Panicled phlox – flames in your garden. howto propagate, plant and care for traditional gardenphlox

Вт, 15 май 2018 Автор: Наталья Дромашко

Phlox paniculata are one of the varieties
perennial phlox. These flowering plants are very common
in the gardens. Varietal and hybrid variety distinguishes these flowers. Their
еще часто называют садовыми phlox, поскольку они объединяют в
numerous varieties whose morphological properties were
used in complex hybridization and

The general appearance of phlox is a plant with durable,
Direct stem, which by the end of the growing season

The height of phlox paniculate ranges from 35 to 150 cm, and depends
from the properties of a particular variety or hybrid. The flowers they have collected in
inflorescences in the form of panicles, fragrant, a wide variety
colors, pure colors, or mixed.

The diameter of the flowers – up to 5 cm. The shapes of the petals are very diverse –
found ovate, stellate, with incisions. Petals can
be both wide and narrow. The diameter of the inflorescences can vary.
from 10 to 40 cm. The form of inflorescences is also very diverse –
spherical, cylindrical, in the form of umbrellas, paniculate,
corymbose and pyramidal.

Caring for these flowers is not very difficult. Subject to basic
conditions, the plants will respond with numerous, amicable flowering.

Сорта флоксов цветущих в ранние сроки, предпочитают
сухие песчаные и каменистые почвы
, те, что цветут в более
late dates – more unpretentious, but will grow and blossom better
on fertile, loose soils.

Все флоксы не терпят застоя воды, в этом случае
plant development is suspended, the roots rot, which can
cause the death of the whole bush. Lack of water is also bad
affects the state of phlox: start to bloom badly, or
completely stop. The leaves below turn yellow, dry and fall.

Флоксы морозостойкие растения, очень отзывчивы
on various top dressing. However, it should be borne in mind that when
the excess of organic bush begins to “fatten” – is growing in excess
foliage, and flowers do not develop. The result is just great
bush with a small number of flowers, or completely without them.

Phlox propagation is carried out vegetatively or seed
in a way.
The latter method is more time consuming and lengthy.
Seedlings obtained in this way bloom on the 3-4th year.
The decorative properties of the mother plant with the seed method
reproduction is not fully preserved. Seed propagation method
used most often during breeding, for breeding
new varieties.

Easier and faster to multiply phlox by dividing the bushes.
Carrying out these works is most effective in the early spring period.

A bush is taken, divided into 5-6 parts, taking into account that each
part will have several buds and roots. Landing a delenok
produce on a separate site, where they spend 4-5 years. With
planting takes into account plant height.

The distance between plants is from 35-45 to 50-60 cm.

From 6 to 12 plants are placed per square meter. After
planting in the open ground plants bloom next year.

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