Pine nuts storage – how to? howto store pine nuts at home – the basic principlestricks

Чт, 27 окт 2016 Автор: Алексей Рюхин

The population of Siberia is well acquainted with such a food product as
Pine nuts. They not only have a vast amount
nutrients and elements, but also really tasty!

The composition of these nuts is a huge amount of polysaturated
fatty acids that protect the human body from diseases
cardiovascular, nervous system, as well as improving sleep and
total blood composition.

To store such a product, it is important to arrange appropriate
conditions, the organization of which we will discuss later.


Storage rules for pine nuts of different processing

To organize the storage of pine nuts, it is necessary
take into account their variety. There are the following:

• peeled unroasted nuts;

• peeled roasted nuts;

• uncleaned in cones;

• Uncleaned, located in the shell.

The answer to the question of how to store pine nuts in the home
conditions will depend on the variety concerned.

Preparation for storage of pine nuts

Before storing pine nuts,
prepare them for this procedure. To start
nuts are dried according to the following algorithm:

• scatter the nuts in a thin enough layer on a canvas or
baking sheet;

• put in a warm place with low humidity;

• wait a few days.

The process of drying pine nuts can also be carried out in
specialized dryers. It is necessary not to overdry
nuts, after all overdried are stored as bad as wet.
Therefore, in order to avoid this, nuts must be dried during drying.
mix, while controlling the entire drying process.

Pine nuts storage – peeled and raw

The storage of pine nuts of this variety can be
produced in two ways:

• by placing them in a refrigerator;

• by storing them in the freezer.

The first method requires:

• place the pine nuts in a glass jar;

• cover the product in such a way as to prevent
absorption of foreign smells by nuts and, at the same time, does not
let them suffocate;

• put in the fridge.

Nuts can be stored in this manner for about 3 months.

If, when answering the question of how to store pine nuts in
at home, the freezer was selected, then follows:

• place the product in a plastic bag that is intended
for freezing;

• tightly close the bag;

• Place in the refrigerator, inside the freezer.

The shelf life in this case will be about six months.

how хранить кедровые орехи в домашних условиях, которые
cleaned and fried

Unfortunately, the storage of such for a long time is not
seems possible. Use the product in this form
recommended for a maximum of three days.

Long storage is not allowed due to the large amount of oil in
pine nuts, which becomes rancid.

Pine nuts stored in cones

The method of storage of pine nuts in cones is not gained significant
popularity primarily due to sufficient
short duration. Nuts are stored very little in this way,
while losing their taste and beneficial properties.

However, when the need arises to store cedar
nuts in this way should be:

• put the nuts in a canvas bag;

• move the bag to a dark and cool room;

• Suspend the bag from the ceiling to block access to it.

Important! The room should not have
high relative humidity! Otherwise it is possible
product mildew!

how хранить кедровые орехи в домашних условиях, если они
are in the shell

So, how to store pine nuts at home, if they
located in the shell? Process can be organized
in three ways:

• in canvas bags;

• in specialized plastic bags with
gas transmission membrane;

• in a refrigerator.

Storage in canvas bags is carried out in the same manner as
and for pine cones.

If plastic bags were chosen, then the storage time
may not exceed three months. The quality of the nuts should
constantly checked.

Finally, the inshell nuts can be stored as
peeled raw – in the refrigerator. Procedure Procedure
the same product is placed in a glass jar and covered
a lid.

So, knowledge of the basics of storing pine nuts is the key to preserving
those beneficial and taste for a long
time span.

Many aspects need to be considered, such as temperature in
the room and the relative humidity level – otherwise,
pine nuts quickly deteriorate.

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