Medical Diet Table number 13 by Pevzner

  • 1 Description
    • 1.1 What you can, what not to eat
    • 1.2 Indications
    • 1.3 For children
  • 2 Menus for the week
    • 2.1 Recipes for a therapeutic diet 13

The therapeutic diet table number 13 was developed by a therapist,
nutritionist and professor M.I. Pevzner. He also developed
method of diet table number 9 and others.

Table 13 is shown for infectious diseases, acute bronchitis
and pneumonia, respiratory tract. A therapeutic menu is being developed on
a week Observe therapeutic diet table number 13 by Pevzner
recommended for both adults and children, but short
period, usually not more than 10-14 days.



The basic principle of nutrition in the medical diet table number 13 by
Pevzner – reduced energy value of the daily diet for
by reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, an average of 2200 kcal. With
treatment of the patient is calculated menu for the week, which is necessary
strictly observe.

With лечебной диете стол номер 13 по Певзнеру в рационе
protein and vitamin products predominate. With этом питание
frequent, at least 5 times a day in small portions. Products follows
use in the heat-treated form in the early stages
treatment, raw in the recovery period.

For medical reasons, it is prohibited to eat
therapeutic diet table number 13 Pevsner baked in the oven,
fried and stews, especially children. It is recommended to reduce
salt intake up to 6 grams per day, and the amount of fluid consumed
increase to 2-2.5 liters per day.

What can, what not to eat

With соблюдении лечебной диеты стол номер 13 по Певзнеру пациенту
calculated balanced menu that must be observed
from one week to two. Predominant in the diet products containing
animal proteins, vegetable fats, small amount

For therapeutic purposes, especially in acute respiratory diseases
ways, including for children, it is recommended to exclude from the diet
spices and spices, spicy dishes and snacks, limit consumption
raw fruits and vegetables and dairy products.

Menu for therapeutic diet table number 13 by Pevzner
low-calorie – 2200 kcal per day, due to various recipes
– balanced. Products are steamed, boiled, served as
mashed potatoes. The following dishes predominate in the diet: cereals, soups, low-fat
varieties of fish, poultry and meat, omelets and soft-boiled eggs, fermented milk
beverages, heat treated vegetables.


Effective therapeutic diet table number 13 by Pevsner in acute
infectious diseases, bronchiectasis, respiratory organs
pathways, bronchitis, pneumonia, with a high degree of obesity, after
postponed heavy operations in both adult patients and

The doctor prescribes the patient a therapeutic diet table number 13 by
Pevzner, on the basis of medical indications, appointing an approximate or
подробное меню, рассчитанное на a week

The peculiarity of the therapeutic diet table number 13 by Pevzner is
its recovery characteristic, allowing in a short time
strengthen the body after suffering infectious diseases.

For kids

Лечебная диета стол номер 13 по Певзнеру показана для children. WITH
using it, toxins are removed from the body of a young patient,
the immune system is activated, the natural ones are restored
the processes of the organs and tissues of the body. It is recommended to comply
children therapeutic diet table number 13 by Pevsner after suffering
respiratory diseases, acute infections, pneumonia.

Especially important in the treatment of children is strict compliance with the prescribed
doctor menu. Withемы пищи должны быть небольшими порциями, но
frequent, at least 5-6 times a day. It is recommended to use a lot
liquids, at least 2-2.5 liters per day. Children are served thermally
обработанную пищу, преимущественно в виде супов и mashed potatoes. To taste in
porridge, you can add honey, jam, jam.

Menu for the week

With соблюдении лечебной диеты стол номер 13 по Певзнеру,
calculated approximate menu for the week, taking into account calories
products. Medically consumed daily
caloric content should not exceed 2200-2300 kcal, depending on
age of a person. After each meal, as well as during
all day it is recommended to use as much fluid as possible:
warm drinks, not strong teas, decoctions, water.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs
  • Перекус: WITHухое печенье
  • Lunch: Low Fat Meat Broth
  • Lunch: Morse
  • Dinner: Steam patties, buckwheat porridge


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with honey
  • Snack: Soft-boiled Egg
  • Lunch: Chicken Rice Soup
  • Lunch: Banana Mousse
  • Dinner: Steamed fish, mashed potatoes


  • Breakfast: Soft Boiled Egg
  • Перекус: WITHухарики
  • Lunch: Chicken Broth
  • Lunch: Kissel
  • Dinner: boiled chicken breast, vegetable stew


  • Breakfast: Muesli with Jam
  • Snack: Omelet
  • Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Lunch: Marmalade
  • Dinner: vermicelli, steam meatballs


  • Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge with milk
  • Snack: Soft cheese
  • Обед: WITHуп с клецками
  • Safe, Jam
  • Dinner: Boiled vegetables: potatoes, carrots. Non-greasy


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese
  • Snack: Omelet
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup
  • Tea time: Jam
  • Dinner: Pumpkin Pudding


  • Breakfast: Omelet
  • Перекус: WITHухарики
  • Dinner: Milk soup with noodles.
  • Tea time: Компот
  • Dinner: Squash caviar, chopped fish

Menu for one day on the therapeutic diet table number 13 by Pevzner
quite diverse, thanks to the many useful and
plain recipes.

Medical diet recipes 13

WITHуп из куриной грудки с вермишелью


  • chicken breast 200 gr;
  • 1 onion;
  • carrots 1 pc;
  • vermicelli 50 gr;
  • salt.

Rinse the brisket thoroughly, cut it into small pieces,
put in a saucepan, pour water. Put the pot on the stove,
bring to a boil, then cook over low heat. Bow and
peel carrots, cut into small pieces, add to
boiling broth. WITHпустя 15 мин закинуть в суп вермишель, подсолить
taste. Boil for 10 minutes until cooked, periodically.

Chicken noodle soup for lunch at the diet table number
13 according to Pevzner. For kids можно исключить из ингредиентов лук и
carrot, or grind them through a sieve.



  • eggs 2 pieces;
  • milk 200 gr;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil 2 gr.

Eggs and milk bring down the mixer in a container or in a blender, salt
taste. WITHковороду ставим на плиту, добавляем растительное масло.
Pour the eggs on the heated pan with milk, cover
a lid. Готовим в течении 5-10 минут, периодически stirring.

Omelette станет полноценным завтраком при лечебной диете стол номер
13 according to Pevzner, thanks to a delicate texture and

Banana mousse


  • bananas 2 pieces;
  • milk or cream 200 gr;
  • 1 egg white;
  • granulated sugar 1-2 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice 0.5 tsp.

Peel bananas, cut into small pieces,
grind and add lemon juice. WITHливки или молоко взбить с
sugar sand. Whisk the egg white separately, add to it
cream. WITHмешиваем полученную массу с перетертыми бананами частями
until a homogeneous mass.

Banana mousse понравится детям и разнообразит меню при строгом
compliance with diet table number 13 by Pevzner during the week.

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