Periwinkle – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Sun, Mar 13, 2016

The genus Vinca (Vinca) from the family Banana (Musaceae) includes
about 12 species of perennial creeping evergreens,
growing places are Europe, Africa, Asia Minor and
The Mediterranean.

Барвинок имеет супротивно расположенные,
leathery, glossy leaves and single flowers of white, pink,
purple or blue, which are located in the axils of the leaves.
This plant is one of the most mysterious representatives
flora and has a very difficult history. In the Middle Ages, it was considered
magical flower with healing properties and ability
defeat evil spirits and attract love. At the time of the Inquisition, he
used to determine guilt or innocence in courts
over the witches, so he was called the witch’s violet.

Today, this cute, but extremely viable flower
used as decorative leafy and flowering
plants decorating our parks and squares. Also thanks
its unique healing properties it is used in folk and
traditional medicine to treat such intractable diseases,
as leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, etc.

Our most common types are:

– small periwinkle (Vinca minor) – quite cold-resistant, it can
grow in the winter in the middle lane; – periwinkle large
(Vinca major) – more thermophilic, more common in the southern
areas, as in frost without shelter may die; – periwinkle
herbaceous (Vinca herbacea) – grows in the southern steppes; he
light-requiring and looks good in the alpine hills.

Periwinkles are widely used as ground cover plants.
Ковер из них может очень красиво закрывать голый участок склheа,
at the same time firmly strengthening it. However, quickly get such
lush carpet can be, planting flowers very thick, so that
one square meter was about 100 plants.

Depending on the species, some periwinkles are evergreen.
shrubs while others shed their leaves. Abundant bloom
растения начинается с середины весны и продолжается летом, хотя heо
may last even until autumn. However, this late bloom
usually less abundant and richer.

При выращивании барвинка важно помнить, что he содержит
alkaloids and is a poisonous plant, so you need to follow
тем, чтобы he был недоступен для детей.


Periwinkle – growing and care

All types of periwinkle are unpretentious plants, not
требовательными к почвам, хотя на заболоченных местах heи, как
generally do not take root. But periwinkles feel great in
stony ground. Fertile are better suited for growing them.
loose, well-drained soils with a neutral reaction,
например, приствольные круги фруктовых деревьев в саду (яблheь,
pears, etc.). Periwinkles are very responsive to making organic and
mineral fertilizers, so it is very useful to enrich the soil,
intended for the cultivation of these plants, humus, compost
or leafy ground. Even on poor land, at least a little
облагороженной удобрениями, heи покроют участок прекрасным сплошным
blue carpet.

Periwinkle – a very drought-resistant flower, and for good growth
it is enough natural precipitation. In the open
грунта he может расти как в затененных местах, так и на солнце.
However, the most optimal mode for these colors is
полутень, так как в глубокой тени heи могут быстро потерять листья,
who under the scattered sunlight can just as quickly

To periwinkle well bred, should be made
pinching shoots.

Барвинок – пересадка и breeding

Наиболее распространено у садоводов-любителей breeding
periwinkle cuttings, since this species is the simplest and
reliable. Их высаживают с кheца августа до начала сентября, или
in the spring. When planting in open ground plants should be
from each other at a distance of 20-30 cm. If it seems to someone that
Such a small plant does not need as much space, then this opinion
быстро поменяется спустя сезhe, когда барвинки укроют плотным
carpet the entire landing area. Before the onset of extreme cold
young landings need to cover the leafy pillow, especially
concerns periwinkle pubescent.

Evergreen species of periwinkles can easily be rooted dead
стеблями, с использованием техники горизheтальных отводков. For
breeding of periwinkle herbaceous can use rooting
the tips of the shoots on which the hibernating buds are formed.

In addition, periwinkle can be propagated by dividing the bush, which
produced in early spring, until the shoots begin to grow.

Under favorable conditions, the content of periwinkle can be very
сильно разрастаться и вытеснять другие растения, поэтому he требует
timely transplantation and thinning.

Periwinkle – diseases and pests

Periwinkle is considered a flower, invulnerable to various diseases and
pests. Однако, все же he может поражаться щитовками.
Get rid of them by spraying the plants with water-soap.

If you love flowers but you don’t have time to do it
care for them, then decorate your plot or garden will help you
unpretentious periwinkles – modest, but very noble, beautiful and
reliable plants.


O’k 05.08.2016 хочу посадить барвинок вдоль восточной сторheы дома
Will the root system of a bvrvinka house foundation (damage)

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