Natural Yoghurt Slimming

Натуральный йогурт —  легкий белковый продукт, который отлично
suitable for weight loss. It tastes pretty sour, that like
not everyone, so manufacturers add sugar to yogurt,
fruit and flavorings. After adding sugar yogurt already
бесполезен для похудения – он превращается в обычный десерт,
that diet is not worth it. Look carefully at the packaging,
when choosing yogurt.

For example, sugar is present in this sample.



What should not be a part of natural yogurt

The words “natural” and “fat free” are not at all a guarantee.
product quality. Usually the first means only that
product is lactic acid bacteria. The second is that the raw material for
making skimmed milk. However, neither the first nor
the second does not guarantee the absence of unnecessary, slowing down the process
slimming components.

In natural yogurt should not be:

• sugar. Sucrose in combination with milk lactose – “atomic
cocktail “, which increases the level of blood glucose almost faster than
classic glass of sweet tea. In the end, you eat “supposedly
useful “yogurt, but it only enhances the appetite. Worth a bite
with such a product in the evening, and closer to the night you will experience the real

• starch. This carbohydrate is added to dairy products to
give them a smooth jelly consistency. Moreover, manufacturers
use the cheapest starch, digested quite quickly and
completely. In reality, dairy products have a little
lumpy structure, but most consumers find it
unattractive. As a result, you pay for the “beauty of yogurt”
excess carbohydrates, causing, again, increased appetite.

• guar gum. This is an artificial thickener added to
yogurt is not only for “beauty”, but also to save – so
the manufacturer can dilute the milk and some water, it’s still gum
�”Compare” the yogurt mass. This ingredient is considered safe.
for the body, however, it “hides” an insufficient amount

• preservatives. Their presence indicates that “nothing alive” in
the product is no longer there. By law, the contents of the jar cannot
called yogurt, because it does not contain useful
prebiotic bacteria. Accordingly, reveal the canned
product is easy – it’s called “yogurter”, “yogurt product” or
�”Milk dessert”.

How to identify yogurt useful for losing weight

Natural yoghurt is curdled milk. Required
condition – the presence of fermented milk bacteria in the product. He is not
may be composed of fruits, because they disrupt the process
ферментации, и не может иметь длительный срок хранения.

All dairy products that can live more than 10 days should
leave on the shelf no matter how attractive their composition is and
appearance. After all, we eat yogurt for protein and prebiotics, and they
just have a rather low quality in long-playing

Where to buy natural yogurt?

Now it can be found in almost all supermarkets, look at
composition. Did not find anything suitable in the supermarket chain? Look for
among the products of local dairy plants. Many manufacturers
make live yogurts, quite suitable for dietary nutrition.
Or go to a good expensive supermarkets, where there are stands
farm products or imported French and Finnish yogurts
good quality.

Well, if both options do not suit you, buy small milk
жирности,  йогуртовую закваску (продается в аптеках и в
online) and cook your own yogurt, just fermenting
milk according to the instructions in the yogurt maker or thermos. Do not give
food producers fool themselves and lose weight properly.

Read on:

  • What to eat for breakfast? Dietitian Kovalkov answers
  • What to eat at work to lose weight
  • Proper breakfast for those who lose weight

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