October 29: what are the holidays, events,birthdays, birthdays

Sun, Oct 09, 2016


Holidays October 29

Day of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Private security was created as part of the authorities.
Internal Affairs in 1952 by a relevant Council Decree
USSR ministers for the protection of economic objects regardless of
their departmental affiliation (this explains the name of the service). On
today the units of this service effectively provide
security of over one and a half million private apartments and 500 thousand
objects in Russia.

Day of adoption of the Constitution of Serbia

October 28-29, 2006 in Serbia, based on the results of a nationwide
Referendum, a new Constitution was adopted, replacing
previous operating since 1990. Parliament approved new
Constitution in November 2006. According to her preamble, Serbia
is the state of the Serbian people and the citizens who are in it
live. Unlike the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 1990–2006,
which proclaimed the Serbo-Croatian official language in the country
language and official alphabets – Latin and Cyrillic, new
The Constitution enshrines as a unified state Serbian
language, and the official alphabet – Cyrillic.

Republic Day in Turkey

This holiday reminds of the day of proclamation of the Turkish
Republic in 1923. This happened after amending
The constitution of Turkey, which led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
This holiday is celebrated throughout the country. Facades
homes and various institutions on this day decorate national
flags, people attend solemn events and take part
in festive processions, and in the evening everyone can watch performances
celebrities in squares and boulevards and admire the beautiful

Komsomol Birthday

This holiday was established in memory of the day, when in 1918 I
All-Russian Congress of the working and peasant youth decided
create the Russian Communist Youth Union, which later
began to be called the All-Union Leninist Communist Union
youth (Komsomol). For several generations of Soviet people Komsomol
– this is their restless youth, large-scale construction projects, this is heroism and
real Komsomol fraternity. At one time, the Komsomol members
visited two hundred million citizens of the country for whom this day,
even after losing its ideological meaning, it remained real

Other memorable events of October 29:

Creation of the International Red Cross

October 29 in 1863 the Swiss Henri Dunant was founded
International Red Cross, a humanitarian organization that
operates based on principles
neutrality. Since its inception, it has protected people
affected by armed conflict and internal unrest, and
assists them. The headquarters of the Red Cross is located in
Geneva Today about 12 thousand people work in this organization.
in 80 countries of the world.

Launch of the Yermak icebreaker

On this day in 1898, the Russian
icebreaker “Ermak”, which became the world’s first icebreaker Arctic
class, able to force heavy ice with a two-meter thickness.
The construction of the icebreaker was supervised by a commission headed by
Admiral Makarov. The first test “Ermak” honorably withstood
March 1899, after freeing 11 ships from the ice captivity
near Revel.

Opening of the Moscow Theater of the Revolution

October 29 in 1929 in Moscow opened the Theater of the Revolution,
which we know today as the Moscow Academic Theater named
Vladimir Mayakovsky. He was one of the pioneers of the Soviet
drama theaters. In 1964, the theater became Academic. AT
разные годы им руководили AT. Мейерхольд, А. Попов, И. Шлепянов, Н.
Okhlopkov, A. Goncharov, Yu. Ioffe, S. Artsibashev, etc.

Onродный календарь 29 октября (по старому стилю – 16

On October 29, the Orthodox world honors the martyr Longin. Roman
centurion Guy Cassius Longin along with other guards guarded the place
crucifixion of Christ. When the Savior was executed, His blood spattered on
Longin’s eyes, who suffered from cataracts, and healed him. So longin
believed in the divine origin of jesus. After three days becoming
along with other warriors witness his resurrection, he set off
to preach in Cappadocia, where he was from. He was accompanied yet
two warriors who saw Christ resurrected. By order of Pontius
Pilate was caught and beheaded. When the blind woman who found
heads of Christians, gave them to the earth, she received her sight. Since longin
began to be considered a healer of eye diseases, which you need to pray
about their cure.

On Лонгина было принято доставать из сундуков зимнюю одежду для
airing. People believed that under the influence of the last sun
and the first frost, it will be filled with useful energy and protect them from
cold and disease.

Name Day October 29:

AT этот день чествуют Алексея, Георгия, Евгения, Ивана, Кузьму,
Leonty, Terentia.

Significant Historical Events 29

29 октября в 1611 году в ATаршаве состоялись
celebrations related to �”Final” victory over Muscovy. These
events occurred in the so-called “Time of Troubles”, which brought
Russian Polish-Swedish intervention and crisis in political
economic and social spheres. AT июле 1610 года в результате
Klushinskoy battle Russian-Swedish army was defeated and the Poles
opened the way to Moscow. Это поражение войск ATасилия Шуйского стало
the cause of the political coup in Moscow and the excommunication of Shuisky from
authorities. Then followed a series of bloody events, and October 29, 1611
года польским королем Сигизмундом III в ATаршаве было устроено
celebration of the conquest of Muscovy. But Kuzma Minin in
Nizhny Novgorod was already going to the militia, which in August 1612
year will break the Polish army near Moscow and by October 1612
completely clear the capital of the invaders.

29 октября в 1768 году Екатерина II положила
The beginning of smallpox in Russia, having made a smallpox vaccination.
ATместе с ней прививку также получил ее сын Павел Петрович и ATеликая
Princess Maria Fedorovna. Peasant boy Markov, from which
the empress was vaccinated, later became the owner
noble title, coat of arms and last names Ospeny.

29 октября в 1929 году на нью-йоркской фондовой
the stock market collapsed stock market, which was called
“black tuesday”. AT это утро сразу после открытия торгов
desperate brokers, investors and bankers staged a sale
tens of thousands of shares, and the fall of the Dow Jones index reached 12.5%.
�”Black Tuesday” was the beginning of a long global economic
кризиса, который мы знаем как ATеликую депрессию.

29 октября в 1955 году в Северной бухте
Sevastopol sank battleship “Novorossiysk”, which was the flagship
Black Sea squadron of the Soviet Navy. His death
ranked as the most tragic pages in the history of domestic
fleet. AT этом морском происшествии погибло более 600 военных
about 200 seamen were injured. After investigating
the death of the battleship State Commission concluded that the cause
The explosion became a German mine, remaining in the North Bay since
ATеликой Отечественной войны, что подтверждалось характером и формой
the blast.

29 октября в 1956 году Израиль совершил
armed attack on Egypt. A few days later by the participants
этого вооруженного конфликта стали Франция и ATеликобритания.
Due to the threat of direct intervention in it, the Soviet Union was
an attempt to take control of the Suez Canal was prevented,
nationalized by Egypt, and the removal from power of the Egyptian
президента Onсера.

29 октября в 1998 году был запущен в космос
Discovery space shuttle manned by 77-year-old John
Glenn, who was the first American astronaut, and after that
Flight became the oldest astronaut in history.

Родились 29 October:

Алексей Горбунов (род. в 1961 г.), театральный
and film actor, Honored Artist of Ukraine, who played in more than 40
paintings, known for the films “Cargo without marking”, “Filer”,
�”Pit”, “Party Gold”, “Countess de Monsoreau”, “Country of the Deaf”,
�”Kamenskaya”, “Hipsters” and others.

Елена Драпеко (род. в 1948 г.), советская
film actress, known for the films “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”,
�“Fatherlessness”, “Lonely Dormitory Is Available”, etc. Elena
Drapeko is a deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

ATайнона Райдер (род. в 1971 г.), американская
film actress, known for the films “The Epoch of Innocence”, “Mermaids”,

Абрам Федорович Иоффе (1880-1960), русский и
Soviet physicist engaged in experimental substantiation of the theory
light, solid state physics, dielectrics and semiconductors;
editor of many scientific journals, author of several monographs, textbooks
and popular books.

ATарвара Федоровна Степанова (1894-1958),
Soviet painter, who also had a talented schedule,
set designer, artist of applied art. Произведения ATарвары
Stepanova became the property of many leading museums in the world, decorating
halls of the New York Museum of Modern Art in New York,
Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery,
St. Petersburg State Russian Museum, etc.

Йозеф Геббельс (1897-1945), нацистский
criminal who was a statesman and politician in
Nazi Germany.

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