Peach care: planting, growing seedlings.What is peach spring care?

ATт, 31 май 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

The peach tree is one of the oldest garden crops.

The value of this plant is that its fruits do not
only tasty and perfectly quench thirst, but also contain
various mineral salts and vitamins.

To grow healthy peaches in my backyard,
It is important to properly observe the agricultural practices of this culture.


Peach care: sapling selection, site preparation, planting

Rules for the selection of peach seedlings

The correct choice of a peach tree seedling is one of
important criteria for its successful cultivation and harvest.

1. You need to buy seedlings in proven fruit nurseries with good

2. When purchasing a tree, pay attention to its root
system and branches: they must be alive, not dry, without obvious
signs of disease. They check it like this: you need to scrape the nail on
twig and look at the scratch: healthy wood will
brilliant beige, wet and elastic, the cambium layer should
be green tint. Live twigs and roots elastic, break them

3. It is necessary to choose a grade taking into account climatic conditions

4. When transporting, the selected seedling is wrapped in a bag or
polyethylene, and the roots in a damp cloth.

5. From age categories, annuals are better taken root.

Where to plant a peach?

When choosing a place for planting a peach tree is necessary
take into account several nuances:

• location of groundwater;

• terrain;

• soil type (its physical properties and chemical composition);

• the size of the seedling.

Peach tree makes strict demands on the soil. This
the culture does not tolerate stagnant moisture, therefore marshy, acidic
heavy soils are not suitable for its cultivation. Optimal
chernozem or loamy areas will be an option. On the lungs
sandy peach soils will require more frequent watering. AT
landing pits required layer of drainage of stones or gravel
large fraction. You can not plant it on areas after raspberries,
solanaceous plants, strawberries, melons, alfalfa.

Peach needs good lighting, for this reason it’s not
It is worth planting fast-growing trees with a spreading crown. AT
Otherwise, there will be shading and peach seedlings
will be deformed, the quality and yield of fruits will decrease.

Peach Tree Planting Technique

Peach is a heat-loving culture, therefore in central Russia
he is put in the spring in a previously prepared place, and in the south
possible in the fall. The landing pit is prepared from autumn to freezing.
ground. Its dimensions are approximately 0.7×0.7×0.6 m. At the bottom of the pit
drainage is poured, and on top of it is a fertile mixture of humus
and garden land. Also add mineral fertilizers. ATесной
after the snow melts, all that remains is to plant a sapling.

Planting peach seedlings

Its roots are distributed in a pit, covered with previously excavated soil and
tightly tamped. After that, watered (3 buckets of water for 1
tree), making around the pit groove or roller to prevent
water spreading. Then the trunk circle mulch sawdust
peat, dry leaves, and the seedling itself is tied to a support.

When planting in a row, the distance between the trees should be at least
3 meters.

Peach care: watering, feeding, crown formation

Care for the peach tree is timely watering,
fertilizer, periodic pruning and treatment from pests and


The first watering is carried out when planting a sapling. ATокруг приствольного
a roller is made of a circle so that water does not spread and spend on
each tree for 3 buckets of water. With a lack of natural precipitation
peach trees are watered about 7-10 days in advance
flowering AT засушливое лето продолжают периодически поливать
landing. AT этот период важно не переусердствовать и не превратить
plot in the swamp – peach trees do not tolerate waterlogging.
14 days before the planned harvesting, the watering is stopped to
the taste of peaches has not decreased.


Save soil moisture and reduce the amount accordingly
watering will help mulching pristvolnogo circle.

Two or three times during the entire growing season, fertilizing is carried out.
organic fertilizers: water extract of mullein (1:10) or
chicken litter (1:20). They can be replaced by mineral mixture from
ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride (2-3 st.l.
each type of bucket of water). Under each peach tree spend
30 liters of the resulting solution. 10-14 days after flowering
for the prevention of chlorosis and shedding of the ovaries are carried out
sheet dressings with iron, boron and calcium chelates.

Cropping and crown formation

For the full development of the peach tree and the quality of the future
harvest (fruiting occurs on the growth of last year)
it is necessary to carry out annually pruning. The first time it is done at
planting seedlings. For the formation of the crown leave 3-4 skeletal
branches evenly spaced from each other. If some of
they grow vertically, they turn down at an angle of not more than 50 °
the stem and fix the twine. The remaining branches are cut to the ring.
Sections covered with lacquer balm or garden pitch. Next year
on skeletal branches leave twigs of second order at a distance
0.3-0.4 m from the trunk. AT последующем все приросты, направленные
inside the crown or vertically, cut out. Such pruning excludes
thickening and darkening of the crown, reduces the rate of aging of the tree,
enhances the growth of fruit-bearing branches.

Peach tree pruning scheme

For home and garden plots of peach trees
It is recommended to form a low-chambered crown.

Peach spring care

ATесенний уход за персиком начинается с осмотра plants. If a
frost-damaged branches were found, they are cut to healthy
tissue. This pruning stimulates the growth of new shoots.

Prior to budding, the first spraying of peach is carried out.
trees fungicidal drugs (for example, 3% Bordeaux
liquid, Topaz, Fast) to protect them from fungal diseases.
Re-processing carried out in 10-12 days. After
spraying whitish trunks and skeletal branches.

AT стадии розового бутона (до раскрытия цветков) нужна защита от
insect pests (aphid, leafworm, fruit moth, etc.). For
этого используют инсектициды, например, Конфидор, ATертимек,

After окончания цветения проводят третью обработку сада

Peach care: major diseases, pests and control measures
by them

One of the most common diseases of the peach tree –
курчавость листьев, возбудителем которой является
marsupial mushroom. He begins to actively parasitize with a protracted
rainy weather. For этого заболевания характерны красноватые
swelling (in the initial period) on the leaves. After 7-10 days from
the back of the leaves appears gray patina. Damaged foliage
twists and falls, bare shoots dries. In sick
fruit trees are reduced, and if the ovaries appear, they

Peach leaf curl

For профилактики развития заболевания в марте растения
sprayed with blue vitriol or such drugs as Scor, Raek,
Topaz, Hom. After a week, the treatment is repeated. After появления
leaves, affected shoots pruned and burned. Autumn processing
fungicides repeat.

If a во время цветения персиковых деревьев стояла влажная
погода, то возможно развитие монилиоза. it
fungal disease causes browning and shedding of flowers,
leaves and young fruit shoots. Not fallen fruits are covered
gray mold and rot. The carriers of fungal spores are
insects. At the first manifestations of the disease, the affected parts
peach trees are cut and burned. Fallen rotten fruit can not
leave on the ground. They are collected and destroyed. AT качестве
Prevention is carried out 3-fold treatment with fungicides such as
Gamair, Rovral, Abiga-Pik (before flowering, after its completion
and 2 weeks after the second treatment).

Another common peach disease is
клястероспориоз, поражающий всю надземную часть
plants. На листьях появляются красно-бурые пятна, ткань под by them
dies and falls, forming holes. Hence the second name
diseases – perforated spotting.

Manifestation of peach bloomspores

Begin to fight with it in the spring: cut off the infected branches, places
slices are disinfected with a solution of iron or copper sulphate,
spend 3-fold spraying fungicides (during swelling
buds, before and after flowering).

Peaches may be affected by high summer humidity.
паршой. The first signs of the disease are
greenish-brown with a blurred border spots on the fruits and leaves.
Gradually, the spots merge and become covered with a black crust, through
which, when cracked, infects fruit rot.
The bark on the shoots locally swells, breaks and becomes
scabs. Fighting scab lies in the same methods. What and when
other fungal diseases of the stone.

From insect pests, the peach is damaged by fruit moth,
aphids, shields, flower beetles, oriental pinworms,
spider mites. For их уничтожения используют инсектициды
(Karbofos, Agrovertin, Aktellik, Spark, Biotlin and others).

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