Pasta Diet

makaronnaya-dietaPasta Diet, как подразумевает название,
focused mainly on eating pasta
in various combinations.

The diet is very helpful and can give you the necessary energy for
perform regular exercise as part of
a larger program for losing weight.

The main feature of the pasta diet is that due to
reductions in the daily intake of other foods and increasing
feeding frequency, you can increase the metabolic rate
the body and thus burn calories more efficiently.

In addition, it means that any physical
the load will contribute to a greater consumption of calories than this
was earlier.


Benefits of the Pasta Diet

Pasta are products with a high content
carbohydrates, so they often have a bad reputation for losing weight. Although
carbohydrates are sometimes “villains”, in fact they are similar
on natural sugars, are the main source of glucose, which,
as we know, one of the most universal sources of energy
for the life of the whole organism. Glucose, in turn,
participates in a process called the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

Despite its complicated name, the cycle mechanism is actually very
simple: the breakdown of sugar and energy release. This energy is used
for repairing cell damage, building muscle and for all the others
chemical and physical processes of the body processes. Without energy
life is not possible.

With a shortage of sucrose, the body receives energy through processing
fat deposits. For the overall result of losing weight, this is not the case.
bad, but fat is an inefficient source of energy, so it cannot
be used for a long time. Replenish energy
you will help carbohydrates.

A number called GI (glycemic index) measures how
blood sugar levels quickly rise after ingestion
food. The more gradual the increase, the better. Pasta
products has a GI 41, which is similar to pear indicators and much
lower than many varieties of bread.

dieta-makaronnayaMost pasta today is made from
durum wheat and are a good source of important

Pasta изделия часто дополнительно обогащают фолатами –
synthetic form of vitamin B9. Iron needed for
production of red blood cells – red blood cells, vitamins B1
(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinic acid) and others
connections we get thanks to the pasta.

Vitamin E, phosphorus and magnesium help regulate the blood
pressure that is a major aspect of health
of cardio-vascular system.

Despite some of the myths generated by the addition of
egg component, pasta does not contain a high level
cholesterol. Subsequent studies have proven safety
use eggs in moderation.

As many know, pasta is one of
fundamental components of the diet of many
Mediterranean cultures, for example, Italy. There is enough
evidence that the macaroni diet is extremely beneficial,
based on the relatively low incidence of cancer and
heart disease. There are of course many factors, but pasta
have a significant contribution to the final result. Like the others
whole grain products, there is evidence that
macaroni diet high in insoluble fiber may
help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Although изучение в этой области продолжается, но многие
studies show reduced incidence of cancer
colon, breast and other things, thanks to diets with
high fiber content.

Pasta Diet Menu

dieta-makaronnayaThe duration of the pasta diet is 7 days, which
will allow you to get rid of 4 kg. overweight.

It is recommended at the time of the diet to eliminate the consumption of sugar. Salt
you can use sea or stone. As a liquid in
pasta diet time you can drink anything, but only for
thirst quenching.

Понедельник Завтрак: green tea and fruit. Dinner:
lean chicken and boiled vegetables. Tea time: стакан
fresh juice (grapefruit or orange). Dinner:
Pasta with boiled vegetables (pepper, carrot).

Вторник Завтрак: травяной чай, тост с джемом.
Dinner: рыба и овощи на пару. Tea time: стакан
fresh juice (grapefruit or lemon). Dinner: рис с
boiled vegetables (peppers, zucchini, carrots).

Среда Завтрак: green tea and fruit. Dinner: 100гр.
cheese and boiled vegetables. Tea time: стакан свежевыжатого сока
(orange or lemon). Dinner: макароны с вареными
vegetables (carrots, eggplant).

Четверг Завтрак: травяной чай, тост с джемом.
Dinner: запеченная свинина и boiled vegetables. Tea time:
стакан fresh juice (grapefruit or orange).
Dinner: макароны с печеными овощами. Пятница Завтрак:
green tea and fruit. Dinner: рыба и овощи на пару.
Tea time: стакан свежевыжатого сока (грейпфрутовый или
citric). Dinner: суп с макаронами и сырые овощи.

Суббота Завтрак: травяной чай, тост с джемом.
Dinner: lean chicken and boiled vegetables. Tea time:
стакан свежевыжатого сока (orange or lemon). Dinner:
pasta with baked or steamed vegetables.

Воскресенье Завтрак: green tea and fruit. Dinner: 2
eggs and baked vegetables. Tea time: стакан свежевыжатого сока
(grapefruit or orange). Dinner: пицца с курицей,
boiled vegetables.

One of the most important things to remember during
any diet is a combination of a specific nutritional program with
course of exercise. Only by combining these two conditions, you
will see effective results that will last a long time.
Good luck to you!

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