Mushroom cultivation in home basements,cellars. Reveal the secrets of champignon growing at homeconditions

Ср, 02 мар 2016 Автор: Софья Власова

Выращивание шампиньонов в домашних conditions достаточно
time-consuming and lengthy process.

To ensure the full and proper development of mushrooms need
care, feeding and watering, as well as a cool room with high
humidity level

A garage, basement, cellar or other will do for this,
available premises, with suitable conditions.


Выращивание шампиньонов в домашних conditions. The choice of landing
material grade

As a planting material for the cultivation of mushrooms
необходимо выбрать высококачественную грибницу без
any disease carefully treated.

For planting on an industrial scale produced compost and
зерновая грибница или так называемый мицелий.

They differ in terms of storage and storage conditions, as well as in type
use when sowing.

Грибница в зерновом варианте упаковывается в
plastic simple bags. Storage conditions of such a mycelium
range from zero to four degrees Celsius; shelf life
reaches half a year. Compost mycelium (mycelium)
produced in glass jars. Unlike grain, compost
stored only twenty days at a temperature of more than eighteen
degrees; at zero temperature storage is possible up to one year.
The yield of this type of mycelium also leaves much to be desired.
The advantage of compost mycelium is considered its smaller
exposure to various external stimuli.

At the moment there are more than fifty varieties of champignons,
bred by breeders.

Most распространенный сорт для посадки — это белые
культурные шампиньоны
. They are grown in industrial
scales for sale. They are also the favorite variety of all
gardeners and gardeners, because they meet more often and care, watering and their
feed easier.

In addition to traditional white champignons, there are yellowish,
cream and brown. They are derived from traditional
whites. Recently, the mycelium of these types of champignons appeared in
selling. Brown champignons are considered to be the original
material when creating a white cultural champignon. Appearance
brown is different from traditional white: its hat is almost in
two times smaller, the color of the cap varies from the lightest to the dark
brown tones, while the leg always remains white. By
Brown champignons taste practically no different from

Byмимо грибов, выведенных селекционным методом, существует
несколько видов шампиньонов, которые растут в диких conditions. Most
распространённый вид — шампиньон обыкновенный.
The halo of its habitat falls on humus soil. He has
spherical appearance with a curved cap and short leg.

Byлевой шампиньон произрастает на обочинах
roads, meadows. The hat has an oval appearance, reaches in diameter
fifteen centimeters. The leg of this type of mushroom is long, hollow
inside and has a cylindrical shape.

Тротуарный шампиньон, как и следует из
name, grows right through cracks in the asphalt, often,
right under the feet of passers-by. This type of mushroom prefers
compacted soil. This is evidenced even by the appearance of champignon:
a dense leg and a hat with a dome-shaped appearance. Mushroom plates
dark, dirty color. Despite the fact that the sidewalk champignon
growing at your side, collecting mushrooms in the city is not very

Лесной шампиньон соответственно произрастает в
the forest. The hat looks like an umbrella, scaly and brown in appearance. Leg
This champignon is quite high, has a “skirt” that
time is getting dark.

The presented champignon species grow in the wild and
are more common than their relatives. Byмимо них, существуют ещё более
twenty kinds of edible champignons that can be found on

Выращивание шампиньонов в домашних conditions. Byсев

Returning to the planting of selection of champignon species, it is worth
note the importance of not only choosing the type and variety of mycelium for
planting, but also preparing the ground and the room in which
be the next harvest.

For ideal conditions for planting and growing champignons fit
cellar or basement. It is there that there is an opportunity to support
required level of temperature and humidity for quick
growth and development of mycelium. In addition, champignons do not require
lighting and quietly can grow in the dark.

В первую очередь нужно подготовить помещение.
Whether it is a basement, a cellar or a garage, it is necessary to clean it thoroughly.
room from debris, waste and substances that can be evaporated
harm mushrooms. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough
disinfection from parasites, insects and fungal diseases. With
storage in the basement or cellar of vegetables before growing mushrooms there, then
chlorophos needs to process the entire room to get rid of flies and
worms. Attention to this item and additional
care, feeding and watering will help avoid future problems and
possible yield loss.

An important factor is considered ability to maintain
optimum temperature and humidity in the room. To regulate
in the summer, a simple ventilation method is suitable, with
growing champignons in the cold months requires increased
care: you need to think about how to heat the room, watering and
top dressing.

The ventilation system in the cellar or basement should be good.
debugged as the mushrooms grow on compost, which allocates
a large amount of carbon dioxide in the process of its decomposition.
With высокой концентрации газа в помещении, грибы могут

Перед посадкой необходимым условием является подготовка
. Traditionally, mycelium is used for planting.
natural compost self-made from manure, or
pre-purchased. It should be understood that the quality of the compost
has a direct impact on the development and growth of fungi. Byследнее
time recipe and recommendations for preparing the soil is written directly on
packages of grain mycelium. Depending on the variety of champignons,
requirements for the conditions and quality of compost are different. Also
It is recommended to heat treat the soil before sowing.
Byсле всех проведённых процедур по подготовке, грунт насыпают в
boxes in layers not exceeding thirty centimeters.

Сам способ посева ничем не отличается от
planting ordinary cultivated plants. Holes are made in the ground
depth of not more than five centimeters, located in the chess
okay twenty centimeters apart. Cereal or
compost mycelium is placed in the prepared well and buried
ground. With широкой посадке зерновой мицелий рассыпают по
the surface of the soil and fall asleep on top of a small amount

Выращивание шампиньонов в домашних conditions. Care,
top dressing

The first time to provide care, watering and feeding,
maintain air humidity and temperature in the ground, seeded
sites can be closed with newspapers or cloth, occasionally sprinkling
water, but so that it does not fall on the ground. Tracking
temperature during the birth of the mycelium is considered very important
condition when growing mushrooms.

By происшествию десяти дней с посадки, после того как грибница
will begin to grow, the surface of the compost for extra care,
полива и top dressing необходимо присыпать плотным слоем покровного
ground. It can also be purchased at garden stores or
cook yourself. Byсле этого, через четыре дня, температуру в
the cellar or basement needs to be reduced and the soil moistened, avoiding
contact with the main compost and mycelium. In addition, during this period
need to carefully monitor the ventilation of the room without creating

Первый урожай шампиньонов после посадки можно
collect in three weeks. It can be said that the mushrooms will
ripen wavy, not all at once. That is why it is necessary
carefully care for the remaining unripe mushrooms, collecting
first harvest.

First of all, when harvesting the first crop of champignons is necessary
check all mushrooms for possible diseases, darkening and
Doubtful appearance. In case one mushroom is infected, then
the infection will go all over the mycelium and the entire crop will be spoiled.

Making sure that the champignons are healthy and ripe for
collection, they must be carefully collected. In no case
нужно срезать ножку как у лесного гриба
. With таком
circulation, the remaining leg will rot, after which it will
infection of all fungi. Matured mushrooms need to be neat
выкрутить, а место его роста присыпать порцией ground.

Byсле сбора всех созревших грибов необходимо опять обеспечить
attentive care: monitor the moistening of the cover soil –
provide watering and fertilizing. This procedure must be repeated until
full maturation of all mushrooms. The period of fruiting champignons
is more than two months. Harvest during this time can be harvested
more than seven times. The period between the next maturation is not
more than seven days.

The main pests and diseases of champignons and ways to combat
by them

Mushroom cultivation as no other crop requires
тщательного и внимательного ухода, полива и top dressing. Byд этим
implies conducting all kinds of disinfection, pasteurization and
pretreatment of both soil and mycelium in order to
avoid infestation of the mycelium and the death of the crop of mushrooms. With
несоблюдении необходимых мер безопасности, top dressing, ухода,
watering, mycelium and the mushrooms themselves can affect many diseases,
inherent only in this type of mushrooms.

To the most common and harmful disease that affects
шампиньоны, относят микогон или мокрую гниль. With
the disease of this type of disease the fruit of the fungus itself loses its shape,
becomes soft and gives off a liquid that has a repulsive
smell. Mycelium may become infected if the thermal is improper.
обработке ground. The disease spreads very quickly.
air is either transported by insects, flies. Fight this view
contamination is possible only at the initial stages of soil preparation, and
также поддерживая гигиену в conditions помещения, где выращиваются

To the second disease of the spread and the number of infected
грибов относится вертициллез или сухая гниль. In
the time of infection, the fungi take the form of a cone, the flesh itself
becomes porous, dry. Peeling more visible peeling
pieces of pulp. Some time after the disease of one
fungus infection occurs throughout the mycelium. Just like with wet
rot, in this case the infection spreads from the soil as well
insects and through non-disinfected inventory that could
used when processing other crops. Fight dry rot
similar to the fight against wet rot: pasteurization of the soil, hygiene in

The next disease that often affects
здоровые шампиньоны, называется фузариозное
. Byраженный данным заболеванием шампиньон
becomes soft, loses its shape and darkens. Disease vector
considered cover material. To fight the disease you need to
stage of preparation of the coating material, namely:
disinfection. Also необходимым условием считается поддержание
hygiene and hygienic inventory handling.

If brown spots appeared on the caps of champignons, then this
означает, что грибы заражены бактериальной
. In the most advanced cases of the disease tissue
the fungus dies, the cracks go along the cap, it loses its shape.
The disease is spread by remaining on the mushrooms.
insect-borne bacteria. Also болезнь может
spread when watering due to water. No countermeasures
differ from those used for other diseases. Also необходимо
timely collect the remains of infected mushrooms from the beds.

Champignons can get sick with a viral disease or
мумификацией плодовых тел. This disease is expressed
in slowing the growth of fungi, which contributes to the spread
champignon small size. Collection of infected fruit bodies
difficult. Disinfection and
pasteurization. In addition, when infected fruit is detected, their
need to collect and destroy.

Byмимо заболеваний и плесени, которые передаются через грунт
main or integumentary, there are several types of pests
which exposes champignons to destruction and death.

The main pests in the cultivation of mushrooms are
грибные комарики и грибные мухи. This kind
insects are small in size and are difficult to spot on
white fruits. The larvae of mushroom flies gnaw through the moves in the champignons,
damage mycelium, infect healthy mushrooms. Larvae infestation
occurs through the soil, which is why it is necessary to carefully
pasteurize the soil before planting.

К другим вредителям относят ногохвосток. it
small insects that do not have wings. They harm the young
mycelium and mushroom germs, gnawing through them tunnels. Method of struggle
the same as with mushroom mosquitoes.

The following pests when growing mushrooms at home
conditions называют мокрицы. They are also, like
springtails damage young mycelium and buds, not allowing
mushrooms grow and develop. Licks may appear indoors.
due to high humidity. Byэтому, чтобы избежать возможных
consequences, it is necessary to carefully monitor the level of humidity in
cellar or basement.

To the last, but no less dangerous form of pests include
нематод. it черви, имеющие круглую форму тела,
which inhabit the main or topcoat. They are their
actions damage the mycelium and the fruits themselves. The only method
борьбы с by them является тщательная обработка compost.

In order to avoid possible problems with the occurrence
diseases, pests and death of mycelium, you must comply with a number of
rules, regulations and conduct preventive and disinfectant
activity. For safe ventilation of the room
applying filters. To avoid contamination of the soil, you need
carry out all activities for wetting, processing and harvesting in
clean and processed clothes, use only equipment,
processed from fungi and mold. Byстоянное поддержание гигиены в
room where mushrooms are grown, as well as temperature conditions
and air humidity.

Выращивание шампиньонов в домашних conditions, в подвале, погребе
or the garage can be either seasonal in nature or become
year-round useful occupation. Currently there is
a large number of opportunities, tools, techniques for creating
its little mushroom farm. And with attentive and correct
care, watering and feeding champignons, you can turn the cultivation
Mushrooms for themselves in a profitable business.

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