Physalis: decorative and edible – we growat his dacha! How to get on the plot near the house a good harvestphysalis

Чт, 12 май 2016 Автор: Евгений

Physalis is not yet very common in our cottages, but those
who grew it, still planted at least a few

This plant is very beautiful and you can cook a lot of it.
delicious dishes.

They make quite good jam from it, prepare candied fruits and caviar, make
pickled fruit, salt.

Vegetable Physalis – the most cold-resistant plant among all
solanaceous crops.

WITHеянцы physalis не выдерживают минусовых температур, всходы
stand up to 2 degrees of frost.

Drought tolerant, light-loving culture, grows well on
light, with a lot of organic soil. This plant
practically not ill, he is not afraid of late blight and the like
fungal diseases, and the Colorado potato beetle bypassing Physalis.


ATиды и сорта physalis

Овощной физалис. Start growing Physalis
better with a mexican look. Its fruits are often used when
cooking in various restaurants, it is appreciated by gourmets. WITH
one plant can gather up to 200 full fruits, use
in food, vegetable Physalis is not only fresh, caviar is prepared from it,
it is salted, pickled, it is part of fruit candies, from it
prepare candied fruits, jam, marmalade.

Top grades:

• Likhtarik;

• Large-fruited;

• Moscow early;

• Gribovsky ground;

• Kinglet.

All these varieties are suitable for both fresh use and
and for conservation.

Физалис земляничный. In another way it is called
pubescent or Florida Physalis, its fruit is smaller,
but with a stronger flavor and sweeter. It consists of two times more
fruit sugars than raspberries or strawberries. This culture
advised to grow people whose family has a diabetic. WITH
good bush to get up to 3 kg of fragrant fruits, they are easy
to dry, after drying, the fruits become externally similar to raisins.
The disadvantage is that the berries have a slight taste, which is not
everyone likes it but is easy to eliminate if before use
pour over the berries with boiling water.

Изюмный физалис. Strawberry variety
forms, but it has a pineapple note and a slight sourness,
приготовленный из такого physalis мармелад и сок напоминает
tangerine. In the “cheholchiki” covering the fruit, in cool
помещении этот вид physalis может храниться до шести месяцев.

Перуанский физалис. The species is popular all over the world.
fruits are large, flattened, with intense
strawberry-orange flavor, sweet and sour, pleasant taste.
ATысушенные плоды этой разновидности physalis очень похожи на
dried apricots.

Декоративный физалис. Over the summer the bush grows
up to 60 cm, with nondescript white flowers, but with the onset
In the fall, he transforms, forming bright orange lanterns to red
fruit in it. After a certain period of time the flashlight becomes
transparent – only the veins and the beautiful berry become visible.
Twigs with lanterns, look great in dry bouquets.

Physalis sowing seeds

They say that this plant is an excellent option for the lazy –
plant ripening and resistant to low temperatures, moreover,
Physalis gives a good harvest. And there is no need to mess with
seedlings, you can sow it right on the garden bed. And that is typical for
this culture it reproduces beautifully by self-sowing. But if you want
get tasty fruit early, it is desirable to grow it
rassadny way. Use any agrotechnical
tricks and create unusual conditions for him there is no need
– Physalis brings a good harvest and half of the rays of the hot sun and
partial shade, grows well on sand and on heavy ground. The only thing
what he does not like – high acidity of the soil and stagnant water.
To fill the soil with organic fertilizers is better under the previous ones.

ATыращивание physalis рассадным способом

Sow the seeds of this crop can be started immediately after
how will the New Year holidays. Sowing is desirable to produce in
individual containers (0.5 cups are best suited
l.). In mid-March, seeds can be sown in seedling boxes, and in
time of landing on the bed carefully split the seedlings. When air on
the street warms up to 8 degrees, you can begin hardening seedlings –
make it in the afternoon in the sun.

Использование рассадного способа при выращивании physalis,
will allow to get not only an early harvest, but also his noticeable
increase, as the productive period of plants (flowering time and
fruiting) increase.

Physalis – sowing in soil

In the southern and central regions of the country, any kind of this
crops can be grown on your site in a reckless way. AT
the last decade of April or in the first decade of May, they sow
seed directly to the beds, leaving 30 cm between rows and between plants
in the range of 15-20 cm. After punching the seedlings, they should be left after 25
see in a row. Broken seedlings should not be thrown away, they can be
disembark at any place you like, they will take root in a short
term and with a delay of 1-2 weeks will give a normal harvest of fruits.

Soil mix для рассады physalis

For посева семян physalis можно использовать смеси
intended for pepper and tomato or cook it at home. For
This mix 0.5 parts of coarse sand, 1 part garden
soil, 1 part of good humus and 2 parts of peat. If you have
sour peat, then add half a cup of wood to half a bucket
ash or 2 tbsp. l dolomite flour. Mix the ingredients well and
sift the mixture, after that the soil is preferably steamed,
will destroy weed seeds and protect seedlings from fungi

Sowing seeds

Fill the container with a mixture of soil and slightly seal it, seeds
physalis равномерно распределите по поверхности грунта.

Cover the seeds with a soil mixture of about 1 cm and again lightly.
compact so the soil will not be eroded during irrigation and
seeds will not be on the surface. ATлага не будет быстро
evaporate, if you cover the container with cellophane. AT помещении с
temperature of 15-20 degrees shoots appear in a week.

Pickling seedlings

After the seedlings form 2-3 true leaves,
you must dive them. For seedlings, use the same
as with sowing seeds, it is only necessary to reduce the amount
sand in the ground mix twice. Half a bucket of finished soil
it is necessary to add 20 g. Total mineral fertilizer (to
example, suitable nitroammofoska). Cassettes or pots fill
cooked primer, make small grooves in the tank,
of such size that it turned out to lay roots of plants. WITHеянцы
it is necessary to bury up to cotyledon leaves. Like all nightshade
cultures, physalis grows good additional roots. ATокруг
seedling surely squeeze the ground.

After picking, water the seedlings carefully if the soil in the tank
sank, it is necessary to pour it so that its top was lower
top drawer 1 cm.

ATысадка в открытый грунт

A couple of weeks before transplanting seedlings into open ground, you need to
start their hardening. Seedlings in warm daytime expose
in the sun. ATысадку physalis на грядку без укрытий производят
after the threat of frost has passed. For рассады предварительно
prepare the garden, even though this culture does not like the Colorado potato beetle, and
Physalis is not afraid of phytophthora, it is undesirable that on a plot in
the previous year grew plants Solanaceae. Feed the soil
nitroammofoskoy (1 m2 matchbox fertilizer). If on
your country house acidic soil, then scatter on the surface of the beds on
each 1 m2 of 200-300 g of wood ash. Dig up the beds
bayonet spade.

For высадки рассады physalis рядки нужно размещать через 0.7 м,
между растениями в ряду промежуток для ягодного physalis — 50 см, а
for vegetable 0.6-0.7 m physalis does not impose a nutritive value
special requirements, but it will respond positively if added to
each plant 1-2 handfuls of humus.

Remove the plant gently from the pot, without destroying the soil
on the roots, place the seedling in the prepared hole and pour it
soil, slightly compacting the soil. Well water the planted seedlings and
grumble the bed so that the soil crust does not appear on her

Physalis care

Maintain the bed surface constantly in loose condition.
or just cover it with a layer of mulch, do not let it grow weedy
plants After the seedlings begin to grow actively they must
to tie up, for example, many varieties of this Mexican culture
species can grow above 1 meter in height. After
It will take 14-15 days to spend the first dressing, water and pile up
plants. Feed bi-weekly plants alternating
минеральные (20 г полного минерального удобрения на 10 l воды) и
organic fertilizers (infusion of fresh cow dung in
concentration 1: 8). Pysynki break off on Physalis is not necessary.
Just before the cold, you need to pinch it to stop growing
and soon ripened crop. This culture forms the fruits
even when the temperature drops to 0 degrees and late autumn
maintains a cold snap to minus 2 degrees.

WITHбор урожая

Урожай physalis формируются на побегах первого и второго
order Fruits grow before frost, clean Physalis
need in sunny weather. If onступили морозы, а на кустах еще
many not ripe fruits, the plant must be pulled out with its roots
and hang in a dry place with a temperature above zero. Ripe fruit
gradually crumbling, for this reason, under suspended bushes
you need to lay a soft material, for example, rags.

ATнимание! Removing ripe fruit from them
it is necessary to immediately remove the “covers”, they contain a glycoside, which
gives the fruit a bitter taste!

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