Mirabilis – we grow the night beauty of the garden.We seek the full bloom of Mirablis: the secrets of planting, cultivationand care

Пт, 05 авг 2016 Автор: Ирина Фёдорова

Mirabilis – the mysterious name of the flower, which is from Latin
translates as “amazing.” Gardeners love him for the unexpected
stains and simplicity in care. The combination of flowers on one bush
really happens awesome. Just plant a few
varieties of plants near, as in the second year, as a result
pollinating, the color gamut of colors will be predicted simply
is impossible. From snow white to purple, all on one small
small bush.

Another amazing feature of this plant is the nocturnal
bloom. For this, mirabilis is called “the night beauty” or else
more romantic – “a thousand and one nights.” Flowers bloom in the evening
and bloom until morning, exuding a sweet aroma. In a day
there will be new flowers. They will decorate the garden before the first frost,
creating a unique atmosphere of the southern night.

Despite the exotic appearance and transatlantic
origin, Mirabilis successfully grown in temperate latitudes. TO
Only one of almost 600 species is adapted to weather conditions.
mirabilis. This species is Mirabilis Jalapa, it includes
many varieties, providing a huge variety of colors and


Mirabilis, breeding methods

At home (in the Americas), Mirabilis lives
some years, spring sprouting from the overwintered root. AT
more severe winters of Eurasia, the root often dies from
frost. Therefore, night beauty in frosty winters
cultivated as an annual.

You can multiply a flower with several

1. The division of the bush.

2. Cutting.

3. Planting rhizomes.

4. ATыращивание из семян.

The bush can be divided when the plant is sufficient.
developed and its varietal characteristics fully manifested. Liked
the bush is divided together with the rhizome in half (for example, acute
shovel or knife). After that, two separate parts
seated as separate plants.

Cutting is not the easiest way to reproduce. TO нему
resort, when there is no other way to save the variety. For this
require semi-woody escape. The cut on the shoot is dried,
Dipped in rooting solution and give it to take root in
soil substrate or plain water.

Planting rhizomes suggests that in the fall, after finishing
flowering of the aerial parts, the root was dug out and kept all winter during
wet sawdust or sand. Then in spring it can be planted in
priming. It is quite difficult to keep track of the optimum humidity.
and storage temperature. TOак результат ‒ корень засыхает или
on the contrary, rotting.

Reproduction by seeds gives the most stable result. AT южных
In the regions, mirabilis can multiply by self-sowing, growing each
year alone of fallen seeds.

Fine plants can be obtained from seeds each year by observing
simple rules.

Mirabilis, growing from seed

In place of the fading delicate flowers of Mirabilis are formed on
surprise large and durable seeds. They can be stored at
room temperature, while maintaining germination up to three years.

Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground as soon as
the earth warms up and passes the threat of night cold. But only in the south
areas this method ensures full bloom marabilis.
Planting seeds can ensure healthy in advance.
seedlings, extend flowering from June until the cold.

ATыращивают рассаду в теплице, парнике, но можно это сделать в
apartment on the windowsill. TOонец марта — самое время начинать

To improve the germination of applied several

1. Hard amniotic box cut with a regular nail file,
so that the germ was easier to get out.

2. The seeds of the night beauty before planting stand from 6 to 24
hours under a wet napkin.

3. The best temperature for the germination of Mirabilis + 20 ° C. But,
if you warm up the tank with the seeds planted from below to + 24 ° С,
it will sprout even faster.

Prepared seeds of Mirabilis, are planted in containers,
pots or glasses with soil. Tanks should be enough
deep for the full development of the root system.

Mirabilis, planting, photo shoots

For seedlings, a standard soil mix, light and
loose, and most importantly not sour. Sealing depth – 2 cm. After landing
and watering, containers should be covered, placed in a warm place.

With proper seed treatment, after a week you can expect
first shoots (as in the photo). Mirabilis care is needed at this time
the most elementary is watering and light.

Mirabilis, care for seedlings and planting in open ground

Developing plants are not demanding to care. there is
just a few factors that can destroy

• water stagnation;

• hypothermia;

• acidic soil.

For transplanting on the street choose the time when the danger is past
night cold This is usually the middle of May. The place is taken away by
the possibilities are sunny, although the penumbra Mirabilis also tolerates
not bad. AT низинах, где есть вероятность скопления влаги, корень
can rot.

The plant responds well to fertile loamy soil. For
reduce acidity, you can pre-make lime.

When planting, it should be borne in mind that Mirabilis is grown as
photo, large branching bushes.

AT зависимости от сорта его высота может колебаться от 25 до 100
see The same will be the approximate diameter of an adult bush. For
tall varieties should maintain a distance between plants
not less than 40 cm. This will give the flowers the necessary space for

Mirabilis care for full bloom

Mexico is the birthplace of the night beauty, where it grows without
cultivation on mountain rocky slopes. This explains
drought resistance, increased need for sun. But for
In order for the plant to show itself in all its glory, it still needs
water it. The frequency of irrigation is determined by soil moisture, the presence of
rain, the state of the plant itself.

When temporarily dried, the plant stops developing,
прекращает bloom. ATозобновив поливы, даже через продолжительное
time, you can restore the former beauty of the bushes. Deprived of Mirabilis care
does not die He is able to wait for the attention of the owners, after their
long absence.

Top dressing with complex fertilizers stimulate growth and development
mirabilis. For обильного цветения кустов достаточно произвести 3-4
top dressing for the summer. It is better to use ready-made mineral fertilizers.
for flowers from the store. Organic, in most cases,
acidify the soil. For мирабилиса это не допустимо.

AT вечернее время и всю ночь цветение мирабилиса наполняет сад
amazing sweet smell. Bright flowers cover the bush from
tops to the ground, do not require tearing off faded buds.
There is no need to form a bush. Regardless of the size, Mirabilis
without care and pruning acquires a harmonious rounded shape. AT
cloudy weather bloom does not stop all day, adding to the garden
bright colors.

ATысокорослые сорта с успехом применяют для создания зелёных,
flowering hedges, and low decorated with flower beds and borders. Good
Mirabilis by the fact that every beginning gardener, without any special
skills, can achieve abundant flowering and variety of color.
It is enough to grow this amazing plant once
to part with it no longer want.

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