Methods of express weight loss in Old Englishdiet for five days

  • 1 How to eat and what are the benefits
    • 1.1 Menus of the Old English Diet
    • 1.2 The role of tea in the diet
  • 2 Results of the Old English Diet

Old England diet – an unusual regime with a strict list.
permissible food. Diet menu is designed for only
five days to quickly get rid of a few extra
kilograms before an important event.

Under the Old English diet is meant strict
low-calorie diet, but the range of acceptable foods
очень удивит тех, кто решится попробовать свои силы
Slimming comes on the background of inclusion in the menu of natural and healthy
carbohydrates, proteins and a limited amount of fat, as well as full
exclusion from the diet of complex carbohydrates. Daily rate
The food consumed in the Old English diet is about 800

Different sources offer two versions of mode occurrence.
food with such a characteristic name. Some romanticize
The Old English Diet, saying that its limited menu had
strict appointment – to keep harmony and grace young
to aristocrats in those times when thinness and pallor are high
valued by the high society. Others refute this, saying that
�”Old English” she is solely due regularly
appearing in the menu of strong black tea and standard for
традиционной английской кухни набора продуктов
. So or
иначе, название интригует, а режим Староанглийской диеты
обещает похудение от 3 до 5 килограммов за 5 дней
, в
depending on the starting weight losing weight.


How to eat and what are the benefits

The Old England Diet is a five-day regimen built on
four daily meals, and excluding from the menu complex
calories. It should be understood that in such a short time you can reset
only recently gained kilograms, which is great for
preparing for important events.

Nutrition provided by the Old English Diet
consists of a small list of products, from which

  • cereals;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • beans;
  • chicken meat;
  • milk;
  • butter,
  • cheese;
  • chicken eggs;
  • rye or whole wheat bread;
  • black or green tea;
  • apples;
  • pears

В чем преимущества режима питания
Староанглийской диеты
First, accessibility
products – they are sold everywhere, and cooking them is easy. Secondly,
daily bread, butter, enough fat meat are included in the menu,
яйца — то есть, по сути, меню режима позволяет есть вкусно
и не лишать организм наиболее важных питательных веществ
Allowed foods are quite high in calories, but due to
they are supported by the normal provision of all processes in
the body. In addition, the product list includes items that
help the body to remove accumulated slags and toxins, which means
diet is aimed at improving

В чем минусы Old English diet?
In addition to the allowed food, nothing more can be eaten.
You can indulge yourself only black or green
, и тот нельзя подслащать или разбавлять молоком.
The maximum relaxation that occurs in some
sources is to add tea to porridge
ложки варенья из черники или клубники с минимальным
sugar content.

Важно понимать, что Староанглийская диета — это комплекс
dietary restrictions for the purpose of rapid weight loss, which means that there are
authorized products in any quantities is not possible.
meals assume small portions only four times a day,
the last of which should be no later than eight in the evening.
�”Desserts” are limited to tea. Jam can be used in
as an additive to the dish in limited quantities and only once per
day. Добавлять соль в пищу можно минимально, но лучше на
время вообще исключить соль из рациона
— так можно помочь
body to quickly get rid of excess water, and therefore quickly
lose a few extra pounds. And the last rule of this
режима питания — употребление чистой питьевой воды от 1,5
до 2 литров в день
, что будет «выгонять» накопившиеся
slags and toxins are much faster.

How much can you sit on the Old English
Such a strict diet can be observed
five days, and then gradually out of it. Strict compliance
the menu can be repeated only after 1-1.5 months, and no more than three times
in year.

Old England diet is designed for people who are ready
observe a five-day strict diet consciously,
purposefully and without relief. In return, losing weight gets
impressive results of weight loss.

Важно: соблюдение Староанглийской
diets are contraindicated for people with chronic kidney disease and
, так как резкое снижение потребляемых
carbohydrates and increasing the amount of protein can disrupt
organs. Кроме того, подобное меню не следует выбирать
беременным женщинам и молодым мамам

Old English Diet Menu

Since the diet of this diet is limited, from losing weight
manifestations of culinary fantasy and hours of work in the kitchen are required.
Old English Diet Menu на 5 дней предполагает четыре небольших
приема пищи в сутки, строго formulated
, и каждый из которых обязательно включает
чашку чая
. Also, all snacks for five days
consist only of tea.

Day 1

  • oatmeal on water;
  • low-fat chicken broth, a slice of wheat bread;
  • Cup of tea;
  • slice of rye bread with butter.

Day 2

  • oatmeal on water;
  • two boiled eggs, a sandwich with butter and cheese.
  • Cup of tea;
  • two green apples.

Day 3

  • tablespoon of jam;
  • chicken leg boiled without skin;
  • Cup of tea;
  • a small portion of boiled beans with tomatoes.

Day 4

  • porridge on the water
  • three boiled eggs;
  • Cup of tea;
  • две pears

Day 5

  • bread with butter;
  • boiled chicken drumstick without skin glass
  • Cup of tea;
  • two baked potatoes.

After strict compliance with the menu of the Old English
диеты нужно постепенно вводить в рацион
вареные овощи,
then you can enter fresh vegetables and fruits. Harmful and fatty
products should be completely excluded from the menu for another two weeks.

The role of tea in the diet

Some sources claim that the Old English Diet
limits losing weight not only in the choice of food,
но и в разновидностях чая
. For example, strictly
It is forbidden to include in the menu a drink mixed with milk or herbal
infusions. Некоторые утверждают, что пить нужно только крепкий
черный чай
. Others advise to include in the day menu.
зеленый чай, в котором содержится больше полезных
substances, which is very helpful to firmly overcome the strict limitations in

The properties of this drink speak for themselves: increase
metabolic rate, removal of toxins from the blood,
acceleration of the heat exchange process in the body, reducing the level of sugar
in the blood, natural stimulant effects.

Results of the Old English Diet

Strict observance of the menu of this tough express diet
can not only help lose weight before an important event, but also
have a positive effect on all body functions due to
purifying and accelerating metabolism effect. The main thing is not to forget
that longer than five days to observe such poor nutrition can be
hazardous to health.

Reviews call different numbers of possible results, from
1.5 to 10 kilograms in five days Old English
. This mode follows the same rules as
большинство других диет: чем больше лишнего веса у
man, the faster the first kilos with water and the recent

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