Member of the Ural dumplings “saved the youngwife

Sat, 09 Aug 2014

The participant of the show “Ural dumplings” Dmitry Sokolov is married second
by marriage. With the first wife showman broke up when his career went
not take off. Inspired by the “Ural dumplings”, he abandoned his family, which
совершенно не устраивало его wife Наталью, которая, в конце концов,
put it in front of a choice: family or career. Sokolov chose
last thing. Natalia was very hard going through a divorce, however, showed
wisdom and gave the opportunity to ex-husband to communicate with children.

In 2006, at one of the KVN games, Sokolov met
member of one of the teams Xenia. A feeling arose between them. TO
сожалению, TOсения страдала серьезным заболеванием — прогрессирующей
leg deformities. The girl was difficult to move around. Dmitry is always
stayed close to his beloved, at night, to ease her pain,
massaged his legs. В результате TOсении сделали операцию, которая
together with rehabilitation, cost a lot of money.

In 2011, 49-year-old Dmitry made a 23-year proposal.
sweetheart. They got married, their daughter Masha was born.

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