Oatmeal Diet

Continuing the search for the perfect weight loss program, we again
went to the St. Petersburg Center for Individual Dietary
Programs on Tavricheskaya 9. This time, to ask
experts on the now popular oatmeal diet. Doctor
nutritionist-gastroenterologist Elena Vladimirovna Shapovalova suggested
her version of the oatmeal diet, and also told about all the virtues
and disadvantages of losing weight with oatmeal.

Oatmeal Diet

– The principle of the oatmeal diet is that all meals
состоят  только из  овсяной каши. Cook Oatmeal
can be in milk or water, taking into account taste preferences,
dieting. Fruits or vegetables are allowed.
 (apples, plums, cherries, strawberries, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes,
огурцы и т.д.) Также рекомендованы сухофрукты. Can their
eat between the oatmeal or with it.  But anyway,
I advise you to use dried fruits only in the first half of the day and in
limited quantities, preferably figs. You can drink
still water and green tea, preferably 30 minutes before or
спустя 1,5 часа  после употребления овсяной каши. Prohibited
consume salt, sugar, oil, high carbohydrate and high
glycemic index vegetables and fruits, such as potatoes, bananas,

I consider it necessary to focus on the main
positive and negative aspects of this diet.

Oatmeal is not only a source of dietary fiber, but
and a good adsorbent. It cleanses the body of harmful toxins and
slags. This property is very important not only for people watching
by its weight and regularity of the chair, but also by those living in
environmentally unfriendly areas, for example in large cities.
 Oats helps lower cholesterol, and is
good prophylactic against diseases
of cardio-vascular system.  Important property of oatmeal
является благотворное  воздействие ее  на систему
пищеварения и  рекомендуется пациентам , страдающим
diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Of the minuses of the oatmeal diet, I would like to note that this
 диета  относится к  монодиетам и при соблюдении ее
for a long time the body will be deficient
essential trace elements. In my opinion, oatmeal diet can be
соблюдать  не более 7-10дней. And best of all, use in
as fasting days, for example, 1-2 times a week. WITH
respect E.V. especially for the site Dietplan.ru

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