Onions in the garden – overview of species and varieties, with whatgood neighbors on the beds

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds

In the genus of herbaceous plants Onion there are about
Thousands of species naturally growing in the northern
hemisphere. Many of them belong to the oldest known
man and the plants he cultivated. Edible Varieties
onions are also often valued as decorative, medicinal

And very useful for farmers can be short, but capacious
familiarity with the popular varieties of onions, and in addition –
information about the society in which plantings it grows more beautiful and better
all benefits to the whole garden.

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds

Черемша, он же медвежий лук, относится к
for plants listed in the Red Book, it is covered in glory since
XVII, when his taste and healing qualities were highly appreciated in
the beginning of the development of Siberia. Ramson – early vitamin greens,
collected in March-April for salads and soups, in the Caucasus with her
make cheese pies. It can be salted and pickled, but better not
to dry – the richness of taste will disappear. Edible leaves, stem and
луковица plants. It is worth noting weak-pointed variety “Bear’s ear”,
giving a rich harvest (up to 2.7 kg from 1 sq. m.) already in 3 weeks from

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds

Слизун, также называемый поникающим луком, тоже
the snow is barely melting and giving juicy
moderately sharp greens (with garlic smell) until autumn. AND
by the way – thanks to the purple ball flowers, it can become
garden decoration. Good in salads and as a seasoning for fat meat.
Loves fertile, well loosened soil. ANDз сортов пользуются
Demand “Green” and “Leader”, characterized by richness and
frost resistance.

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds

Порей многократно превосходит тонким нежным
the taste of turnips of all other onions, is appreciated in high cuisine (remarkably
complements fish dishes), and also – is a national symbol
Wales The green feather is almost never used, its whole appetizing essence.
enclosed in a massive white stem (“leg” weighs up to 500 g). ANDз
varieties leading in sales of recent seasons, it is worth
note “Columbus” – early and not in need of multiple
hilling, usually performed for bleaching the stem.

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds


Репчатый является наиболее распространенной в
world culture among the “relatives” for over 4 thousand years, and he –
A unique honey plant that gives a lot of nectar (honey has no onion
taste Onion varieties are difficult to classify, including
sharp, semi-sharp and sweet, on purpose – on a feather or turnip.
Popular lately:

  1. �”Red Baron” – salad, semi-sharp, the bulbs are painted in
    purple-red, has a high concentration of vitamin C and
  2. �”Chalcedony” – suitable for collecting turnips (well and is stored for a long time)
    and feather, frost-resistant, abundant in yield (about 5 kg with one
    standard bed).
  3. �”Strigunovsky local” – launched in the forties,
    versatile in the kitchen (consumed fresh, after thermal
    processing, canned), unpretentious, whitish flesh, husk
    beige and golden color.

AND отдельно стоит отметить, что на Западе также пользуется
very popular miniature varieties of onions, known
like a pearl (pure white round and really look like
jewelry), or cocktail, used in the form of

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds

Шалот не первый век символизирует
Mediterranean cuisine characterized by tender, sweetish
taste, spicy aroma, and yet does not cause tears during cutting. AND
strictly speaking – it is a kind of onion, but very,
very far away from it in the IX century. In the botanical sense
shallot is remarkable for its small size of turnips and the fact that in the ground
they form a nest of several units. Among the worthy varieties
It is worth noting the long-stored “Albik” and early, especially
spicy and resistant to diseases and pests “Family”.

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds

Шнитт, или скорода, резанец. Appreciated
landscape designers for decorativeness, was one of the most important
plants of European medical workers XIV-XVIII centuries. Cultivated before
just for the sake of juicy fresh greens, spicy and sharp, well
famous in French cuisine (omelets, salads, sauces) and
Italian (risotto, pasta). Totally unpretentious to the climate as well
of the varieties it is worth noting the long crop harvest “Medonos” and
�Prague and Elvi are the only ones with white flowers.

Onions in the garden - overview of species and varieties, with what good neighbors on the beds

Многоярусный, он же рогатый или египетский,
is a hybrid plant (bulb plus batun). One
of the main features – the complete lack of preservation of ill-matured
bulbs suitable for consumption as they say, only with
beds – in the summer and in the fall. Not only underground food is consumed.
bulbs, but also air (sharp, still are planting
material) as well as feathers. ANDз сортов пользуются спросом
frost-resistant “Memory”, good greens and “bulb” for
conservation, as well as “Odessa winter 12”, with very spicy
underground fruits.

In fact, regardless of species and varietal
onion accessories, gardeners, to increase yields and
The quality of this culture is recommended to adhere to the following
advice regarding its crop rotation, affecting many others

  1. Each season onion planting (most species) should
    to move to a new place – growth after related crops leads to
    weakening the immune system of plants and increases the risk of
    common rot.
  2. But onions protect strawberries from rot, the main thing is not
    overdo it with watering last.
  3. But with cucumbers because of the abundance of water necessary for them onions
    grow side by side is not able at all – just rot.
  4. Onions in the garden mixed with beets contributes to a more rapid
    the formation of its large root vegetables, as well as its careful care
    from direct sunlight.
  5. But sun-kohlrabi and broccoli badly divide the onion sun
    shading its rays, cultures inhibit the development of each other. BUT
    classic cabbage harms him with his “appetite” for nitrogen
    substances that also need a weaker bow.
  6. Well combined onions on the same bed with such greens as
    dill, cilantro, leafy salads. AND также с овощами — томатами и
    radish, from which it repels gnawing pests.

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