Medical diet for hernia of the esophagus

  • 1 Эффективное лечение грыжи с помощью диеты
    • 1.1 What should be the food?
    • 1.2 Diet and weekly menus
    • 1.3 Useful Recipes

Hernia of the esophagus is one of the most common diseases
involving treatment only by surgery. After
the operation will have a long rehabilitation period, where
должен быть пересмотрен режим питания.

Symptoms such as complete or partial impairment of progress
intestinal contents, frequent constipation, indicate exacerbation
disease. Диета и рациональное меню с
proper nutrition for hernia of the esophagus is the basic principle


Эффективное лечение грыжи с помощью диеты

Diet for hernia of the esophagus is incredibly effective and helpful.
Лечение данного заболевания с помощью диеты предполагает
a complete change in diet, drawing up the right menu on
week, from products that reduce the symptoms that accompany

Правильно составленный режим питания (диета),
помогает уменьшить проявление таких симптомов

  • heartburn;
  • feeling nauseous;
  • chest pain;
  • повышенная кислотность в желудке и др.

Dietary treatment for hernia of the esophagus is based on the correct
food intake. This reduces painful
symptoms and accelerates the process of recovery of the stomach.

What should be the food?

What should be the power for hernia

  • Complete rejection of food that can provoke
    increased gas formation.
  • Nutrition according to the method of grazing (eating at least 6 times a day
    with intervals of 3 hours).
  • Recipes of dishes should be exclusively from heat-treated
  • Exclude overeating on a diet and after it.
  • Refuse the night food, the last reception – no later than 3
    hours before bedtime
  • To use the enveloping and vitaminized food.

In the treatment of diet hernia of the esophagus is very important to pay close attention
attention to the water-salt balance, i.e. observe drinking
. Выпивать стоит минимум  полтора литра воды в

Из рациона питания (диеты), необходимо исключить острую
и жирную пищу
, которая способствует раздражению слизистых
shells in the stomach, and weights him.

Также во время лечения диетой при грыже esophagus нельзя
употреблять алкоголь, крепкие горячие напитки
(кофе и
tea). Such a ban is due to the fact that these foods
cause increased acidity that will create painful

During the treatment of hernia of the esophagus in the menu, you must
минимизировать количество хлебобулочных изделий,
fermented milk products, any kinds of cabbage, legumes and

The main recommendations when drawing up the menu for a diet
при грыже esophagus:

  • Меню диеты должно содержать пищу, которая способствует
    soft enveloping the esophagus and improves its fermentation
    (boiled porridge).
  • Recipes from low-fat fish and meat that are cooked on
    steaming, boiling and stewing is the most wholesome food,
    after surgery to remove a hernia of the esophagus.
  • Include in the menu a large number of boiled vegetables. From loved ones
    fruit can make recipes for desserts and salads.
  • The first month after the operation is applied soup diet. Such
    meals include recipes for vegetable broths, mashed soups and
    light meat decoctions.

Diet and menu for the week

Diet for hernia of the esophagus with high acidity
may include such products:

  • Bananas;
  • green apples;
  • green beans;
  • soaked peas;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • cereals;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • bran bread;
  • skimmed milk, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • lean types of meat (rabbit, chicken, nutria, quail);
  • a fish;
  • rice toast;
  • baked potatoes, etc.

Меню при грыже esophagus — диета на


  1. Завтрак: манка на соевом молоке, чай с
    melissa, apple soufflé.
  2. Второй завтрак: два яблока.
  3. Обед: Рисовый суп на курином бульоне, без
    add zazharki. Oven dried bread 2 pcs. Potatoes,
    baked with cheese 3 pcs.
  4. Полдник: Сухое печенье и чай.
  5. Ужин: Говядина тушеная со стручковой
  6. За 3 часа до сна: кефир 0-1% с добавлением
    greens and fresh ginger.


  1. Cheese omelette, marshmallow 2 pcs., Green tea.
  2. Cottage cheese with berry jam, fresh apple-carrot.
  3. Steam cutlets beef, mashed potatoes on the water.
  4. Vegetable salad with kefir.
  5. Stuffed pepper (veal with chicken fillet).
  6. Fruit jelly.


  1. Light sandwich from cheese, cucumber and lettuce, dry
    cookies, tea.
  2. Baked apples with cottage cheese and honey.
  3. Lavash roll with chicken fillet with vegetables and sour cream.
  4. Beef chop on the grill, sliced ​​from fresh vegetables.
  5. Omelet of proteins.


  1. Milk buckwheat, green tea, oatmeal cookies.
  2. Pumpkin puree soup, steamed koliatiny meat patties,
    berry jelly.
  3. Tincture of rosehips with crackers.
  4. Baked mullet with vegetables, tea with bergamot.
  5. A glass of skimmed milk.


  1. Vegetable salad with feta cheese and olives, tea, dairy
  2. 2 bananas.
  3. Soup with green peas and broccoli, rice biscuits, buckwheat on
    water with boiled chicken fillet.
  4. Apple, soft cheese sandwich.
  5. Grechanik with minced kolyatiny, boiled beets, cottage cheese with
    dried apricots
  6. Baked eggplant and bell pepper.


  1. Овсянка с ягодами, сухое cookies, tea.
  2. Fruit with kefir.
  3. Quail soup with eggs and fillets, boiled potatoes with
  4. Banana yogurt
  5. Baked mushrooms with chicken and cheese, vegetable salad with olive
    butter and crushed nuts.
  6. Salad from green vegetables.


  1. Yoghurt, rosehip tea, bread with honey.
  2. Apples baked with walnuts and honey.
  3. Spinach puree soup, millet porridge with chicken stew
    cutlets, lettuce.
  4. Low Fat Yogurt with Fruit (Banana, Kiwi)
  5. Stewed with whiting vegetables, tomato and radish salad,
    dressed with sour cream, chicory.
  6. Milk shake on skim milk.

Useful recipes

Diet recipes for hernia of the esophagus can diversify
weekly diet of tasty and healthy dishes. Despite the series
restrictions on food choices, diet treatment, recipes are always
can be quite nutritious and original.

Fish soup recipe for hernia diet menu

Рыбный суп


  • perch carcass 1 pc .;
  • processed cheese 1 pc .;
  • onion bulb 1/2 pcs .;
  • 1/2 carrot;
  • bay leaf 2 pcs .;
  • greenery.


  1. Sudak must be thoroughly washed, cleaned and
  2. Cut the fish in portions and send in boiling water, first
    broth to drain.
  3. Next, pour the fish with cold water and put on the fire.
  4. Add bay leaf, ½ onion and carrot.
  5. After 30 minutes, get the vegetables from the broth, carrots
    cut into cubes.
  6. Cut diced processed cheese and put to the fish.
  7. After полного растворения сырка добавить в готовый суп
  8. A little salt.

Beetroot salad recipe with

Салат из свеклы

Его нельзя использовать в ежедневном питании при лечении грыжи
esophagus, возможно лишь применять в диете через каждые 2 дня.


  • boiled beets 1 pc .;
  • prunes 50-100 g;
  • walnuts 20 g;
  • olive oil.


  1. Beets must be peeled and grated on a coarse grater.
  2. Soak prunes in boiling water for 15 minutes.
  3. Next, put it on a towel and let cool.
  4. Chop randomly and add to beets.
  5. Grind walnuts in a blender and mix with the rest
    recipe ingredients, fill with oil.

Рецепт бананового суфле для применения
в лечении диетой при грыже esophagus.

Банановое суфле


  • bananas 3 pcs .;
  • honey 50 ml;
  • cottage cheese 0% 100 g;
  • raisin seedless 50 g


  1. Raisins must be washed and pour boiling water for 20 minutes.
  2. Curd grind through a fine sieve and beat with a mixer until
    homogeneous mass.
  3. Bananas mash with a fork.
  4. Mix all the ingredients prepared for the recipe: honey,
    cottage cheese, bananas and raisins and place for half an hour in preheated to 200
    ° C oven.

Вывод: Лечение диетой при грыже esophagus
(openings of the diaphragm) is a rather long and painstaking path
recovery, about the most harmless method for treating a disease.
By reviewing the ways and mode of nutrition, the patient will be able to improve
самочувствие и ускорить выздоровление.

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