Ognyovka: what kind of pest settled oncurrants? Gooseberry fire: description, control measures andfire prevention

ATт, 19 июл 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

It takes a lot of effort to get a harvest of berries and

A man works, works, and those who want to eat grown
they have more than enough fruit.

This leaflet-eating pests, and sucking, and glass,
pulling away the core of the branches.

And the disease! At first glance, and you will not determine what kind of parasites
settled on the plant. For example, currant bush.

On red currant

The leaves are gnawed, the berries are wrapped in a dense web of cobwebs. Inside
Black-headed light green caterpillars swarming. What kind of attack? how
understand? On currant ognevka.

On black currant


Gooseberry firing. Description

It is among the most harmful and dangerous pests.
currants and gooseberries. Pupa moths spend the winter shallowly in
the earth, in the spring, turning into butterflies, begins to lay eggs in
buds, then – in flowers, and later – on the ovary. Hatching eggs
small caterpillars begin to gnaw the flowers and gnaw
holes in the ovaries, eating out the pulp and seeds.

In the middle lane and in the north of Russia, ognevka is extended to
currants and gooseberries everywhere. She badly hurts the landings.
gooseberry and currant. In some years, the caterpillars can destroy
up to 50% yield. But this is not the limit for firefighting. She is able to deprive
almost all human berries (up to 90%).

What is this malicious pest? Small
a butterfly with a wingspan of up to 3 cm and a body length of 1-1.5 cm. Front
a pair of wings has a dark gray color. Across them
light stripes, in the middle – a brown spot. Rear wings
fringed, gray-brown. Moth Caterpillars First
yellowish white, then grayish green, 16-legged.

Moth butterfly

Phases of ognevka development on currants

The start of the departure of the butterfly depends on the weather and average daily
air temperatures. It usually coincides with the budding phase and
the beginning of flowering of early varieties of currants.

Five to seven days after the departure of the moth, they lay eggs in
flowers One female can lay up to two hundred eggs. Years of butterflies
lasts two to three weeks. Eggs from ognevka are white, oval, in size
about 0.75 mm. The main butterfly clutch is produced inside the flowers. AT
In egg, the future moth develops in about one week.
Newborn caterpillars whitish-yellowish, from two to three long
millimeters, with a black head.

AT одной завязи питается только одна гусеница, несмотря на то,
how many eggs were laid. �”Extra” individuals crawl into the neighboring

ATылупившиеся гусеницы начинают пожирать семена и ягоды, окутывая
their cobwebs. Each of them eats up to fifteen currant berries
or 5-7 gooseberries. Adult caterpillar color is bright green, head
black. AT длину они достигают 18 мм.

Moth caterpillar

Lifespan of a caterpillar-shaped moth before pupation
different and depends on the weather and the type of plant – “feeders”. On
gooseberry development proceeds faster. On black currant рост
caterpillars are delayed for a week and a half and lasts 22-30 days.

Each individual, completing the next stage of development, according to the cobweb
it descends to the ground, deepens by 5-6 cm, and pupates. Pupae
moths are located in 5-7 pieces in the upper layer or on the surface
land under garbage, fallen leaves, clods of soil within a radius of
more than forty centimeters from the bush.

On смородине огневка отдает предпочтение сортам, обильноцветущим
during her massive summer. If spring is early and warm,
early varieties Sevchanka, Selechenskaya and others. At low spring
температурах — Лентяй, ATелой, то есть поздние сорта.

Methods of protection against ogniyevka on currants and gooseberries

Chemical and biological preparations

The protection of the currant from the fire is based on chemical and
biological preparations.

Chemical control of ognevka on currants is
spraying bushes before flowering and after. After
flowering usually use the following chemical

• Actellic (0.2%),

• Kinmiks (0.05%),

• Spark M (0.1%).

• Fufanon (0.2%).

AT скобках указано процентное содержание (концентрация)
insecticide in the working solution.

Also used karbofos, kilzar, rovikurt.

The waiting period for all these insecticides is the same and equal
twenty days.

AT теплые годы с дружной весной обязательно опрыскивание
currants and gooseberries before flowering. It drastically reduces
the number of caterpillars and their damaging berries. AT эту
fenofazu currant development is desirable to use

Kinmiks (0.05%);

Spark M (0.1%).

Great effect have the treatment of plants during periods of transition
caterpillars from one berry to another. But the “chemistry” on sauteed berries
can not be used because it threatens the environmental safety
harvest. Можно применять биоdrugs:

• Fitoverm (0.3%),

• Bitoxibacillin (1%),

• Lepidocide (0.3%), which is effective only against caterpillars
younger age.

Waiting times

• Fitoverma – 2 days,

• Lepidocide – 5 days.

Of the biological preparations, Agravertine and Iskra-bio are also used.
Treatments against gooseberry moth combined with spraying
currants from other pests and diseases.

Agrotechnical techniques

Since the pupae of the gooseberry ognevka overwinter in the ground, fighting with
The following measures will help with wintering cocoons:

• Digging and hilling currant bushes in late autumn. ATысота
hilling – up to ten centimeters. From under the ground more than 5-7 cm
butterflies can not escape.

• Spread currants after flowering.

• Mulching the soil around bushes with compost or peat in front of
flowering. The layer of mulch under the bush makes it difficult for butterflies to come out,
and, thus, the number of this pest is reduced. Soil
can be covered with foil, paper, mulch paper. Clean cover after
flowering berries.

• Manually collecting and recycling damaged berries along with caterpillars
moths located in them.

Methods of dealing with ognevku currants. Onродные советы

• Black currant usually blooms in the middle lane from 8 to 17 May.
ATо время цветения в куст втыкают ветку цветущей бузины для
scaring away a bitch.

• For the preparation of decoctions and infusions using plants
having insecticidal properties.

• From the popular means of dealing with ognevku can recommend
coniferous concentrate (on a bucket of water 10 l – 50-70 g). Plants
spray every seven days from start to finish.

• AT фазу цветения смородину опрыскивают отварами табака и полыни
– 2-3 times with a frequency of once a week.

– 0.4 kg of tobacco dust or tobacco;

– 10 liters of water.

– Recipe

– Onстаивают смесь двое days.

– Then diluted with the same amount of water (10 l).

– Put crushed soap in the infusion at the rate of 40 g per 10

– Spray currants.

• For butterflies arrange bait from the solution fermented

• Attract lightning traps with light traps.

• ATо время созревания смородины кусты опрыскивают настоем золы.
They take one third of the ash bucket, add ten liters of water and
stand about a day.

• AT этот же период можно обрабатывать кусты настоем горчицы. Hundred
grams of powder poured ten liters of boiling water and insist two
days. Before processing, the infusion is diluted with the same amount.

• Use green solution from caterpillars of gooseberry moth;

ATсе обработки проводят рано утром или вечером.

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