Pear: all leaf diseases and methods for their treatment.How to treat a pear from diseases: chemistry or naturalby means

Чт, 15 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Pear – very healthy fruit tree, but more often than others
affected by various diseases. To effectively defeat them
you need to know all the signs of the disease of leaves in pears and their methods


What is the reason why pear leaves turn red?

By autumn, on pear you can see red leaves with black
points. As a rule, they are located at the top of the tree. what
led to such consequences, how to deal with it and what threatens
redness of pear leaves?

This phenomenon has several reasons:

• lack of phosphorus in plant tissues;

• overmoistening of the soil;

• incompatibility of stock and scion.

Phosphorus starvation at pear

If leaf redness is due to a lack of phosphorus,
This does not happen immediately. The disease starts from the bottom
sheet plate.

How to beat phosphate starvation in pears? In early spring
it is necessary to feed the plant with phosphate-potassium fertilizers.
It is better to combine root and foliar dressing. First
fertilizing occurs in April. Duration of application
fertilizer – 4 months. Last time you need to process the tree at the end
July After which you should not abuse fertilizers, because
they will reduce the hardiness of the tree. Feed frequency: at least one
times in 14 days.

Soak the roots of a pear

Waterlogging occurs for several reasons: stagnation
ground and rainwater, irregular irrigation. As a result
the tree suffers from a lack of oxygen at the roots, is difficult
breathing, roots get wet, the winter hardiness of the plant decreases.

what делать в этом случае? If the cause
overmoistening became the wrong place for landing
sapling, then the young tree needs to be transplanted. Pick a plot with
low groundwater storage. Pear does not tolerate low-lying places,
where rainwater accumulates.

If the landing site is chosen correctly, it is necessary
to adjust the mode of watering. Mature tree needs moderate watering.
during the period of active growth. It is also necessary to consider the number
precipitation. When watering water consumption per tree is
up to 30 liters.

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To reddening the leaves of a pear leads to a violation of the rules
carrying out and selecting seedlings for a scion. The young tree does not
only the leaves turn red, but a swim forms in the place of budding.
Such seedlings are subject to replacement.

For stock it is necessary to choose seedlings, i.e. grown
from seeds. This gives a consistently high quality planting material. On
Such seedlings are well developed graft any type of pear. how
As a rule, experienced gardeners advise giving a graft on a pear dick.

Why do orange spots appear on pear leaves

Inexperienced gardeners begin to panic, if the leaves of the beloved
wood appeared rusty stains resembling drips. what случилось с
fruit tree and why pear leaves are covered with orange

These symptoms indicate that the plant is affected by fungal
a disease called pear rust. Cause of it
the appearance is now a popular juniper, which is grown
everywhere. On нем зимуют возбудители болезни, которые ранней
spring go to a pear. At the beginning of the growing season leaves suffer
pears, orange spots appear on them. Later in the middle of summer, with
seals on the back of the sheet that contain
fungus spores. If the disease is not treated, it will lead to death.
the whole tree. Rust goes to the fruit and shoots of pear.

how лечить ржавчину у груши

1. Prevent a disease is easier than cure it. remember, that
there is no place for juniper near fruit trees. Plants,
Planted near him, often suffer from fungal diseases. it
applies not only to pears, but also plums, apples.

2. At the first signs of disease, damaged leaves are removed.
from the tree, collect also fallen dry leaves. All the garbage is burned.

3. The best breeding ground for fungal disease is
high humidity. Therefore, when watering try not
fall on the leaves of the plant. Extra root top dressings spend in the evening
in warm dry weather.

4. If the summer was rainy, it is recommended to spend
preventive spraying bordeaux liquid. First
the treatment is carried out in the spring, with the beginning of the growing season, the second – in the middle

5. Do not forget about the treatment of growing juniper
near fruit trees. All diseased escapes are removed from it.
old needles and spraying.

Chlorosis pear: how to determine and how to treat

The appearance of yellow spots on the leaves of pear indicates
chlorosis of the tree. With the development of the disease leaves completely
turn yellow, the whole process begins at the top of the pear. First sheet
the plate loses its color, turns pale and then becomes covered
yellow-green spots that gradually turn yellow. Running
the disease progresses, and the leaves die prematurely.

Chlorosis reduces tree yields because pear fruit not
receive the necessary nutrition, shrink and fall off. Fruit buds
next year are not laid, which leads to a loss of the harvest not on
one year.

Chlorosis is caused by iron deficiency in the soil on which it is grown.
plant. whatбы спасти дерево, нужно провести ряд мероприятий,
aimed at enriching the soil and plants with iron elements.

• At the first signs of illness, it is necessary to conduct
spraying pear with iron vitriol or other preparations with
iron content.

• It is also necessary to enrich the land under a tree. For that her
perekapayut and well watered with iron preparations.
Recommended watering with warm water with iron sulfate. On 10 литров
water add 100 grams of the drug.

Another reason for starting chlorosis on pear leaves is
plentiful top dressing of a tree with a solution of bird droppings. Development
The disease occurs due to the large amount of toxic
substances and nitrogen contained in it. In addition, to chlorosis
may cause flooding during rains or near
ground water occurrence. The tree does not get oxygen in the root
zone. Mulching will help to improve the quality and composition of the soil
organic matter.

If yellow spots appear on the lower leaves of the pear, then this
speaks of a shortage of nitrogen fertilizers. It is necessary to feed the pear
urea, at the rate of 30-35 grams per bucket of water. As nitric
top dressing is humus, which is introduced into the root zone

Leaves of pear turn yellow between the veins? This leads to a shortage
zinc. In this case, spend spraying drugs.
zinc sulfate, at the rate of 25 grams per bucket of water.

Scab on pear leaves: black spots and methods of treatment

it заболевание проявляется черными пятнами на листьях груши,
которые приводят к опадению листового покрова tree. Scab is
fungal disease. At the beginning of its development the leaves are covered.
grayish spots with a characteristic oily coating, later spots
turn black and the leaves die off. The causative agent is from the bottom
side sheet.

A progressive disease moves to young shoots, which
leads to their extinction. The bark on the branches flakes, swells and
cracks. On пораженном дереве не развиваются завязи. Fruit
blacken and fall off. The flesh in the affected areas lumps. Deceit
the disease is that it affects not only shoots, leaves and fruits
pears, but also flowers. On таких деревьях нет завязи или ее количество

The pathogen overwinters in fallen leaves, young shoots and
the fruits.

Methods of dealing with scab

If there is a scab at the site, then in the fall you need to collect all
dry the leaves and burn them outside the garden. Also need to hold
shallow soil digging under the trees to get rid of
remaining spore fungus. In early spring проводят обработку почвы и
plants. Do it before blooming buds and start
sap flow. Use a solution of nitrophene, which does not act
only for scab, but also other types of fungal diseases.

Scab infection most often due to thickening
landings and inept pruning. It is important not to thicken the crown
tree, in time to trim growing shoots inside.

A good prevention of scab is the treatment of Bordeaux pears.
fluid. The number of treatments depends on the degree of damage.
tree. First обработка проводится до распускания почек, вторая —
after flowering. Subsequent processing can be omitted, if not previously
outbreaks have been observed.

Important! After flowering, apply 1% solution
bordeaux fluid that reduces the risk of burns on

Experienced gardeners in the fight with scab recommend to use
systemic drugs that have a killing effect on
various diseases.

Bacterial burn: blackened and curled leaves have pear

Often gardeners are faced with a disease that wears incomprehensible
character, because of which all methods of struggle are unsuccessful.
If the top pear leaves turn black and then curl, then, rather
all, it is a bacterial burn. It has nothing to do with
sunburn. Its pathogen is bacteria that
carried with the wind or birds.

Signs of defeat

On начальной стадии заболевания бактерии поселяются на
peduncles that cease to develop, wither and fall.
Next, the burn goes to the upper leaves of the tree, which turn black and
twisted. Development болезни происходит стремительно, первые
signs may not be so pronounced.

Bacterial warmth contributes to the development of a bacterial burn.
weather when it rains without decreasing temperatures. it приводит к
the greenhouse effect, in which pathogens are activated.

Most often the disease affects young trees that are still
no ten years. it связано с их ослабленным иммунитетом и активным
sap flow. Older pears are less susceptible to infection.

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Prevent this disease is almost impossible. Remains
only improve the immunity of young landings. For this use
spraying Bordeaux mixture or copper sulphate.

At the first sign of infection with a bacterial burn,
cut off immediately all affected shoots. Tool for trimming need
well sanitized.

Trim the affected shoot need 20 cm more from the place
infection. it связано с тем, что болезнь прогрессирует внутри
escape, which seemingly still healthy.

All cut branches must be burned outside the territory. Slices on
the tree must be sanitized and sprayed with a pear
antibiotics. For this purpose, Ofloxacin is used, which suppresses
the action of bacteria. The number of treatments must be at least three,
which is carried out with an interval of 10 days.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to cure a pear from a bacterial burn.
is always. Often time is lost, and the tree has to be replaced by
new. The sooner the disease appears and treatment begins, the better
there will be results.

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