Melon diet for weight loss

Summer is a wonderful time and not only because
we have a vacation period, and we rest on the sea. Summer gives us
a sea of ​​fruits and vegetables, on the basis of which there is a huge
number of diets. We have already considered, perhaps, all the most basic of
them, but one diet was clearly not enough in our box, namely
melon. Melon

Did you know that melon belongs to the pumpkin family, as well as
watermelon, and while still is the progenitor of the cucumber!? At all,
melon is a unique berry with a magnificent unique
taste and aroma. There is one pleasure, and to sit on the “melon”
diet “- just happiness.

Features melon diet

At all, дынную диету используют не только из-за чудесного вкуса
and the flavor of this fruit, but due to the fact that it is very nourishing, with
This is very low calorie. What could be better for someone
dreams of losing cherished extra pounds after the holidays.

Melon pulp contains a component that contributes
development in the body of the hormone of happiness, so the diet will not
only tasty and efficient, but also happy.

Another advantage of melon is its ability to remove slags.
In addition, the melon is an excellent diuretic, so get involved
diet for more than 3 days in a row – it is impossible.

It is recommended to eat melon by no means all. In this group
Nursing mothers, as well as those who suffer from diabetes
and kidney disease.

Дынная диета

Diet for 3 days

An important basis for the diet is to choose the right melon. Melon
must be ripe and always grown on our beds.
Why? If the melon is overwhelmed or unmet, then it does not have all
those useful properties with which nature has given this fruit, and
therefore, the effectiveness of the diet is not guaranteed. Besides,
our melons are usually a natural product, and not
include nitrates and pesticides, which can also affect
the result of the diet.

Before starting the melon diet for weight loss, you need to unload your
an organism. To do this, eliminate unhealthy and heavy food from your
diet, at least a couple of days before the start of the diet. Eat light
food so that all the food digested in the stomach and it was completely
unloaded. In this case, the diet will be the most effective and
aimed at losing weight, not unloading.

Diet melon diet

The rules of the diet are quite simple. In one day you should eat
1.5 kg melon pulp. Of course, you need to eat it all at once, but
as for 5-6 receptions. For 3 days of this diet you can lose weight by 3

Кусочек дыни

Diet melon diet

Another type of melon-based diet is watermelon-melon.
Its essence lies in the fact that between a light breakfast, lunch and
dinner (meaning light meal), you should eat watermelon.
Lunch and afternoon snack is melon. Total amount
consumed fruit should not exceed 1 kg per day.


During the diet you can drink an unlimited amount of water, but with
control it for yourself – no need to quench your hunger with water.
Of course, as a drink it is best to use mineral and
still water. In addition to water, it is recommended to drink green tea and
decoction of wild rose (of course, without sugar).

The diet should not be used more than once every two weeks, in
ideally once a month.

And the last. After completing the diet, get out of it correctly,
and not marking this event royal dishes, after which the whole diet
go down the drain. The usual diet should be returned gradually, and
better to revise it in the direction of simplification and recovery.

Good luck and achieve maximum results!

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