Medical fasting at home forslimming

  • 1 How to starve to lose weight?
    • 1.1 Dry fasting
    • 1.2 Interval
    • 1.3 On the water
    • 1.4 Curative 7-day
    • 1.5 Benefit

Often you will meet women self-torturing themselves for starvation.
treasured numbers on the scales. But does the end justify the means? For what
ideal figure if health is decimated? Let’s try to make out that
It pushes people to voluntary torture, in the form of strict
nutritional restrictions.

How to lose weight in a short time by fasting, not bringing
yourself to anorexia? Must learn to hold
the situation is under control. What are the types of fasting and is there
this benefit, consider in the following material.


How to starve to lose weight?

С помощью такого жесткого метода slimming, как голодание, за
a week you can lose up to 6 kg. Roughly speaking, will go by the kilogram in

There are no definite deadlines for this difficult procedure, since all
depends on the preparation of the body to “torture” and the degree of obesity
person The greater the initial weight, the more effective the result.
slimming. Давайте ознакомимся с вариантами
duration of refusal of food:

  • голодание в течение 36 часов называют
    fasting day, or rather, one and a half days, as a rule, passes
  • трехдневное «самоистощение» называют самым
    effective since it is an optimal time limit to
    effectively lose weight without causing harm to health;
  • отказ от пищи сроком от недели до месяца
    considered dangerous, it is recommended to use it only with permission
    or under the supervision of a physician;
  • наиболее разумным вариантом считается цикличное
    , то есть чередование полноценного питания с
    абсолютным отказом от пищи, через day.

Before embarking on such a rather rigid curative measure
slimming, ознакомьтесь с основными правилами

  • The main mistake of many people is that before this procedure
    they do not visit the doctor, and in this case consultation is very important
    specialist. Therefore, first of all, listen to the expert opinion;
  • The day before the start, prepare the body for a hunger strike, by
    rejection of animal proteins and strong hot
  • After the selected period of fasting, spend
    recovery process of the body within 30 days. At that time
    It is necessary to eat exclusively healthy food. First days
    �”Recovery” is recommended to use only vegetable salads and
    green tea;
  • During the fasting procedure, exclude any physical
    activity, as this will lead to an additional load on
  • Give up bad habits;
  • The duration of the first hunger strike shall not exceed one.
  • Repeating this tough measure is recommended no more than once in

Существует 4 основных лечебных категории
для slimming: сухое, интервальное, на воде и
therapeutic. Read more about them in the following paragraphs.

Dry fasting

Dry fasting для slimming считается одним из самых
hard, because, in addition to the refusal of food, implies a complete
отсутствие воды за трехдневный срок.
Нельзя даже умываться и чистить зубы. At risk
contact with moisture is recommended to use rubber

The advantage of dry fasting is that with such hard
conditions, the functionality of the human body increases and
he begins to break down fat faster. But before the start of the voluntary
depletion of the body, you need it correctly
подготовить к данной процедуре:

  • 7 days before the “hungry torture” you need to eat food
    exclusively of plant origin;
  • on the last day of the “preparatory stage” drink a lot
    purified water without gas, combining it with honey and lemon juice;
  • для наиболее эффективного результата slimming, очень важно
    tune in a positive way.

Вышеуказанная лечебная методика противопоказана
with renal and hepatic impairments, with endocrine
diseases, teburculosis, heart rhythm disorders, in the presence of
diabetes, as well as during pregnancy and lactation


Interval голодание для slimming подразумевает
periodic refusal to eat. Thanks to this technique comes in
norm appetite, the cells of the body rejuvenate and to a large extent
decreased hunger.

It should be noted that this medical procedure will not bring
the desired effect to the female sex as violations occur
metabolism. The body will block the burning of fat in order to
energy protection for later pregnancy.

The basic principles of the interval method

  • selected mode consisting of 8 hours of food and 16 hours of hunger,
    implies an early dinner, night and morning without food, not overloaded
  • during the period of compliance with the unloading diet
    допускается употребление низкокалорийных drinks;
  • required to adhere to proper nutrition.

Interval ограничение в питании категорически противопоказано
with diabetes, ischemia, gastrointestinal diseases
tract and endocrine system.

On the water

Голодание для slimming на воде подразумевает ограничение,
сроком на 2-3 недели. It promotes cleansing and rejuvenation
organism. Условия соблюдения такой методики

  • Any food is forbidden;
  • You can not drink anything other than pure non-carbonated water;
  • Long walks are recommended every day;
  • During the first week, every day must be spent.
    cleansing procedures using enemas. In the second week
    you need to repeat the procedure every other day;
  • With a deterioration of health, in the form of headaches and
    frequent feelings of weakness, drink a glass of warm water with

With good developments, thanks to fasting on the water, you can
not only lose weight 10 kilograms, but also to a large extent
strengthen the immune system.

Get out of the medical “nutrition” based on
, следует очень осторожно. Number of days of release
must match the amount of time devoted to the above
method. Of the permissible products for this period is excellent
suitable: fruits, vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, diet bread and
various fresh juices.

Therapeutic 7-day

Medical fasting at home for slimming на 7
дней необходимо для очищения организма от вредных
substances. Psychology in the changes of the body plays an important
role, therefore, the guarantee of an effective result is
positive attitude.

Конечно, данная оздоровительная процедура может нанести
существенный вред, в виде
metabolic disorders. Also likely to escalate
chronic diseases. Therefore, before embarking on a hard
restriction, read its main contraindications:

  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • период беременности или кормления breastfeeding

Also, rehabilitation in this way is prohibited for minors.
older people, as well as those whose initial weight is less than the norm.

Основным принципом отказа от питания в лечебных
является полный отказ от пищи, в пользу чистой
still water. Going out of the seven-day hunger strike should
gradually, using products containing fiber: an apple,
carrot, cabbage.


As you know, a long hunger strike can cause a person
a lot of health problems, but this procedure
There are also useful properties. Which ones, consider below.

Benefit лечебного голодания для slimming
is as follows:

  • getting rid of body fat;
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • improvement of the liver and kidneys;
  • improvement of state of health;
  • improving skin condition;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • restoration of protective reactions of the body;
  • destruction of diseased cells.

Также лечебное голодание эффективно при следующего
kind of diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • asthma;
  • various kinds of inflammation.

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