Menu with a diet of alternating protein and carbohydratedays

  • 1 Diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation
    • 1.1 Basic rules
    • 1.2 How to calculate the menu for yourself?
    • 1.3 Correct menu

In anticipation of the summer, everyone tries to get rid of extra pounds,
но процесс похудения занимает время. Methods
похудения много, а выбор становится тяжелым. Thanks
Malysheva’s diet and diet are popular for television and online advertising.

Диета Малышевой, подразумевает быстрое похудение за 10 days с
применением разгрузочных days. Она не безопасна, сгорать может
not only excess subcutaneous fat, but water and muscle

Dyukan diet “Attack” and its other components – this alternation
protein and углеводных days, разделенная на 4 этапа: атака,
alternation, consolidation and stabilization.

Lose weight and athletes, a popular protein-carbohydrate diet
alternations, or briefly BUCH. The alternation of protein and carbohydrate
days направлено на избавление от избыточного веса без потери
muscle mass. During BOOT, a person is not under stress and
feels comfortable mentally and physically at the expense of right
compiled menu.

The task of this type of food – burning fat, not at the expense of
muscle mass. The alternation of protein and carbohydrate days — это
losing weight with a good result or a diet without harm to

Основной принцип — чередование days употребления белков
and carbohydrates.
In the first two protein days, the body gets
high in protein but limited in carbohydrates. By the end
белковых days an organism израсходует запас энергии – гликоген, а
to maintain the tone and strength, the body spends reserves of fat.
Эффективность диеты будут заметны уже через 2 дня.


Diet protein-carbohydrate alternation

Diet protein-carbohydrate alternation заключается в похудении,
by drying the body. BUCH was developed as a reset program.
веса для спортсменов в период сушки перед соревнованиями.
Но со временем чередование protein and углеводных days стало
popular among ordinary people who drive fat, because this species
Weight loss is simple and effective. Combination of diet and
workouts will increase muscle mass and remove excess

Weight loss is beneficial if you start to exercise from the first
days БУЧа, когда сжигаются жиры, а уровень
glycogen in the body falls. Aim for classes
sports fell on carbohydrate or mixed days, it will help
avoid fatigue.

The alternation of protein and carbohydrate days — диета,
где an organism не страдает от недостатка белка/углевода, питание
will be balanced and not harmful to health. For a while
Hunger hunger is reduced to a minimum, and this facilitates the process.
Diet is not aimed at reducing weight due to water loss, but
due to the burning of subcutaneous fat, so losing weight is already noticeable
с первых days. Со временем an organism подстраивается к новым
restrictions, but the person did not experience mental discomfort.
After the end of the diet the probability of returning the lost kilograms
minimized if leaving it right.

Fundamental rules

To ensure that the protein-carbohydrate alternation diet is effective,
стоит придерживаться определенных правил и не
break them:

  • Диета чередования protein and углеводных days должно длиться не
    more than a month, a maximum period of 3 months. After this cut
    времени похудение идет тяжелее, т.к. an organism
  • It is necessary to follow the schedule of BUCH. Scheme to obtain
    Results: 2 protein days (consumption of 3-4 g protein per 1 kg.
    target weight), 1 carbohydrate (5-6 g. carbohydrates per 1 kg. mass,
    which you are planning to reach), 1 mixed day (2-3 g each of protein and
    carbohydrate per 1 kg.). Then the circle repeats;
  • Dinner always consists of protein, regardless of the stage;
  • Питание при чередовании protein and углеводных days дробное,
    the best option is 5 meals per day at a certain time;
  • Carbohydrates are different: complex and simple. AT
    простые входит: сахар, мучные и кондитерские
    products, sweets, bananas. Exclude them from your diet when BUC
    diet Carbohydrates are obtained from natural cereals;
  • ATо время БУЧа стоит забыть о газированных напитках и
  • AT белковые дни насыщаем an organism полезными жирами растительного
    origin – avocado, olive oil, nuts. Animal Fat –
    cheese, butter, sour cream, etc.
  • ATыпивать 1,5 — 2 л. water during the alternation of protein and
    углеводных days.

How to calculate the menu for yourself?

Чтобы приступать к составлению меню, учтите факторы:
age, weight, physical activity. How to calculate the menu for yourself
when dieting protein-carbohydrate alternation?

По формуле: 655 + (9,6 х ATЕС) + (1,8 х РОСТ) – (4,7 х
ATОЗРАСТ) рассчитайте норму потребления калорий в сутки.

Example: 655+ (9.6 x 80 kg) + (1.8 x 165 cm) – (4.7 x 32 g) = 1570 Kcal. Received by
the result is multiplied by the activity coefficient:

  • k = 1.20 – low activity;
  • k = 1.38 – light workouts 1-3 per week;
  • k = 1.55 – moderate workouts 3-5 per week;
  • k = 1.73 – intensive 5-7 per week.

ATыходит 1570 х 1,20 =1884, если цель похудеть, то вычитаем ещё
500 and it turns out 1384 Kcal. Those. intended alternation menu
protein and углеводных days входит в рамки +/- 1000 — 1500 Ккал.

The next step of alternation is to determine what the protein norm is.
carbohydrate for diet. We set a goal – the desired weight. ATозьмем 60
a kilogram, on protein days at a rate of 3-4 g should eat 3 * 60 = 180
g protein. Углеводов – 25, жиров сокращаем до 25-30 г. AT углеводные
days we increase carbohydrate intake to 6g. (6 * 60 = 360) and
we reduce protein to 1-1.5 g per day. AT смешанные дни количество
should be equal to 2-3 g each, and not more than 30 g of fat.

There is a framework for a set of calories. The alternation of protein and carbohydrate
days бывают разных видов. If you have hard days without carbohydrates,
then reduce protein days, but do not forget that these days are coming
burning subcutaneous fat.

Correct menu

AT сети уже выложено огромное количество меню для БУЧа, что
makes life easier for losing weight. In our example, we consider the approximate
menu for owners of 60 kg., on it you can calculate the diet
for myself.

Меню при диете чередование protein and углеводных

Protein days

  • завтрак: творог (не больше 3-5%) – ~200 грамм,
    coffee or tea (without sugar);
  • перекус: omelet from 4 proteins;
  • обед: запеченная/вареная/на пару куриная
    breast (200 gr.) + vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, 1 spoon
    olive oil);
  • 2-й перекус: запеченная/на пару нежирная рыба
    (200 grams);
  • ужин: творог – 150 грамм.

Carbohydrate days

  • 25-30 g of dried fruit + 100 gr. oatmeal on water (dry cereal, not
    instant) + tsp of honey;
  • banana or apple;
  • potatoes (baked or boiled) ~ 400 g + cabbage salad
    and carrots ~ 200 g., you can add olive / linseed oil;
  • macaroni ~ 50 g (dry) + apple + spoon of flaxseed
  • cottage cheese (~ 200 g) + dried fruits (~ 30 g).

Mixed days

  • oatmeal (on water) – 100 g, milk 1.5% – about 100 ml., egg
  • apple / pear / banana;
  • chicken breast, beef, turkey – (200 g) + baked
    potato (200 g) + salad (tomatoes, cucumbers) – not more than 150 g +
    olive oil;
  • omelet from 4 proteins;
  • steamed fish (200 g) + 200 g of beet salad.

Eat small meals and try not to overeat. Divide
5-6 meals a day. After 18:00 you can eat, but only protein
and preferably 1-2 hours before bedtime.

In order not to return the dropped pounds after the alternation diet
protein and углеводных days, и похудение не было напрасным, стоит
be aware of the correct exit from it. Eat week as mixed
дни и возвращайтесь к привычному меню, без злоупотребления
harmful sweets.

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