Phalaenopsis (Orchid)

Phalaenopsis (Orchid) Fri,
09 дек 2016 Автор: Наталья Исаева

Phalaenopsis genus includes about 70 species
stemless epiphytic plants characterized by limited
growth In nature, the places of their distribution are the Philippines,
South Asia, Islands of the Malay Archipelago, Philippines, New Guinea
and Australia, where they grow on trees, horizontally or
tilt down. This flower is also called “butterfly orchid” for
petal shape.

In the indoor floriculture cultivate
Phalaenopsis hybrid with abundant and long flowering,
Phalaenopsis Luddeman, Phalaenopsis Pleasant and Phalaenopsis
pink, throwing one long flower stalk, on which
alternately open flowers, which can grow to


Orchid – growing and care

These flowers are good for indoor breeding in that of all
orchids, they are the most unpretentious and feel good
in usual room conditions. The optimal mode of their breeding
temperature is from 25 ° C to 30 ° C, in winter it should not
exceed 20 ° C. However, below 14 ° C the room temperature, where
there are orchids, too, should not fall.

Healthy growth and abundant flowering plants are possible only with
abundant lighting. However, direct sunlight can scorch
leaves, so they need to be avoided. Ideal location for accommodation
the flower will be the east window, valid – the south or west window with
shading Whether this orchid is getting enough light,
tell her leaves. If they get a light shade – their
need to pritenit; if they have a too thick dark green color,
This may indicate a lack of light and the need
move the pot to a brighter place.

Watering for the plant should be abundant. However, do it
need as drying of the upper layer of the substrate, since
waterlogging can lead to its death. Water for irrigation should
be warm and soft. It should be borne in mind that the lower the illumination
and the temperature of the maintenance of the flower, the less he needs watering.
This orchid is better to dry out than to fill.

Phalaenopsis like high humidity (from 50 to 70%), but
subject to regular spraying can be successfully grown and
at a humidity of 40-50%.

With regard to dressings, the best option would be
fertilize the flower during each second watering. Most affordable
fertilizer for orchids is “Azofoska” (it should be applied from 1 g / l
up to 1.5 g / l). The plant will bloom profusely if once a month
make magnesium sulfate (from 2 g / l to 3 g / l). Orchid is better
feed by spraying the leaves.

Orchid – transplanting and reproduction

Transplant every 3 years. This requires
Special substrate – loose soil for mixed orchids
expanded clay and small pieces of red tile. Flower shops
it is possible to purchase expanded clay drainage, which increases water and
air permeability of soil preventing the acidification of the soil and
the appearance of mold on the soil surface. It is important to know that the roots have
This plant is very fragile, so you need to replant it with
extra care not to damage them. Generally, it is bad
transfers a transplant, so you shouldn’t do it often.

When transplanting a flower propagated by division. In each tank
must have at least three shoots. First after transplant
time the plant should be tied to a support until it is
will get stronger.

Orchid – possible diseases and pests

As a rule, phalaenopsis diseases occur due to a violation
temperature regime, mode of irrigation and ventilation of the substrate.

If the plant is drooping, it means that it lacks light, or its
wrong water. On the leaves may appear gray mold,
if after spraying the moisture from them does not evaporate, it happens when
low temperature content of the flower.

If the orchid does not bloom, most likely it lacks light, you need
either rearrange it or add artificial lighting.

The main pests of the plant are scale insects, worms, and aphids.
It is necessary to fight them by spraying with special

With fungal infections that result from
improper care, for example, at high humidity and poor
substrate ventilation is also struggling by treating fungicides
drugs, however, use of copper medications can not be.
Once a month a flower should be treated as a preventive measure.
foundation or oxycom.

And finally – a few tips for those who are going to buy
phalaenopsis When purchasing a flower, you should carefully examine
substrate and roots. The plant is great if they have green or
silver surface and there are no signs of rotting.
Very often orchids are sold in transparent containers, otherwise
If you feel free to ask the seller to pull the flower out of the pot,
to inspect it, as it can be done very easily and without
no harm to the flower. There should be no stains on the leaves,
they should be dense and bright green. However, small external
defects in the form of scratches or small cracks alarm not
should. Also considered normal when the roots of a plant are hanging down.
through the edges of the pot.

Бытует мnotние, что успешное выращивание этого растения в
комнатных условиях notвозможно, поэтому многие предпочитают
любоваться им только в цветочном магазиnot. However, if you decide
purchase this magnificent flower, then with exact observance of all
The care requirements we have described are beautiful.
тропическая бабочка остаnotтся в вашем доме надолго и будет радовать
you with its amazing beauty.

The orchid is one of the most beautiful flowers giving any
living room touch of refinement and aristocracy. Especially white.

But the variety of colors of orchids is striking, so
everyone can choose his own orchid for his “taste and color.”

Многие считают орхидею очень капризной и изnotженной и потому
боятся заводить ее, но это not так. Orchids are, in fact, quite

Perhaps there is only one mistake that beginners make.
flower growers and which is guaranteed to lead to the death of this
wonderful plant. They bury the roots of the orchid in the ground and watered
its like a regular flower.

Но этого делать ни в коем случае notльзя.

Orchid roots have one feature. They must be in
air, have access to light and are able to absorb moisture directly from
the atmosphere. It is precisely letting the “air roots” of the orchid grow in
nature. И поэтому орхидеи сажают not в почву, а в специальную смесь
from dry pieces of bark and at the same time in a transparent pot.

Посадив орхидею правильно ее можно почти и not поливать. And at
This a couple of times a year she will delight you with beautiful flowers.

Some worry that after flowering and subsidence of flowers,
the branch on which they were located dries out and asks what
in this case do?

В том-то и прелесть, что ничего делать not нужно. Peduncle
after flowering it often dries out, but gradually a new one appears.
через полгода примерно (у меня орхидея цветет раз в полгода) на notй
There will be new buds and flowers.

Коnotчно без цветов она выглядит как простой голый прутик, но
but then …


korolina 02.26.2016 I have very beautiful orchids in bloom. Only
пока not сфоткала их. I even transplanted one into a pot with automatic watering.
All perfectly!!! pah-pah-pah …

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