny areas. In the shadows, he also feels good
but the bloom is not so memorable.

Place for planting need to pick a dry, well drained on
sunny plot. To the ground the ornamental shrub is not whimsical, but
acidic soils and wetlands are not suitable for its
cultivation. Preference should be given to neutral substrates.

Alyssum tolerates heat, does not suffer from a lack of watering.
Able to bloom even in dry years, but the duration
flowering is reduced. Excessive watering has a detrimental effect on
bush. However, young plants need increased

The place to grow alissum should be spacious, since
young shoots grow rapidly. One month after landing,
при хорошем уходе, plant покрывает довольно большую площадь.
Experienced growers recommend planting bushes at a distance of
30 cm

Soil preparation and planting

Perennial shrub varieties are grown through sowing seeds on
seedlings, which allows for earlier flowering. For this
The soil is prepared in advance by adding lime to it. Seeds
evenly distributed over the surface of the soil. Sprinkle them
land is not necessary. For germination they need light. Tanks
cover with glass or package, placed in a warm bright place. With
the appearance of the first shoots of glass need to be removed. Seedlings pretty
small, care should be taken carefully. Pick in
individual cups are carried out in the phase four of these

To bush well branched need to do nip sapling,
when it reaches a height of about 10 cm. After a while such
the plants are covered with buds. Seedlings are well tolerated landing in
open ground.

Experienced gardeners sow seeds directly into the ground. Do
This is needed in the fall or early spring. Sub-winter seeding is carried out when
the land is still warm. But if the weather is warm, it can
emerge shoots that need a good shelter for the winter.

Important! Sowing seeds for the winter allows
get plants that bloom before the rest. With этом
their bloom is more magnificent.

Spring sowing is done when the temperature is established.
air is not below +15 degrees. Young shoots need good
leaving: watering, weeding. Thinning seedlings carried out after
how they are strong enough. After the procedure between plants should
stay at least 15 cm. Such plants do not bloom before

Care after landing

Plant не требует какого-то особенного ухода. The whole process
comes down to shearing and trimming. After winter, remove all broken
shoots and dried leaves. At the end of the summer you need to remove flower stalks and
weak branches that stimulate re-bloom at the end
of the season.

Regular feeding alissuma well affect the state
plants. Recharge should be carried out twice a season. Fertilize
plant нужно минеральными комплексами или органикой. It gives
his strength for growth and abundant long flowering.

With неправильном уходе и несоблюдении режима полива алиссум
exposed to diseases: gray rot, powdery mildew, rust and
spotting All of them are formed in conditions of high humidity.
ground. Sick plants destroy. As a preventive need
reduce the level of humidity of the air and soil, carry out spraying
special preparations.

Multiplication of long-term alissum

Experienced gardeners successfully propagate perennial varieties of plants
the division of the old bush and cuttings. Cuttings need
spend in the summer. Separated shoots are planted in light nutritious
the soil is well watered.

The division of the bush is carried out in the spring, during the period of seed planting, somewhere in
early may. For this старые кусты выкапывают, разделяют острым
knife so that each of them had enough shoots. On the new
месте за plantм хорошо ухаживают: хорошо поливают, притеняют,

Varieties of annual alissum

Many gardeners prefer to grow one-year-old alissum –
lobularia Это plant довольно привлекательно, образует пышные
bushes. Today there are many varieties

• The Snow Queen;

• Golf;

• Vanilla cloud.

In landscape design, a combination of annuals is very often used.
and perennial varieties of alissum, which complement each other.

Annual species are propagated only by seeds that
sown immediately on the beds.
The best time for sowing: the end
April or early May. If the nights are still cold, then the bed should be
cover with nonwoven covering material. After seedlings
get stronger they can be transplanted to a permanent place. Care
one-year-old alissum includes watering, weeding and application
fertilizer. Seed collection is carried out after their maturation.

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