Native father of wife Marat Basharovcommented on a relationship with her

Thu, Nov 06, 2014

Marat Basharov’s wife, actress Ekaterina Arkharova, was raised by her stepfather –
brother of the actor Emanuel Vitorgan. With your biological father,
62-year-old abbot of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Vladimir Kopnin,
Catherine does not maintain any relationship and did not even invite her.
to your wedding.

The journalists managed to get in touch with Kopnin and question him about
relationship with her daughter.

According to Vladimir, their roads diverged with their daughter for a very long time.
They rarely communicated, and in recent years, any relationship actually
have stopped. The man admitted that the sensational incident
beating her husband’s daughter as a result of which she received serious
brain injury, he learned from a niece with whom Arkharova
supports friendship. Kopnin admitted that he was praying for his daughter,
sincerely hoping that everything will be settled with her. And, of course, he will be happy
her call.

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