Peculiarities of home care for cleavageconditions: transplanting instructions with photos, watering, dressing, frequentgardeners mistakes

Ср, 20 дек 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Clivia is a beautiful tropical plant that
looks spectacular, not only during the flowering period.

By the way, it blooms in the middle or end of winter, when
other indoor plants rest period. To enjoy
bright clive bells annually, home care
conditions must be complete.


Features of clivia in the room

Clivia belongs to the Amaryllis family, but it does not
bulbs, and there is a juicy rhizome with thick roots.
The leaves are collected in the rosette, do not die off during the rest period.
Peduncle plant powerful, with good care reaches 40 cm in
height. It develops about 30 large bells, which
bloom alternately. Flowering lasts more than a month.

Clivia is not a capricious plant, but loves peace. Not necessary
constantly moving the pot from place to place, especially during
bud formations. It is better to immediately determine the correct

Where to put the pot with the clique?

Tropical plants can not tolerate direct sunlight. Pot
it is better to arrange with a flower so that the lunch sun does not burn
leaves. Remove it to the east or west windows, but if
There is no possibility, then on the southern windowsill you will have to pritenyat
plant. On the windows of the northern orientation, only
rest period.

Everything about air humidity and temperature

Clivia loves fresh air, so the room should be regularly
to air In the summer it is better to take the pot to the air, but to arrange
it in the penumbra, so as not to fall precipitation and bright sunny
the rays. In winter, the room is ventilated, but there should be no draft.
otherwise the flower will suffer.

Humidity in the room does not play a special role, clivia does not
needs frequent spraying, just wipe the leaves from
accumulated dust. But much depends on the temperature regime.
For normal growth and development, keep the temperature at
+20 ° С, but in the period of rest it is reduced to +16 ° С.

How to care for cleavage at home for
all year

The tropical plant prefers a moderately moist soil.
Between irrigation, the substrate in the pot should dry out, otherwise
avoid root system diseases. Please note that the flower can not
pour water from the tap, it is better to use separated or
boiled water.

During the rest period, the plant is watered poorly, but since
the formation of buds gradually increases the amount of water. To
prevent rotting of roots, there should be drainage in a pot
holes. An hour after watering, water is poured from the pallet.

When to feed a kliviyu

Additional nutrition is made only in the period of education
buds and flowering. Use ready-made water-soluble mineral
complexes with a low nitrogen content. If this item will be
a lot, then clivia will build up leaves, and about flowering you can
forget it.

Fertilizer application scheme:

• give the first feeding after the flower spike appears;

• the second with an interval of 2 weeks;

• the third after 3 weeks, if the clivia has blossomed.

The flower is fed every 14 days until
buds will open, after this fertilizer is applied every 3-4 weeks.
After flowering, all feeding stop.

How to care for the cleavage in the fall

In September, the young plant begins a period of rest, which
lasts about two months. Adult specimens that have already bloomed,
rest from October to February, and at the end of winter begin to release
peduncles. In the period of rest for the plant you need to properly care.
It is best to send the pot to the glazed loggia or put it away.
cool room where the temperature will not fall below +12
�WITH. With sufficient humidity, the flower can not
water it.

Clivia Transplant by all rules

Tropical flower does not like transplants and reacts badly to them,
therefore, the question must be approached responsibly, otherwise the plant
will die. Often you don’t need to disturb the root system
transplanted once every 2-3 years. What is it connected with?

All life force and necessary moisture accumulates in the fleshy
plant roots, transplantation without injuries is indispensable. And this
leads to decay and death.

Tip! If during the transplant spine
broken off, then treat it with crushed coal.

Transplant rules:

• choose a small pot; clivia blooms well only in
tight capacity;

• pick up loose soil, light, suitable for a mixture of leaf
humus, turfy ground and sand;

• plan a transplant at the end of spring when the clivia has faded;

• cover the bottom of the pot by a quarter with drainage, suitable pebbles,
broken brick, expanded clay;

• the root neck of the flower is left on the ground surface, otherwise
lower leaves will rot.

Young plants can be transplanted annually, and specimens
older than 10 years do not transplant at all. Every year in the pot change
top layer of soil, poured a more nutritious soil.

During the transplant, carefully separate the daughter plants, which
planted separately.

The mistakes of flower growers and the difficulties of caring for the house

Clivia refers to unpretentious plants, but still
inexperienced gardeners may experience difficulty in growing it.
We will discuss all the problems and how to solve them.

Clivia leaves turn yellow

This is not always caused by improper care, it may be
the natural aging process when new ones take over. But
there are other cases:

1. • The leaves turn yellow from insufficient or excessive watering, they
become soft. In this case, remove the flower from the pot,
check the condition of the roots, remove all rotted or dry,
put in a new substrate. Keep track of the amount of moisture in

2. • Yellowing of the leaf plate is due to lack of
nutrients. In this case, the color is lost gradually
the whole plant looks dull. If you haven’t fertilized the cleavia for a long time,
просто подкормите plant.

3. • The leaves turn yellow after flowering, as it begins
produce fruit. It is necessary to remove the flower arrow in time to
prevent this from happening.

Often the turning of the pot leads to the yellowing of the leaves,
draft or long stay in the sun.

Brown spots on the ends and sheet plate

If the spots appear only from the end of the sheet, this indicates
избытке влаги в soil. Adjust the watering, always pour out the extra
liquid from the pallet.

When the spots are located on the entire surface of the leaf, the plant
suffered from the sun’s rays.

Leaves are rotting

Weeping leaves should alert the florist. This state
talks about root rot of a plant. The roots may have been damaged
transplant time or flower flooded. You need to remove the clique from the pot,
inspect the root system, remove all rotten roots, process
manganese and plant in fresh soil.

Leaves dark spots and growths

If the indoor air is too dry, the plant is affected
the shield On the leaves you can find dark spots and peculiar
growths – this is a pest. He leads a sedentary lifestyle.
To get rid of shitovki help soap solution or insecticides. Everything
growths are removed with a damp cloth soaked in solution.
Additionally, spray the plant to destroy the larvae.

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