Monstera: care at home (photo).Pests and major problems in the care of a monster at homeconditions

Чт, 31 мар 2016 Автор: Эльвира Григорьева

Монстера из семейства Ароидных в природных conditions произрастает
in the rainforests of equatorial america and reaches large

AT домашних conditions эта лиана, если не обрезать ее, вырастает до
6 meters.

Monstera has become popular among lovers of indoor floriculture,
thanks to its bizarre appearance and unpretentiousness.

Caring for her is quite simple and even for beginners.

In addition to the decorative function, it also benefits – it ionizes
room air.

Among the wide variety of monster species for growing in
комнатных conditions пригодны такие:

Монстера деликатесная или прекрасная
fast-growing liana with dissected dark green leaves.
Young leaves are whole heart-shaped. Adult plant with
благоприятных conditions содержания может цвести. Edible fruits
after ripening to taste similar to ripe pineapple. Also derived
variegated form of this species.

Монстера Борзига — подвид монстеры
delicacy. A more graceful plant than its progenitor leaves
have a heart-shaped form, with a diameter of up to 30 cm.

Монстера косая — лиана родом из Бразилии.
Leaves elliptical with oblong perforation on the short
petioles. It blooms with a small cob length up to 4 cm.

Монстера пробитая или дырявая — лазящая лиана
with ovoid light green leaves. Cob grows to 10 cm


Монстера: уход в домашних conditions — размножение,

Monstera propagated by seed, lateral processes, stem

Семенной способ применяют редко из-за того, что
в комнатных conditions монстера очень редко цветет и получить
seed material is quite problematic. If all the same
I was lucky to get the seeds, they are sown in a bowl with a mixture of peat
and sand and germinated in a bright place at + 20-25 ° C. Shoots
appear in 14-30 days. After regrowth of this leaflet
carry out a picking of plants. As they grow young monsters
transplanted annually.

Monstera is much easier and easier to reproduce.

At the base of the stalk, monsters grow lateral shoots. Spring them
are separated, the sections are dried and powdered with cinnamon powder or
charcoal. After this treatment, the plants are planted in
prepared soil. At the bottom of the planting containers must fill
drainage, then peat or humus soil, and the last layer –
coarse sand. Maintain room temperature
+ 20-25 ° C. Landings covered with transparent bags or placed under
glass jars. Periodically, the cuttings are airing and moisturizing.
The emergence of new shoots indicates a successful process

Размножить монстеру можно и стеблевые черенки с
воздушными корнями
. This method will help to rejuvenate the old
Baldish Vine:

• The upper air roots are wrapped in moist sphagnum, and
over a cloth or a porous material.

• Moss is often moisturized and made sure that the room is not
drafts. Instead of moss, you can drop the air root in the tank with

• In a humid environment, the air root forms a “washcloth” of small

• After that, the top of the stem is cut and put in a pot,
deepening the roots entirely into the soil.

• If you plant a stalk to the old plant, the young leaves
cover the bare trunk.

Air roots in jars of water increase additional

Root stem cuttings can also be in the water, adding to it
activated carbon tablet. Water should be changed once a week to
fresh. After regrowth of the roots, the stalk is put in a pot with
ground and caring as an adult plant.

Important! Monstera juice is poisonous and can cause
dermatitis of the skin and mucosal irritation. Therefore, when grafting
(when juice is released) use gloves.


Monstera transplant frequency depends on her age: young
specimens (up to 3-4 years) – every spring, older vines (from 5 years)
один раз в 3-4 года (в период между transferми подсыпают свежий
substrate). In pots, good drainage is required.

Монстера уход в домашних conditions – почва, освещения, условия
for flowering


Monstere needs a bright, but diffused light – as in
conditions тропического леса. The lack of light has
strong influence on the vine: new leaves grow small, on them
there are no cuts and holes, aerial roots are weakened and
become thinner. Especially strongly variegated types of monsteras –
they lose their color and become completely green.

Air temperature and humidity

The optimum temperature for monstera is + 20-25ºС in the summer and
+ 16-18ºС in the winter. The active vegetation of the vine begins at + 16ºС.
Humidity is also important for the normal development of the monstera. Her
Do not place near heating appliances. Frequently
spray the plant and the leaves wipe off the dust with a damp sponge or
a rag.

The soil

Monsters need fertile, loose soil with a neutral or
slightly acid reaction (pH 5.5-6.0). Substrate can be made
independently: to the mixture turf (3 parts) and deciduous land (1
part) add an equal volume of peat, humus, sand (1: 1: 1). AT
garden stores you can buy ready-made soil mixtures for Aroid,
for example, from the series Auriki Gardens, Biomaster, Seliger-Agro.

Условия for flowering

Из всех видов монстер, выращиваемых в домашних conditions,
can only bloom monstera delicacy. The flower represents her
a cob with a white and cream bract veil. When ripe
fruits are colored purple, have a taste of ripe pineapple.

Monstera Blossom

In order for the monstera to blossom, it is necessary to create conditions close to
tropical climate:

• Scattered intense lighting;

• Increased air humidity: spray the plant frequently,
especially in the summer, warm settled water;

• The soil должна быть плодородной и рыхлой;

• Suitable planting capacity – adult plant in
close pot will stop in growth and will not bloom;

• The higher the air temperature, the faster the monstera grows;

• ATоздушные корни отрезать нельзя — их надо направлять в горшок:
they provide extra nutrition to the plant.

Монстера уход в домашних conditions – подкормки, полив,


In winter, the monster is watered 1 time in 10-15 days. March to August
watering increase. ATажно не допускать переувлажнения почвы,
especially if there is a small plant in a large pot: soil at
overflow sour and possibly rotting roots.


Monstera is fed from April to August twice a month.
Complex mineral fertilizers are used as universal
and for green leaf plants (Pokon, Uniflor, Compo, Greenworld,
Good power, Gumat, etc.). With a lack of nutrients
the plant stops growing. Organic fertilizer can
make in the form of mulch substrate leaf humus. Root
dressing well alternate with foliar.


Monstera is a vine that needs support. AT природе эту роль
perform tree trunks. AT комнатных conditions в качестве опоры в
a pot of plants put up a steady stick, rigid mesh
tubes, pull cords. It is necessary to form a stalk of monstera with
�“Infancy”, otherwise it will be more difficult later: as
when growing, the stem of the liana becomes stiff, loses its flexibility.


After spraying the leaves with water or insecticide solutions and
fertilizers, they often have a dull appearance. To restore the former shine
plant leaves are treated with special polishing sprays
(Perfect Plant, Spring). If you do not trust “chemistry”, then from home
means a good result gives rubbing leaves with a mixture of water with
milk in proportions of 1: 1 (a rag or cotton pad should be
wet and well wrung out so that stains do not remain), internal
side of the banana peel.

Монстера в домашних conditions: почему он погибает?

With proper care, monstera rarely suffers from pests and

Чаще всего из сосущих насекомых ее повреждает плющевая
. The plant looks depressed, the leaves turn yellow and
fall off. A sooty fungus develops on the sticky secretions of the pest.
(looks like black bloom). If shchitovki a little, then it is removed.
a cotton pad mechanically moistened with alcohol or soapy water.
With a massive lesion, the plant is sprayed with insecticides (Admiral,
Aktara, Biotlin).

Если «заглянул на огонек» паутинный клещ,
urgently need to take measures to evict him: to increase the humidity in
помещении, часто опрыскивать монстеру теплой water Yellowing
leaves and the appearance on their underside of cobwebs suggests that
that the tick began to multiply massively. AT этом случае используют
acaricides (Akarin, Fitoverm, Sunmite, Apollo, Aktellik).

Еще одним частым «гостем» монстеры является мучнистый
. It parasitizes mainly on young leaves and
shoots. AT результате листьях деформируются, сохнут, растение
languishes. With a small amount of pest plant wipe
soap solution and arrange after that a warm shower. With strong
lesions use insecticides: Aktellik, Mosplan, Fitoverm.

When dry and warm air multiply rapidly
трипсы. Affected leaves from above become
gray-brown. To combat thrips, increase air humidity, like
You can often sprinkling vines. If this does not help, then justified.
use of insecticides (Biotlin, Inta-vir, Aktara, Spark,

Чаще всего монстеры в домашних conditions гибнут от
неправильного полива
, в результате которого загнивают
the roots. This contributes to the too large volume of the pot:
overmoistened soil quickly turns sour, weak root system does not
copes in excess moisture. This often happens in winter.
at low air temperature. The plant looks like this
depressed, the leaves descend, turn yellow, and then dry out. AT
In this case, you need to remove the plant from the pot, pruning rotten
roots and transplant into a smaller container.

Mass blanching, yellowing and desiccation of the monster leaves during
moderate soil moisture is observed with a lack of nutrition.

If the monstera began to “cry Yaroslavna” (the leaves flow
water droplets), this suggests that the soil is unnecessarily overmoistened.
The plant thus gets rid of excess moisture. This process
peculiar to many tropical plants and called guttation. AT
In this case, it is necessary to adjust the irrigation and temperature
mode. Before the next watering, the soil in the pot should dry to
half volume.

With a lack of moisture, only the lower leaves turn yellow, and new ones
grow small and dark.

With a lack of nutrition and keeping the monster in the shade, she
stops growing, leaves do not open or grow
whole and small. To have dissected leaves, it is necessary to vine
rearranged to a brighter place and feed. Besides,
Monstera should reach 5 years of age – in young plants
leaves are not carved.

По мере старения листья на лиане fall off. It is natural
process. However, if the leaves turned brown and dried before the fall, then
cause in dry and hot air.

ATоздушные корни стали мягкими и тонкими? If the plant is recent
It was not transplanted, then the reason is a lack of moisture. Required
restore sufficient watering, increase air humidity. Also
You can wrap the air roots with wet moss.

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