Orbieta – we grow flowering cascades and carpets.Planting Aubriets, growing and care (photo)

Пт, 12 авг 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

Aubrieta (aubretia) – perennial creeping or pillow
Cruciferous plant (cabbage).

In the genus, there are 12 species.

This is a great evergreen perennial no more than 20 cm high,
growing curtain up to 1 m in diameter.

Among the groundcover blooming in spring, this is the most popular

Leaves lanceolate or scapula, densely pubescent.

Four-leaved flowers, from 1 to 2 cm in diameter purple,
blue, magenta, pink-red colors (depending on the shape
and varieties).

Blooms profusely and continuously from May to the end of June.
The second bloom begins in the fall and continues until frost.
If peduncles with faded flowers are regularly cut, in the fall
Aubrieta will bloom as magnificently as spring.

Aubrieta is very beautiful during flowering, but she does not lose
its decoration and after it, because the fluffy green “pillows”
These plants also look very original.

Planted aubretsiya in flower beds. Aubrieta is good for stony
slides in group landings. Goes well with yellow
alissum, white iberis, styloid phlox. Forms spectacular
cascades on the stone walls.


Growing Aubriets

Reproduction and planting obriety

Aubriet is propagated by seeds, cuttings and division

Seed propagation obriyeta

Easily propagated by seeds that are sown in early spring on
permanent place. In the southern regions can be sown under the winter.
Such plants bloom in the second year.

Seeds are small, so they are simply sown in prepared
the ground, not sprinkling or mulching with a thin layer of sand. Can
cover with a film for a couple of weeks.

Sowing is carried out in the fall or spring.

To get a flowering shave in the year of sowing, it is grown
through seedlings.

Planting seeds, seedlings.

• Sow seeds in early February in shallow containers on
substrate surface.

• Top mulch sand.

• Plates with crops cover with a film or transparent

• Emerged seedlings periodically air and monitor to
the sand was constantly wet, avoiding overwetting.

• Small plants are kept on a sunny window.

• When pulling out seedlings, gently sprinkle it into the bowl

• After two true leaves grow back, the seedlings swoop.

• If in the future they become crowded, you can once again
Seated at the age of eight leaves. Next transplant will be already
in open ground.

Grown seedling obriyeta

Planting shaver cuttings

Cropped after flowering twigs are used for grafting.
They are first planted in a shady greenhouse or light box.
soil, moderately moistening the substrate. Top drawer covered with glass
or film. Periodically air, removing condensate.

Substrate rooting options:

• sandy land with admixture of peat;

• a mixture of sand and peat in equal quantities.

For permanent place rooted cuttings are determined at the end
August Between plants maintain a distance of about fifteen
centimeters. Before the onset of cold weather, they have time to settle down and
prepare for winter. Rare and especially valuable specimens are better.
leave in a greenhouse until spring comes.

To guarantee the safety of plants recommend their cuttings
Every year. This is due to the fact that with age obriety become
capricious and less resistant to frost. Young copies
more resistant and beautifully hibernate.

Bushes division

This method is used in exceptional cases, since
the division procedure is very painful for obriety.

A landing place

Обриета — неприхотливое plant. However, on well lit
plots and with regular watering flowering much more abundant. AT
the shadows bloom weakly, shoots are stretched and thinned.

Therefore, for obriyeta choose a sunny place. Excessive moisture
harms the plant (you can provoke excessive growth of foliage and
sparse flowering), so watered only in drought.

The soil

Preferably light, sandy, lime-containing earth. Plant
undemanding to the quality of the substrate, grows well in a small
amount of soil.

Planting obriety in the cleft between the stones

It prefers loose, air-permeable soils, but not very
fertile, does not grow on acidic clay soils.

He likes mulching with sand by about 2–3 cm.

Care of obrieta

• Peduncles with faded flowers are regularly removed. This reception
preserves the decorativeness of plants and contributes to abundant autumn

• After flowering, the plants are cut. This stimulates the growth of new
shoots and creates a beautiful compact form of bushes.

Top dressing, watering, weeding

Young plants obriyeta need to weed and water regularly.
Over time, the need for weeding disappears. Aubrecia grows
dense carpet, suppressing weeds trying to break through it

Watering is carried out, if necessary, in dry weather.

Feed in the spring before flowering and after pruning complex
mineral fertilizer.

Care of obrieta зимой

An interesting feature is obriety is that in the period
rest she does not shed leaves. Their color is bluish in summer,
cold weather becomes bright green. If winter is too harsh and
snowless, to keep the bushes better to cover them dry
leaves. Young plants are more winter-hardy than adults.
copies that are recommended for the winter to cover.

Curtains Aubriets look great after springtime
of snow. Its leaves are not damaged either by frost or autumn and
spring frosts.

Aubrieta under the snow

ATиды и сорта обриеты

Aubrieta deltoidea (Aubrieta deltoidea) received
the name of the form of leaves.
Grows in Asia Minor and on
Balkan Peninsula. Leaves are gray-green, deltoid
forms. Purple or purple flowers form loose brushes
inflorescences. It has been cultivated by Obriet deltoid since 1710. Is an
the ancestor of all cultivars.

Forms a beautiful curtain, completely strewn
purple-blue flowers.
Low, about 15 cm tall
rugs, greyish-green due to the dense pubescence on the leaves,
are covered with numerous flowers. Abundant and blooming
long, 30—35 days. The beginning of flowering in May.

Aubrieta cultural (Aubrieta x cultorum).
Comes from deltoid obriety and includes many varieties and
hybrid forms that differ in flower color, size, shape
and terry, leaf color. Cuttings in this species
root very bad, therefore seed is recommended

Обриета изящная (Aubrieta gracilis). Low – to
ten centimeters – a prostrate plant with thin thin
branches. Flowers with a diameter of one and a half centimeters, leaves up to one
centimeter long, lanceolate.

Aubrieta columnea. ATысота
plants 10-12 cm. The shape of the leaves is elongated-spatulate. Flowers
large, up to 4.5 cm in diameter

There are also:

• Aubrieta Croatian;

• Obriet intermediate;

• Obriet Olympic;

• Obriet thessalian;

• Obriet Pinard;

• различные гибридные forms.

AT культуре обриета возделывается давно. Her varieties are preserved
created at the end of the XIX century. They are characterized by powerful development and
many small flowers.

The modern assortment of obriety is very diverse. there is
large-flowered forms, varieties with double and semi-double flowers,
с пестрыми leaves. There are high varieties suitable
for growing in pots and cut.

Variegated obriety

Aubrieta has many varieties:

• Blu King with deep blue flowers;

• Gloriosa with pink;

• Doctor Mules with purples;

• Red Carpet with red;

• Dream with pale blue.

Seeds can be bought in the store. Usually sell a mixture of varieties, but
can be purchased and pure seed.

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