May 4: what are the holidays today. Events, name dayand birthdays May 4th.

Mon, 02 May 2016


Holidays May 4

Parrot Festival in Haute-Garonne

The festival of the parrot annually collects a few dozen archers,
who dress in medieval clothes and, stocking up with arrows,
begin to shoot a bow. Their object becomes a huge
a toy parrot mounted on the square is at the top
45-meter post. In it archers need to get in the course
competition. The shooter who knocks the bird is declared king
holiday. Naturally, the winner is the most sighted and
accurate shooter. As a reward, he is entitled to a double of the target.
(made of silver), the title of the winner of this competition, and
Finally, the royal treat. Parrot Festival in Upper
Garonne is held from ancient times. Modern radiant
competitions and festive decorations, set in their place,
not much different from the medieval. Only here are real birds
they regretted and began to install a foam rubber target instead.

Youth Day in China

Originally, this holiday was called the Day of the Chinese Youth, and
It was born thanks to several youth movements in a small
Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia border area. Gradually holiday
spread throughout China. Youth Day in China
celebrate as another revolutionary date – the anniversary
patriotic rally. This holiday is not a day off in
China, and today only promotes activity
youth in all areas of the country.

May 4 in the national calendar

Januri day, Proclov day

On May 4, people celebrate the memory of several martyrs: Januria,
Prokula (Proclus), Fausta, Sossia and many other saints. According to
to life, Yanurii was a jealous Christian. For his merits was
ordained a bishop. In the period of Diocletian persecution of Christians
the priest secretly arranged the services. During one of
processions henchmen of the emperor seized him, and then along with
other ministers thrown into the burning furnace. It is believed that
the flames did not even scorch the bodies of the saints, then the ruler ordered to throw
them to be devoured by the wolves. However, after some time
it turned out that the beasts did not dare touch them either. After the next
the failure of the emperor ordered the beheading of Christians. So they were
executed. On this day, the peasants were taken to curse the black force.
People went beyond the fence, stood face to the west (this
the side of the world was considered in Russia as a symbol of every evil), and then
uttered a conspiracy, after which the black forces returned there,
where did you come from In Proclov Day, young girls also played games.
and dancing, dancing around the blossoming apple trees and singing
songs. By the way, today the trees were judged on the upcoming summer.
For example, it was believed if the bird cherry had already bloomed by that period,
then summer will be hot.

Historical events May 4

4 мая 1878 год — Изобретатель Томас Эдисон
demonstrated to the public he designed
phonographThe phonograph invented by the scientist was the forerunner of all
modern devices of sound reproduction and sound recording,
based on one principle of operation. The very idea of ​​this
of the invention which was a device for fixing
human voice on a special device that was brand new and
unimaginable. Many did not even imagine that this is possible in
principle. The basis of the first phonograph Edison took the usual foil and
very fine needle spinning on it in the process of writing
sound waves. With the help of this technique, the scientist managed to record
the first song called “Mary had a sheep”. Demonstration
Edison’s phonograph took place on May 4, 1878. She immediately brought
inventor wide fame and popularity. Many found the device for
some kind of magic, so Edison was called a “wizard”. During
the first years since the creation of the phonograph, he was the “star” of all
American and European exhibitions. People lined up in huge
queues to see the device and experiment with recording
votes. However, over time, public interest in
phonographs gradually declined as they became part of
everyday life, and now completely joined its “atmosphere”. But did
We could have achieved such success in the field of sound recording without
Edison phonograph? It is possible that yes, but this process was delayed.
бы на многие десятилетия.4 мая 1961 год — Принятие
in the USSR, a decree on strengthening the fight against parasitism. This decree came from
side of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. It contained approximately
The following lines: “each deviating from the socially useful
activities, as well as leading antisocial and parasitic
lifestyle will be subject to criminal liability … “. Under
parasitic lifestyle implied negligent parasitism,
which was literally interpreted by explanatory dictionaries as “life
for others, idleness, parasitism. ” According to the document
any citizen of the Soviet Union was obliged to engage in public
activities for the benefit of the state, and those who persisted
subjected to forced labor. From the work was removed only
housewives who had dependent young children. In April 1991
years criminal liability for parasitism was
отменена.4 мая 2001 год — Утверждение в Москве
свода правил относительно выгула собакAccording to правилам о выгуле
dogs, they should walk on specially equipped for these
targets venues. If there is no such place near the houses, then
the owners are allowed to walk their pets at the houses, but if
leash and muzzle. In addition, the distance from walking to
yards, playgrounds, schools, kindergartens, as well as residential windows are not
must have less than 25-meter distance. In 2008, the Moscow City Duma
introduced some changes to the rules regarding dog walking:
now every dogman whose animal shits is not in the proper places,
will pay a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles. According to
authorities, the introduction of such a “round” amounts will allow to keep the capital
lawn cleanliness. The same amendments from 2008 were
There are heavy fines for walking dogs in inappropriate places.

Were born on May 4

Сюань Е (1654 — 1722 гг.) — второй император
Zinn Dynasty in China. During his reign Tibet finally
�”Submitted” to China, the positions of the Manchus were strengthened, the military were fought
hikes against Cupid. Томас Генри Huxley (1825 —
1895) – an outstanding English biologist, naturalist,
President of the Royal London Community, member of the Petersburg
Academy of Sciences. He was an ardent supporter of Darwin’s theory. Huxley
persistently advocated the separation of science and religion, since the church in
that time did not recognize much. And to the question “Do you believe in God?”
the biologist always answered: “I am not a believer and not an atheist, I am just
a person who does not know whether the Creator exists. ” Main focus
his scientific experimental work, he directed to
изучение эволюции видов.Марк Фрадкин(1914 — 1990
d.) – a talented composer who wrote more than one hundred songs.
Many of them later gained the widest popularity. Here is
Some of them are: “A girl walks in the field”, “A random waltz”,
�“Volga flows”, “I returned to my homeland”, “Komsomol volunteers”,
�“For that guy” and “Road to Berlin” (performed by L. Utesov).

Name Day May 4

Name Day May 4 отмечают: Флориан, Серафима,
Catherine, Fedor, Dionisy, Alexey, Nikolay, Ivan, Maxim, Codrat,
Isaac, Alexander, Yakov, Evtikhiy, Proclus, Philip, Denis, Faust,
Kondraty, Monica, Viola.

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