Methods of reproduction of black currant: multiplyharvest How to propagate black currants by cutting and dividingbush

ATт, 05 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

The cultivation of black currant on the site is engaged in any
summer resident. Getting a good harvest every year is the main goal.
gardeners. Black currant is quite unpretentious and useful.
culture To save the beloved variety and get
посадочного материала нужно прибегать к размножению bushрника.
By doing this yourself, you can significantly save on
buying ready seedlings.


How to propagate the black currant

Оптимальным способом размножения этого bushрника
is vegetative propagation:

  • green cuttings;

  • lignified cuttings;

  • layering;

  • делением bush.

Each method has its advantages. But the most simple and
проверенным остается размножение черенкованием bush. Received
thus, the seedlings fully retain all varietal characteristics
maternal plant.

The whole breeding process consists of several

  • cutting preparation;

  • planting material;

  • care for seedlings.

Black currant can be propagated by cuttings throughout the season.
This allows you to get enough planting material to work.

We prepare cuttings for planting

Experienced gardeners practice currant cutting throughout the year.
Each method has its own characteristics.

1. In the summer of currant propagated green

This is a fairly time-consuming process that requires special skills.
Cuttings harvested from well-developed annual shoots.
Rooting is carried out only in the greenhouse. The cutting length must be
about 10 cm. Each finished cutting should have some green
leaves, the tops of the shoots for rooting do not use.

The lower cut is made straight and the cutting is immersed for 14 hours.
growth stimulator solution. This will speed up the process of rooting.
The planting of cuttings is carried out in the greenhouse, where the temperature should be
not less than 25 degrees. Planting depth is about 2 cm.

2. In the spring or in the autumn carry out reproduction of currants
одревесневшими cuttings.

It is necessary to harvest cuttings from annual shoots that grow
from the root or on two – three-year branches. On grafting goes
middle escape The length of the finished cutting should be up to 20 cm.

You can prepare the cuttings in the spring, in the process of planning.
trimming, or in the fall before the onset of frost. Cutting spend
sharp garden shears. The bottom edge of the shoot is cut right below
kidney, upper cut make oblique 1 cm above the kidney.

Planting cuttings

Before planting seedlings need to prepare the site. The earth
they dig, level, clean weeds and form trenches,

Black currant prefers organic fertilizers. AT
planting trenches lay compost or rotted manure.
Preparation of trenches for planting takes place in the autumn, and planting cuttings –
in the spring. This allows the earth to accumulate enough moisture for better
root formation.

Some gardeners plant cuttings for the winter, but do
this is not recommended. The cuttings do not have time to settle down well and
die in cold weather. AT зимнее время выращивать черенки лучше дома, а
spring to land in the garden.

ATесенняя посадка черенков должна быть проведена как можно
earlier. Prepared cuttings of black currant are planted in
trench at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. Between rows
keep distance to 50 cm. It will facilitate further leaving and
transplanting seedlings to a permanent place.

Fresh planting must be mutilated humus. Layer
The mulch material should be at least 5 cm. This will help
retain moisture to form roots. Can be used in
as a mulch layer, a black film that inhibits growth
weeds, accelerates the development of roots, will preserve the friability of the soil.

Seedlings that have developed well in the spring, transplant
to a permanent place in the garden. Weak plants leave to winter on
same place.

ATажно! When planting cuttings for the winter of them
need to tilt at a 45 degree angle. If you do not, then
frozen ground pushes unrooted shoots to the surface
soil and they die.

General recommendations for the reproduction of black currant

Propagating black currant cuttings need to stick
certain rules, then the rooting of the shoots will be good.

  • For rooting cuttings use only nutrient soil,
    which well passes moisture and air to roots.

  • Currant loves feeding. Fertilize seedlings need at least 4 times
    in season. Use organic and mineral complexes that
    diluted according to the instructions. Nutrient Surplus
    bad for currants.

  • Регулярный полив положительно сказывается на bushрнике. is he
    provides good growth of saplings, their abundant fruiting.

  • ATыращивая черенки в домашних условиях зимой, нужно обрывать
    appeared flowers and ovaries. The plant will spend too much energy on
    flowering, root system will weaken and you will get a barren bush

Soil mixtures for rooting cuttings should be enough
loose. For cooking substrates use peat and humus in
equal parts add sawdust and river sand. This ground is good
allows moisture, prevents the accumulation of excess fluid.

ATысадка черенков смородины в сад

Rooted cuttings of black currant are planted in the garden, on
permanent place. When breeding currants need cuttings
take into account planting density seedlings.

  • The distance between young seedlings must be at least one.
    meters. It depends on the fertility of the soil. On good fertile
    land can be reduced, and on poor soils, planting
    carried out at a distance of 1.5 meters.
  • Освещение играет важную роль в выращивании currants. If a
    света недостаточно, то расстояние между bushми увеличивают. Each
    The bush should be well lit.
  • Густота посадки зависит от кроны bushрника и сорта. ATетвистые
    varieties require a lot of space, and varieties with a straight narrow crown can
    land tightly.

Planting density when cutting currant does not have a strong effect on
yield, small errors are permissible. Need to remember that
in case of thickened planting, the berries are smaller and their number is smaller.

Caring for blackcurrant seedlings

Propagating black currants by cutting in a year
get good powerful bushes with a good root system. But
It is important to remember that these are not yet mature bushes and they need
special care.

1. Pruning of the shoots is carried out in early spring, leaving each
branch up to 4 buds.

2. Appearing flowers and ovaries should be removed to ensure
good growth side shoots.

3. AT течение сезона смородина нуждается в рыхлении почвы.
Loosening need to shallow, the roots are on the most
ground surface.

4. AT засушливый период саженцы нуждаются в поливе. Water flow
on one plant to 15 liters.

5. Fertilize with a solution of bird droppings no more than once per

One-year and two-year-old currant seedlings should be cut in spring,
which forms a well-developed crown. First crop during reproduction
смородины черенками снимают на третий год жизни bush. Maximum
peak yield occurs in the sixth year of cultivation, after which
the amount of the crop falls. ATыращивая черную смородину черенкованием
need to rejuvenate the bushes every 10 years.

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