Menu diet “every other day”

  • 1 Rules of the diet “day after day”
    • 1.1 Diet options
    • 1.2 Классическое меню для slimming
  • 2 Results of the day-to-day diet

If you need to lose weight quickly to some event or event,
then the best option is a day-to-day diet, during which
the stomach decreases, the sides and the stomach disappear. Weight loss technique
tough but effective, will help get rid of extra pounds per
few days.


Rules of the diet “day after day”

The essence of the method in the alternation of fasting days with
днями привычного меню. Диета исключает голодание и
the discomfort. Diet lasts a week. When unloading alternate
menu option and the usual, the energy value is reduced,
causing the body to lose weight.

The daily caloric intake should not exceed 1500 calories,
by the way exactly so many calories you need to consume per day to
lose weight On fasting days, include a lot of vegetables, fruits in the menu,
porridge When using the usual diet, you should gradually
reduce the amount of sugar consumed, fatty, fried foods.
This will increase the effect of losing weight.

It is important to follow these rules:

  • меню должно вмещать продукты богатые витаминами и
  • the last meal at 19.00;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • on the day of normal food can not overeat.

If you strictly follow these rules, belly and sides quickly
decrease in volume, getting rid of fat deposits.

Diet options

Надобно уделить внимание особо популярным способам

Kefir diet option “every other day”

Самый простой вариант — кефир, который содержит множество
lactic acid bacteria. Weight loss by 5 kg is due to
bowel cleansing, metabolism enhancement. To proceed to
kefir diet, you need to buy 1.5 liters of yogurt 1% fat per day.
It must be drunk from morning till night.

Допускается: вода, несладкий чай, несладкий
compote. На следующий день можно кушать все в пределах суточных
1500 kcal. For maximum results, it is recommended
cut fat, flour, sweet, fried. Thus alternating 7
days (4 of which are necessarily kefir).

Drinking diet “day after day”

A very effective alternative to losing weight with alternating normal
diet and drinking day.

Ее принципы: снизить нагрузку на пищевой тракт,
stabilize the work of internal organs, reduce weight by 5 kg per
a week In the drinking day you need to give up solid food. Slimming
occurs due to the reduction of the stomach, the removal of harmful substances from
organism. It is necessary to exclude cocoa, carbonated drinks.

Можно пить: воду, несладкий чай, овсяный
kissel, berry juice, nonfat milk. Need to drink every time
want to eat. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters per day.
Следующие сутки питаемся обычно, соблюдая правила правильного
balanced nutrition.

Buckwheat diet “every other day”

Buckwheat refers to dietary products for weight loss. She doesn’t
contains sugar and low-calorie. In buckwheat porridge set
beneficial trace elements, vitamins, acids. For cooking
useful diet porridge, a glass of cereal steamed with boiling water,
wrapped, leaving overnight. You need to eat 5-6 times a day.
You can drink 1% liter of kefir during the diet. You can not salt,
sugar or add butter. Гречневая методика «день через
day “saves from 4-7 kg per week, normalizes metabolism, improves
appearance of skin, hair, nails.

Fasting day-to-day diet for quick

Данная методика slimming исключает употребление чего-то кроме
clean water on the fasting day. The next day we eat like
usually, then again we give preference only to water for 24 hours (and so
the whole week). On fasting day you need to drink at least 2.5
liters. It is necessary to walk more in the open air, and if
hunger attack is unbearable – drink 200 ml of water. Slimming происходит
due to the release of excess fluid from the body, getting rid
от шлаков и токсинов. Thanks to this method really
избавиться от 4-5 кг в a week

Diet “every day proteins and carbohydrates” 

Protein-carbohydrate alternation relieves the stomach and sides from fat.
When the diet is divided into proteins and carbohydrates, the body begins with
redouble your energy to burn calories. So the day we eat
only carbohydrates, the next day we use only proteins.

Чтобы достигнуть максимального результата slimming,
it is enough to follow these rules:

  • drink a lot of clean water (2.5 – 5 liters);
  • eat every 3 hours;
  • 6 meals per day;

Protein Day includes:

  • egg white;
  • chicken, beef, turkey, quail, rabbit (meat must be
    boiled, baked, steamed or stewed in water without
  • морепродукты (минтай, путассу, судак, треска, хек, щука,
    shrimp, mussels, crab, tuna, cod);
  • dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt,
    white cheese);
  • растительный белок(фасоль, ноут, чечевица, маш);
  • nuts (cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, pine and walnuts).

Carbohydrate day:

  • unleavened bran bread;
  • porridges (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, bulgur, quinoa);
  • durum macaroni;
  • baked potatoes;
  • bananas;
  • dietary loaves.

This is one of the most effective and safe for the body
диет для slimming.

Классическое меню для slimming

Unloading days – Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. AT
During the day you can drink kefir 1%, at least 1.5 liters.

Menu for the diet “a day through
(завтрак, обед, полдник,


  • 100 г риса, 100 г отварной рыбы, 80 г морской капусты, чай
    with chamomile;
  • 190 g soup with mushrooms, 120 g vinaigrette, 25 g bread, a glass
  •  an Apple;
  • 150 g of cottage cheese casserole.


  •  120 g of oatmeal with honey, 100 g of an omelette, 100 g of salad from
    cabbage and cucumber, a glass of green tea with lemon;
  • 180 g on beef broth with rice and carrots, 120 g of mushroom
    pilaf, dried fruit compote;
  •  grapefruit;
  • drinking yoghurt.


  • 120 g boiled potatoes, steam chicken cutlet, 100 g of caviar
    from zucchini, a cup of coffee;
  • 180 grams of saltwort, cucumber and tomato salad, berry juice;
  •  banana, kiwi and strawberry salad;
  • 130g of milk soup with rice.

After how many days the stomach decreases?

ATоспользовавшись методикой для slimming «день через день»,
несложно уменьшить этот внутренний орган за a week Main
требования: кушать часто небольшими порциями.

The results of the diet “every other day”

ATо время применения данного метода slimming, живот и бока
disappear in 3 days, and the weight will be less by 4-7 kg. For
achieve maximum results, you should keep an active image
of life. AT блюдах обычного рациона исключить вредные для фигуры

And then:

  • Result number 1 is a slim figure without the folds of fat;
  • the result number 2 is lightness and vigor and good mood;
  • result number 3 – weight is reduced by 5 kg in a week;
  • result number 4 – cleansing the body and improve metabolism
  • Result number 5 is shiny hair and radiant skin.

Using this method for slimming your figure can be improved.
health and well-being.

Фото до и после slimming:

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