Mulberry: planting, growing and care (photo),different types of forming. About mulberry – from sapling to harvestharvest

Чт, 28 июл 2016 Автор: Галина Панкратова

Mulberry or mulberry tree, mulberry, – child

Her homeland is warm countries. There are different types of mulberry – black,
white, red.

Homeland white – China, black – Iran, Afghanistan, red –
North America.

And the types of mulberry are called by the color of the bark, not the berries.


Mulberry growing in Russia

It would seem that this southerner is a heat-loving sissy, incapable
endure the harsh winters of Russia. But it turned out that it is not. AT
last decades mulberry thanks to the efforts
amateur gardeners advanced dramatically northward. She is surprisingly
proved to be a very plastic culture, able to adapt to
different climatic conditions.

This interesting tree is successfully grown in the suburbs and under
Peter, in the Pskov region and Nizhny Novgorod. Enthusiasts
bred it in the Urals and southern Siberia.

But all of the above refers to white mulberry. Black
heat-loving and will not be able to grow in central Russia. Red
mulberry in our country almost never occurs.

AT средней полосе шелковица белая не вырастает выше шести meters
AT холодные зимы однолетние ветки подмерзают, но растение быстро
restored due to the high ability to give shoots.

AT конце мая, одновременно с развертыванием листьев, начинается
bloom. True, it does not fascinate with beauty, everything looks
rather modestly: the flowers are small, gathered in buds-earrings. Harvest
Mulberry gives annually. Shoot growth continues until

Features of growing mulberries

Шелковица — двудомное растение, то есть одно
the tree is the female plant, and the other is the male. This feature
must be considered when choosing a sapling for planting, because from the male
экземпляра harvest не дождаться. Need to buy seedlings,
propagated by vegetative vaccination or grafting.

Mulberry seedlings can be both female and male
specimens. Determine their gender prior to entry
The tree in fruiting is impossible.

True, there are trees, blooming flowers of both sexes.
Such plants are able to tie fruit from selfing. Pollinated
mulberry wind.

Interestingly, the debris and pruning of branches, breaking off leaves can
provoke a change of sex tree.

Planting mulberries

ATыбор места

For the mulberry is picked in the garden the warmest, the brightest
a place inaccessible to cold winds.

Planting a mulberry tree on the site is better from the south
He needs sunlight and protection from the north.
and east winds. Suitable for planting mulberry almost
any composition of the land. But good fruiting can be expected on
fertile nutrient-rich soils. Not tolerate
mulberry wetlands, wet lowlands with a long stagnant water.
Best of all this culture is well-drained with high
ability to retain soil moisture.

When planting, be aware that the mulberry is a big tree,
therefore between five to six meters is left between the trees.


Seedlings are planted in early spring or after leaf fall in the fall.
Planting pits are prepared in the size of 80 x 80 x 60 cm. The roots of mulberry
fragile, when wounded from them juice is released, so they are not
recommend pruning.

Mulberry sapling

AT посадочные ямы добавляют плодородный грунт. The mixture is prepared from
leaf earth, humus, sand (2: 1: 2). Add

• superphosphate – 60-80 g,

• potassium chloride – 40-50 g.

ATместо них можно взять комплексное удобрение — 150 г.

Fertilizers are mixed with the soil mixture. Abundantly watered and
Mulch with sawdust or wood bark. Transplant seedlings
tolerate well, two-year-olds take root especially easily.

The first two years after planting mulberry seedlings harbor on
winter, adult specimens do not require winter preparation.

Mulberry care


Watering требуется только в сухое время: на взрослое дерево 10 л
water once a week.


With the entry of the tree at the time of fruiting comes time
regular dressings. Usually one is enough for

• Early in the spring, nitroammopholes (50
g per 10 liters of water),

• If necessary, dressing is carried out in early June. Summer
make complex fertilizers with trace elements (for example,
�Kemiru Universal 20 g per 1 sq. M. m).

• In the autumn, when digging, it is useful to add wood ash 200 g per
Q1 m. When soil compaction under young landings land

ATместе с поливом можно удобрять деревья перебродившим
diluted manure. Sludge is diluted with water at about five to six.
time. Use instead of manure and bird droppings. It is diluted in
десять — двенадцать time. Starting in mid-summer, the nitrogen at
feeding is not used so as not to cause the growth of young shoots,
who do not have time to ripen to frost.

Trimming and shaping


It is better to form a plant in the form of a bush up to three meters high.
This size of the mulberry greatly facilitates the care and collection

Bushовидная форма шелковицы

ATыведение такой кроны похоже на формирование низкорослой яблони.
The conductor is cut over the third or fourth strong escape on
an altitude of about one and a half meters from the ground, forming a low shtamb.
Lay the skeleton of eight – ten branches. Crone is allowed to grow
freely, naturally. Unnecessary shoots plucked out in the summer
grassy condition.

Fruiting trees are usually only thinned, trying
keep crown sizes within specified limits.

Standard shaping

More natural for a tree is a single-stem
shaping. For its removal form shtamb. Annual shoots
regularly pinch (pinch). This technique limits the rugged
tree growth Pinging is carried out in the summer, seeking to complete it in
early august.

AT первые годы жизни шелковицы растут очень динамично. To five
years their growth reaches three meters. AT средней полосе свободно
growing mulberry trees are comparable in size to an apple tree. With
regular pruning of standard mulberry height does not exceed 4-5

The ends of young shoots which did not have time to wood up to the cold usually
freeze in the winter. However, this does not affect the yield, as
Mulberry fruits on perennial branches. AT Средней полосе
periodically there is a strong frosting of the tree. Withмерно один
once a decade, frost damages even the skeletal branches. Thanks
powerful frost-resistant roots the tree is quickly restored, giving
powerful young shoots. During the season they can grow to two or more

Reduced Mulberry Crown

Flexible branches of the mulberry often droop. If additionally their
to fasten with stretch marks, this will help reduce the crown and give the tree
scenic view.

Сбор harvest

Signal berries on a vegetatively propagated tree can
see already in the second or third year after landing. Regular
fruiting begins around the fifth year. AT первые годы даже у
large-fruited forms of mulberry berries are small. Year after year
the size of the berries increases with the growth of the tree, reaching
максимальных параметров к восьми — девяти годаm

Mulberry harvest

In ordinary mulberry berries are easily separated from the stalk,
осыпаясь с веток и устилая землю под деревоm Уборка harvest не
presents difficulties. Under the branches spread the fabric and shake
fruits on her. For processing, they are removed slightly immature.

Tsar’s mulberry mine is more difficult to collect. The berries firmly hold
на дереве и обрываются с трудоm

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