Medical Diet Table number 2 – menu andrecipes

  • 1 Assignment of diet Table number 2 and recommendations for compliance
    • 1.1 Principles of diet in diabetes of the second type
  • 2 Treatment of gastritis diet Table 2
    • 2.1 With atrophic gastritis
    • 2.2 With gastric ulcer and pancreatitis
  • 3 weekly menus
  • 4 Recipes
    • 4.1 Recommendations for children

Organs are most often affected by malnutrition.
digestive system. Take medication in case
diseases of one of them are not recommended, since most
bodies “clogged” even more.


Assignment of a diet Table number 2 and recommendations for compliance

Table number 2 is prescribed for chronic gastritis and
liver disease.
Also, this diet is “relevant” in the period
recovery of the person and the transition to the usual diet. Diet number
9 – with diabetes, so do not confuse!

According to Pevsner’s Table 2 diet, gastritis should
eat warm boiled food in small portions. also in
The list of permitted includes tea, cottage cheese, lean meat, white bread,
fruits, vegetables, mild soups, cereals. Prohibited dishes include
in itself fried, smoked and sweet. Consider more

Recommended products in the menu diet table number

  • low-fat soups;
  • flour from the highest grades of wheat;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • fried and steamed eggs;
  • milk cereals;
  • vegetables in raw, boiled and stewed form;

Products that are categorically

  • flour products from puff pastry;
  • fat meat;
  • smoked fish;
  • boiled eggs.

Principles of diet for type 2 diabetes

При сахарном диабете, да еще и второго типа, не
то что рекомендуется, приказывается исключить из рациона
sweet foods.

If you have diabetes at an early stage and you think from
two-three chocolate bars will not do anything, forced you
grieve: getting the smallest amount of sugar in the body
provokes the rapid development of the disease. Of course you can
afford several “low sugar” products that increase
hormone of joy, then it is worth not more than once in
a week

В случаях сахарного диабета диета Стол
номер 2 предполагает
творог, овощи фрукты. You can also
treat yourself to fish, but not too fat.
Categorically противопоказаны высококалорийные
foods and drinks containing sugar.

Gastritis treatment with diet Table 2

At any stage of gastritis, an unloading diet is essential.
It is important not only to lose weight, how to “rid” the body of toxins.
and slags contaminating the digestive system.

Представляем вам список рекомендуемых продуктов
на предстоящий отрезок времени, посвященный диете Стол
number 2:

  • milk cereals;
  • vegetable soups;
  • vegetable and fruit purees;
  • skim cheese;
  • weak tea with milk.

А вот и список, так горячо любимых вами,
запрещенных «лакомств»:

  • fried and smoked meat;
  • baking;
  • seasonings;
  • chocolate, halva, ice cream;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • alcohol.

Food for gastritis with increased

Если в вашем организме повышена
, логичным и мудрым поступком будет
exclusion from the menu of acidic foods. Also
The strictest taboo is salty food. Replace the above
followed by vegetable soups and mashed potatoes. Contrary to all stereotypes and
bans, soups are recommended to eat with white soft bread.

Also при гастрите с повышенной кислотностью в
меню лечебной диеты Стол номер 2 допускается и
meat. But not very fat, because each percent of fat content can
contribute to the development of the disease.

При гастрите с пониженной acidity:

When gastritis with low acidity diet number 2
добавить несколько кислых продуктов в свое
menu. Also следует добавить в свой рацион сладкие фрукты и ягоды,
кисломолочные продукты и нежирное meat. Categorically
употреблять в данном случае сдобные
products, alcohol and fatty foods.

With atrophic gastritis

Disease of the gastric mucosa, that is,
атрофический гастрит подразумевает собой запрет на
rich products, fatty broths, eggs, meat, sauces, chocolate and
carbonated drinks, as these products contribute to it

With regards to useful food for the treatment of atrophic gastritis,
diet Table number 2 “allows” to use the following
: супы, мучные изделия, каши, молочная продукция,
vegetables and fruits.

With gastric ulcer and pancreatitis

When gastric ulcer is strictly prohibited
use in your menu products that contribute
�”Irritation” of its walls.

These are:

  • broths;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned and smoked products;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • ice cream and chocolate;
  • strong hot drinks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

To the list of useful in this case, the diet Table number 2

  • meat, dairy and cereal soups;
  • honey, marshmallows, jam;
  • fresh juices, unsweetened tea and compote.

When pancreatitis diet Table number 2 recommends
овощи на пару, молочные каши, варенье, компот,
jelly and weak tea.

Запрещены — полуфабрикаты, жареные и копченые
dishes, coffee, sour fruits and carbonated drinks.

Menu for the week

Menu for the week для диеты Table number 2 including list
Valid products are as follows:


  • Breakfast: boil semolina and drink a cup of coffee with
  • Lunch: cook mashed potatoes in combination with meatballs from
    lean meat;
  • Dinner: a small portion of cottage cheese with sour cream drink apple


  • make a fruit salad and drink it loose tea without
  • cook soup with low-fat meatballs, later drink
    A glass of tomato juice;
  • pies or dumplings with cottage cheese and sour cream drink tea with


  • eat some cottage cheese and drink some weak tea with lemon;
  • meat chops and berry compote;
  • low-fat fish patties with a glass of apple compote.


  • macaroni with cheese and a cup of weak coffee.
  • soup with croutons and jelly.
  • fried fish and a glass of fruit juice.


  • vegetable salad and unsweetened tea;
  • fried lean meat patties and green tea;
  • cook buckwheat porridge and fry fish patties to it.


  • cook semolina without sugar, drink her tea with
    a lemon.
  • mashed potatoes and apple compote;
  • a glass of nonfat kefir.


  • boil the porridge, then eat the processed cheese and drink
    hot cocoa;
  • boil meatball soup with lean meat for a while
    later drink a glass of orange juice;
  • pilaf and a glass of fruit compote.

Dish recipes

Помимо стандартного меню, к диете Стол номер 2 относятся
recipes следующих вкусных блюд

Cucumbers with dill and sour cream

Cucumbers with dill and sour cream
  • почистить и порезать огурцы;
  • mix them with finely chopped dill;
  • add sour cream and salt to taste.

Perch baked in sour cream sauce

Окунь в сметанном соусе
  • посолить филе окуня и порезать на небольшие куски;
  • simmer over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • pour previously prepared sour cream sauce and put in
  • bake 30 minutes.

Recommendations for children

Menu diet Table number 2 is well suited for children, as their
the body is not yet formed and they are more likely to use
�”Forbidden” food. The child needs to undergo this course of treatment.
for two weeks two or three times a year.

Diet menu Table number 2 for children – is 6 meals a day.

We provide you a delicious midday recipe for children:

Sandwiches “Ladybird”

Sandwiches “Ladybird”
  •  сверху на хлеб положите сыр;
  • Cut small tomatoes in half and place them on cakes in
    wing shape;
  • cut the olives in half and place them next to the tomato so that
    to get ladybugs;
  • the final touch is to paint a speck on tomatoes
    to get a full-fledged ladybug.

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