Medical Diet for 14 days

Medical Diet for 14 days

  • 1 Medical Diet – What is it?
    • 1.1 Menus for 14 days
    • 1.2 Proper exit

For people who are obese for a long
period of time and tried a huge number of different
diets, but have not yet seen a positive result, was
специально составлена так называемая «диета
— одна из самых жестких для здоровья диет.


Diet doctors – what is it?

Диета медиков (14 дней) подразумевает
дней, во время которых человек вообще ничего
does not eat, with days where use is allowed the most
low-calorie foods.

Given the fact that this technique is hazardous to health (first
queue for the internal secretion system), Elena Malysheva –
a country-famous doctor who, despite having a higher
medical education, stubbornly sticks to the approaches
alternative medicine has slightly improved this program
что позволило не только устранить опасность для
, но и повысить эффективность!

Diet physicians do not require any additional research,
analyzes, taking chemicals or using
fat burning means.

So let’s see what promises to people who want
get rid of excess weight, the popular power system?  how
to achieve results with the help of the diet of physicians?

The only condition that
— это следование всем постулатам, которые
establishes a weight loss program.

Нельзя заменять один продукт другим, точно
Also, as well as it is impossible to interchange the schedule of meals.

Menu for 14 days

This diet is striking in its monotony, but the results are just

Medical Diet – menu for 14 days: 

Первый день — нельзя есть ничего, за
except for green apples. In between meals, you must drink
mineral water without gases.

Второй день — 400 мл обезжиренного молока, 1
среднее яблоко для каждого приема пищи.

Третий день — минеральная вода и зеленые

Fourth day:

  1. Breakfast: one small apple (weight approximately 200 g), 300
    ml of mineral water;
  2. Lunch – salad without dressing – 300 g, and in addition – 200 low-fat
  3. Supper: 400 ml of skimmed milk, 1 apple;

Fifth day:

  1. Breakfast: 400 ml of skimmed milk, 1 medium apple;
  2. Обед — 1 л молока и 200 г нежирного meat;
  3. Supper: 400 ml of skim milk, 1 small apple;

Sixth day:

  1. Breakfast: one medium apple (200g), 300 ml of mineral
  2. Second breakfast: salad without dressing than anything – 300g, but except
    того — 200 нежирного meat;
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup – 300 ml;
  4. Lunch: 400 ml of skimmed milk, 1 fruit;
  5. Ужин: одно небольшое яблочко, 300 ml of mineral water;

Seventh day:

  1. Breakfast: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 300 ml of milk,
  2. Lunch: 100 grams of green peas and 200 lean meat,
  3. Dinner: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 300 ml of milk,

Вторая неделя начинается точно также, как и
the first. You also have another week of work on yourself – this
allow a person to get rid of an additional 7-8 kg.

Correct exit

Correct exit из диеты медиков заключается в постепенном
increasing the amount of food consumed per day. First 7 days
give preference to vegetables and unsweetened fruits. After you can
add every day one familiar product that is strictly
prohibits diet.

Doctors still advise to save 60% of the right products.
given food system so that weight does not return, and chronic
diseases have not made themselves known.

It is necessary to remember about a smooth transition and a constant restriction in
consuming fatty and very salty foods. But the most important thing is
avoid overeating.

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