Nicolas Cage – biography, career, personallife, interesting facts, news, photos

Tue, Apr 05, 2016

Николас Кейдж появился на свет 7 января 1964
years in the city of Long Beach, which is located in the US state
California. Nicholas Kim Coppola is the real name of the actor. Him
my mother worked as a choreographer, and my father was a professor of literature.
They divorced in 1976. It so happened that the profession of all
close relatives of the actor in any way connected with
show business. Francis Ford Coppola himself is a brother
father cage. Nicholas therefore took a creative pseudonym so as not to
depend on the fame of his famous uncle.

The boy began to play, even when he was in high school in Beverly Hills and
in high school often during the holidays went to the city
San Francisco, where he attended acting classes at the American Theater. AT
seventeen years old Nicolas Cage throws his studies, all graduation
exams, passing the external.


Nicolas Cage – the beginning of a stellar career

The guy starts to look for small roles. The first
the future star’s televised debut occurred in 1981, Nicholas then
starred in the film “The best times”. After that it was still
several roles that never brought the actor fame.
После участия в таких кинолентах как «ATоспитывая Аризону», а также
«ATласть луны», к нему приходит известность, а когда Николас снялся
в 1995 году в кино «Покидая Лас-ATегас» – его удостоили «Оскара» как
best actor.

Nicolas Cage – gaining popularity

With the mass audience, Nicolas Cage gained popularity after
participation in high-budget action films – in 1996 in the movie “The Rock”,
в 1997 году в «ATоздушной тюрьме» и «Без лица». These films in
their time collected a huge cashier, which gave the actor the opportunity
enter the club for the elite “20 million”. It is said that
so much he got after filming in the movie “Gone in 60 Seconds”,
which came out in 2000.

Nicolas Cage – the most notable roles

Even after such a success, the actor did not dwell only on
action movies. AT 1988 году он играет очень серьёзную роль в фильме
�”City of Angels” and in two more “difficult” films in 1999 –
«8 мм» и «ATоскрешая мертвецов». ATо всех своих ролях Николас Кейдж
shows the real wonders of reincarnation, giving subtleties
The acting craft is just a huge amount of time, attention and
forces. For example, before you start acting in the movie
«ATоскрешая мертвецов», актёр каждодневно выезжал с бригадой скорой
help on real duty, and in the movie “Kiss of the Vampire”
It is decided right in the frame to eat a real cockroach to give
movie film more realistic.

Nicolas Cage – Private Life

The personal life of this film actor is as confusing and complicated as
career. Nicolas Cage married three times. The first раз ещё в 1995 году
he connected himself with the bonds of Hymen with Patricia Arquette, with whom he lived
until May 2001. ATторой раз актёр попытался построить семью с
Lisa Maria Presley, daughter of the famous musician Elvis Presley, with
which signed in August 2002. Just over three months
they lived together. AT октябре 2005 года его третьей женой стала
Korean Ellis Kim, who worked as an ordinary waitress in
sushi bar. Nicolas Cage has two sons. Firstborn
Weston gave him birth on December 26, 1990, actress Christina Fulton,
the second heir was born on October 3, 2005 from the present wife Alice

Nicolas Cage – Interesting Facts

  • AT разных интервью актёр по-разному указывает причину, по
    which he chose alias cage. One correspondent he
    He said that he named himself in honor of a comic book hero,
    others – in honor of the avant-garde composer.
  • Nicolas Cage is just crazy about his giant lizard
    for which built a special 2.5 m pool. He also bought for her
    a refrigerator that is filled to the brim with fresh mice that
    are the favorite food of his “pupil”. The actor even made a tattoo in
    form a lizard on her shoulder.
  • According to the Empire magazine, Cage is named the fortieth number.
    among “100 movie stars of all times”, and Premiere magazine assigned him
    thirty-seventh number in a similar registry of the most influential
    people from hollywood.

Nicolas Cage – Today’s Day

Most recently, there was a movie featuring an actor called
�”Ghost Rider 2″ in which Nicolas Cage plays a mysterious
героя, сражающегося с беззаконием от имени тёмных forces. On this
moment he is accused of not paying federal income taxes for
US government in the amount of 13 million dollars. For now Cage
managed to pay only 6 million and if he does not return the entire debt,
he faces jail. The actor himself blames the ex
business manager. Nicolas Cage claims his employee
did not keep records of tax deductions.

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