October 6: what are the holidays, events,birthdays, birthdays

Fri, Sep 30, 2016


Holidays October 6

Insurer’s Day in Russia

This day in 1921 was the beginning of the activities of the State Insurance of the RSFSR,
therefore, it is considered the day of the foundation of domestic insurance

World Habitat Protection Day

This holiday has been celebrated since 1979, after the adoption of the Bernese
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife. Him
set up people to think about the impact they have
on the nature of their activities, and realized the need for careful
relationship to the living world around us.

Day of the Belarusian Archivist

October 6 is the Day of Archivists in Belarus. In 1863, in
Vitebsk opened the first centralized state archive
of action books. Today, the country’s archival repositories hold more than 12
million documents, and the archival sphere is represented by 169
subordinate organizations. Archival documents are
state property, which does everything so that descendants can
familiarize yourself with the documentary wealth of Belarus.

Teacher’s Day in Armenia

This holiday is celebrated on the first Saturday of October. Today at
Armenia, there are 42 thousand teachers, of which about 35 thousand –
women, 7 thousand – men. Since September 2010 by the Government
Armenia was proposed to adopt an amendment to the law on
public holidays and set the celebration of Teacher’s Day 5
October (when World Teacher’s Day is celebrated).

Egyptian Army Day

This holiday is associated with the beginning of the fourth Arab-Israeli war.
in 1973. In fact, Israel won it, however, the Egyptians
believe that during this military campaign the myth of
the invincibility of Israel.

Other memorable events of October 6:

Memorial Day of the victims of the 1948 Turkmen earthquake
of the year

October 6 Turkmenistan remembers those killed in the earthquake
1948 of the year, которых, по разным источникам, было от 100 до 170 тысяч.
At the epicenter of the earthquake, near the village of Kara-Gaudan, its power
was up to 10 on the Richter scale. Was completely destroyed
the capital of Turkmenistan, the city of Ashgabat, which was from
places about 25 kilometers away. Over time, it was rebuilt,
but already in compliance with the recommendations of seismologists. Earthquake in
Ashgabat was recognized by UNESCO as one of the most destructive
disasters of the last century. On this day, people do not work, they
laying flowers at the memorial to the victims of the disaster and participating in
memorial meals, reading prayers for the souls of the departed.

Golden Orange International Film Festival in

This film festival, founded in 1964 by the Foundation for Culture and
искусства Antalya, является старейшим и самым известным в Азии. AT
Turkey is called the Oscar of the national film industry. First he
was held to support and develop Turkish cinema, and
с 1978 of the year фестиваль стал международным. Today “Golden
Orange “is a world-renowned festival, it is annually
attracts numerous filmmakers and movie lovers from
many countries. The symbol of the festival is an orange.

Pilar Festival in Zaragoza

This festival is held in honor of the Virgin Pilar,
the patron saint of the city and the whole of Aragon. It takes a week, on
which falls on October 12th. ATпервые праздник был упомянут в 1723
year, and he received official recognition in 1807. AT те времена
The festival program included not only religious ceremonies, but
also folk festivals and bullfights, which is integral
part of any Spanish celebration. C 1873 of the year мероприятия
holiday were complemented by a horse parade, from 1894 – a competition
jota dance AT нынешнее время в этот день многие люди из разных
countries, wearing their national costumes, lay to the statue of the Virgin
Mary’s basket of flowers and fruits.

Seoul International Festival

Международный Фестиваль Fireworks в Сеуле является одним из
South Korea’s biggest events. С 2000 of the year каждый октябрь на
On the banks of the Hang River, the best pyrotechnists in the world create this
unrivaled in its beauty spectacle performed with
using the latest developments in the field of pyrotechnic
technologies. AT фестивале участвуют команды пиротехников, которые
represent Japan, China, Korea, USA, Australia, Italy, Canada,
Hong Kong, etc., each of which has a unique show
national themes. ATсего на фестивале запускается порядка 50
thousands of fireworks, and this show annually attracts about a million

Folk calendar October 6 (old style – 23

October 6 honoring the virgin Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria, the holy
martyr, the government under Emperor Maximilian at the beginning of the 4th century.

AT этот день на Руси бедные люди гадали о своей судьбе. Having filled
at the confluence of two rivers with the same amount of water, two pitchers,
they were brought home and watched from which pitcher the water would evaporate
faster. Decrease of water from a vessel filled in a more affluent
river foreshadowed the continuation of poverty.

Iraida marked the arrival of these colds. AT этот день хозяйки
cooked a drink – a dish of crushed boiled potatoes,
flavored with eggs and milk and baked on rye cake in
the furnace.

Name Day October 6:

AT этот день чествуют Андрея, Ивана, Иннокентия, Ираиду, Николая,
Petra, Raisa.

Significant Historical Events 6

6 октябряв 1889 году AT Париже было открыто
the night cabaret “Moulin Rouge”, which translated from French means
�Red Mill. Him основали Жозеф Оллер и Шарль Зидлер.
A kind of symbol of “Moulin Rouge” was the cancan, who danced
chic dressed dancers. �”Moulin Rouge” visited as representatives
middle class and aristocrats. Among the regulars “Moulin Rouge”
there were Picasso, Oscar Wilde, Prince of Wales and many others
famous people.

6 октября в 1927 году в Нью-Йорке увидел свет
The first sound film, “Jazz Singer”. It was released by
�Warner Bros. The painting, which was a huge success, allowed
companies make a profit of about 3.5 million.

6 октября в 1952 году на XIX съезде КПСС были
adopted directives of the fifth five-year national development plan
farms. They envisaged an increase in industrial production,
which by 1955 should have been 70% compared to 1950
year It was envisaged that this growth will affect not only
production, but also improve the provision of goods
national consumption, as well as the standard of living of the population. But,
most of the plans of the fifth five-year plan did not come true,
especially in the agricultural industry.

6 октября в 1977 году впервые поднялся в воздух
fighter MiG-29. When creating it, designers had to
overcome a lot of technical and organizational difficulties however
flight tests that began on that day proved correct
fighter design choices and compliance with its technical flight
characteristics of the most severe requirements. Compared to foreign
analogs of the MiG-29 has unsurpassed maneuverability in
unique range of speeds and heights, more efficient system
weapons for highly mobile air combat and powerful
frame design.

Родились 6 October:

Шарль Ле Корбюзье (1887-1965), великий
French architect, artist and master of modern architecture.
Among his works is the building of the Paris Center for the Salvation Army,
The Ministry of Education in Rio de Janeiro, the Swiss Pavilion in
Paris, the Central European Union in Moscow, the National Museum in Tokyo,
UN Headquarters, New York; Harvard Cultural Center
University (USA) and others.

Юозас Будрайтис (род. 1940 г.), известный
Soviet and Lithuanian theater and film actor, People’s Artist
Lithuania. The actor made his debut in the film “Nobody wanted to die” in 1965
year Among his other works are the films “Two Comrades Served”, “This
sweet word freedom “,” Rich man, poor man “,” Dangerous age “,” From
тобой и без тебя…», «ATозвращение с орбиты», «Человек в штатском» и
a lot others.

Александр Шилов (род. в 1943 г.), знаменитый
Soviet and Russian artist, known throughout the world. Him работы
conquered France, Germany, Portugal, Canada, Japan, Kuwait,
United Arab Emirates, etc. Its main focus
creativity is realism, portrait genre. Shilov amazing
realistically manages to convey the character of a person, his mood and
psychological state. He is the winner of many awards,
awarded numerous orders and medals.

Франциск Смуглевич (1745-1807), известный
польский художник, автор многочисленных картин для костелов ATаршавы
and other Polish cities in Poland, the founder of a private school of painting
в ATаршаве и кафедры живописи в Главной виленской школе, ставшей
впоследствии императорским ATиленским университетом.

Луи-Филипп I (1773-1850), последний французский
monarch bearing the title of king. The reign of Louis-Philippe is remembered
as a period of scientific and technological progress and the French industrial
revolution. Февральская революция 1848 of the year закончилась для
Louis Philippe abdicated from the throne.

Реджинальд Фессенден (1866-1932), канадский и
American inventor, owner of more than 500 patents, creator
rotary spark transmitter, transmitter alternator and many
other inventions, including the military industry.

ATерико Анджапаридзе (1900-1987), советская
Georgian theater and film actress, representing the romantic
during the Georgian theater. ATерико называли грузинской
Komissarzhevskaya, she became a legend of the Georgian theater and
cinema and the owner of numerous awards.

Тур Хейердал (1914-2002), знаменитый норвежский
traveler, who was also an ethnographer and archeologist. ATо время
War Tour served as a radio operator-saboteur, freeing Norway from
Nazis, which subsequently greatly helped him in committing his
expeditions. Heyerdahl’s most famous journey is
on the Kon-Tiki raft, which he completed in 1947 with
five like-minded people. He described this journey in a book.
�“Journey to Kon-Tiki, which has become a bestseller.

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