November 23: what are the holidays, events,birthdays, birthdays

Sun, Oct 16, 2016


Holidays November 23

Labor Day in Japan

November 23 in Japan, workers of absolutely all industries – from
farmer to public servant – get honored
output. Labor Day Thanksgiving Day was introduced in 1948
and was originally called the New Harvest Day, symbolizing
folding all agricultural work. Japanese independence
from a professional position, on this day, thank each other for
the contribution each of them makes to the development of their home country and
of society.

Road Police Day Kazakhstan

In independent Kazakhstan, the state regulation
car inspection for the first time approved the Cabinet on November 23, 1992
Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since then, this day is celebrated as the birth
Kazakhstan traffic police. In 1996, the traffic police was renamed
traffic police. Changed not only the name, according to
Traffic Police Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also priorities in work. Main
the challenges facing modern traffic police
are: the fight against crime, the protection of public order,
ensuring safety to all road users, including
including people.

Armed Forces Day in Lithuania

The event is celebrated annually on November 23 and is referred to locally as
Warriors Day. The holiday dates back to 1918:
November 23, Prime Minister Waldemar issued a decree
marked the beginning of a stable formation of the Lithuanian army. By
On the occasion of the Day of the Warriors, a solemn mass is annually held in the country.
Ignotas Holy Monastery, military parade on the main square of Vilnius
and Prospect Gediminas. And the main square is full of fluttering
flags of various types of Armed Forces (air, land,

День памяти святого Георгия Byбедоносца

WITHвятой Георгий Byбедоносец воспитывался в глубоко верующей
family. His father, having suffered for his faith in Christ, died a martyr’s
death, when George was still very young. Mother took the boy to
Cappadocia and raised in piety. Soon Georgy matured and
was taken to the service of the emperor Diocletian, who, for his bravery
he appointed the young man a senior commander. Diocletian being a pagan
exterminated Christians. George, on the contrary, helped them in every way
supported, igniting even greater faith in the soul of Christians.

When the emperor learned that one of his favorite warriors
preaching Christianity, he tried to dissuade George from
service to God, but the saint remained unmoved. Then ruler
enraged and ordered to lock George in prison, where he was beaten
feet in pads, and on the chest put a pile of heavy stones. So
way the emperor tried to break the faith in the warrior. The next day
he ordered to bring the young man in again, but he, exhausted but firm
spirit stood his ground. George was tortured until he breathed his last.
However, an angel appeared before his body, laid his hand on the martyr and
said to him: “Rejoice.” That same hour, the young man was fully strengthened and healed.
It happened on November 23 (November 10, old style) 302 years. WITH
since then all Orthodox churches have celebrated this momentous

November 23, according to the national calendar

Rodion, Erast, Rodion-Ledolom

On November 23, the Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of 6 apostles from seventy. WITHреди
them Erast and Herodion. By приданию, Ераст являлся одним из лучших
disciples of saint paul. About the teachings of jesus christ he heard being
in the prestigious post of city economist. Byзже Ераст с Учителем
Paul arrived in Jerusalem, and the housekeeper went to church. WITHогласно
to writing, Erast became bishop in Palestine and lived to be an old man

Herodion was not only a disciple of Paul, but also his closest
relative. Об этом прямо указано в WITHвященном Писании. WITHвятой
Herodion devoted his life to serving God, but during the reign of Nero
– the Roman emperor – was martyred along with
Teacher Paul and the Apostle Peter.

In Russia on this day, people brought salt and bread to the church.
consecration, and after – gave products to livestock and poultry.
This, in their opinion, endowed animals with strength, energy and health.
Even when buying a cow, the peasants demanded a consecrated
a piece of bread – so strong was the tradition.

WITHчиталось, если на Ераста рождается ребенок, то ему обязательно
lucky in life. As a rule, by November 23, the rivers are already
the ice glittered, but it was still quite fragile, so Herodion was called
They said: “Rodion will come and take the peasant in
is full. ” The phrase meant the following: to overcome the water space is not
succeeds in no way – neither by water nor by ice. Также народ говорил: «WITH
Erasta wait strong nast. ” WITHмысл выражения наверняка ясен.

Ancestors noticed that the weather on November 23 is unpredictable and quite
�”Capricious”. If this day was overwhelmed with bad weather
snow, strong wind and rain, people came out of the hut and, standing by
the doors bowed to Winter so that the weather would not get too angry at them.

Nameday November 23:

Angel Day November 23 will be able to celebrate the representatives
the following names: Alexey, Alexander (s), Boris, Anna, Ivan, Denis,
Michael, Konstantin, Olga, Nikolay, Peter, Orest and Rodion.

Significant historical events 23

23 ноября 1763 год — Императрица Екатерина
The second established the Medical Board

An important decision of the empress was made at the very beginning of her
of the board. The first chairman of the board was Baron Cherkasov –
a man who did not remain indifferent to the problem of necessity
vaccination to protect people from the terrible epidemic at the time
diseases – smallpox. It is known that smallpox claimed the lives of thousands of people in
Russia and European countries. The first vaccine was invented in the 18th century.
against a disease that was based on the introduction of a small amount
pathogen into the body of the carrier (person). As a result man
recovered mild form, and in the period of epidemics remained healthy.
One of the first people to be vaccinated against smallpox was
Empress and her fourteen-year-old son – Paul.

23 ноября 1859 год — Byявление в продаже труда
C. Darwin “The Origin of Species”

Green volume called “The Origin of Species” huge
circulation bought up in all the bookstores. Book
was an introductory statement of the theory of evolution
wildlife Charles Darwin – famous naturalist, traveler
and naturalist. Summarizing all their speculations based on
numerous studies, Darwin came to the unequivocal conclusion –
the world as it is now is the result of a smooth

23 ноября 1869 год — WITHпуск на воду легендарного
клипера «Катти WITHарк»

WITHпуск в Шотландии одного из красивейших парусных кораблей «Катти
WITHарк» осуществился 23 ноября. Legendary sailboat was
designed by Hercules Linton and built in a small town
under the name of Dumbarton (near Glasgow). WITH 1938 года клипер
used as a training ship, and in almost twenty years
«Катти WITHарк» поселился в сухом доке под Лондоном и превратился в
the museum. This is perhaps the only tea clipper that has been preserved.
to the present day. On the ship still reigns the Victorian era,
when clippers were a real miracle of technology.

Кратко о других событиях 23 November:

23 ноября 1917 год — Издание Декрета об
destruction of civilian officials of pre-revolutionary Russia.

23 ноября 1985 год — Произошел теракт на борту
�”Boeing 737″, following the flight Athens-Cairo. As a result of 98
about 40 passengers were killed.

23 ноября 1935 год — Линкольн Элсворт —
American explorer – first flown by plane through

23 ноября 1980 год — гибель 4800 человек в
the result of a series of earthquakes in Italy.

Родились 23 November:

Николай Носов (родился в 1908 году, Украина)
— советский прозаик, киносценарист, драматург, лауреат WITHталинской
awards, a cartoon artist. WITHреди самых известных произведений
N. Nosov can distinguish the following: Dunno learns; Cog,
Shpuntik and vacuum cleaner; Dunno traveler; Three hunters;
Bengal lights; Patch and more.

Пауль Целан (родился в Румынии, 1920 г.) —
German translator and poet. Also known as talented
representative of Jewish poetry in the postwar period.

Ираклий Абашидзе (родился в Грузии, 1909 г.)
– an outstanding Georgian poet. Abashidze’s works began to be published in
1928 г, через несколько лет стал участником Первого съезда WITHоюза
writers. But he was soon convicted of a poem about Beria. When
he was released, Heraclius published his own magazine called
�”Mnatobi.” By 1960, became vice-president of the Georgian

Келли Брук (родилась в 1979 г,
United Kingdom) – a popular British actress, TV host and
skillful model. Brooke’s career as a movie actress began at
2000, her debut took place in the film “In Search of a Brother”. Actress
запомнилась зрителям также благодаря кинокартинам «WITHмертельный
лабиринт», «Тайны WITHмолвиля», «Отель Вавилон», «Зачистка» и пр.

Одед Фехр (родился в 1970 г., Израиль) —
American movie actor. Fehr is known to viewers for such pictures.
as Cleopatra, Mummy, The Leaving, Comedy Zhigalo and
a lot others.

Михаил Артамонов (родился в 1898 г.) —
выдающийся археолог WITHWITHWITHР, ученый, историк, основатель школы
Khazar studies. His main works were devoted to the culture of the Scythians,
Khazars and Slavs. In 1951, Artamonov was appointed director
State Hermitage Museum.

Генри Мозли (родился в 1887 г.,
Great Britain) – the great scientist, physicist. Moseley became one of
pioneers of x-ray spectroscopy.

Владислав Волков (родился в Москве, 1935 год)
– famous Soviet cosmonaut. Volkov’s father was aviation
design engineer, so little Vladislav dreamed since childhood
link your life with the cosmos. This is a frequent dream of boys, but rarely
to whom it goes to reality, Volkov could “catch his bird”

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