May 30: what are the holidays today. Developments,name day and birthdays May 30th.

Sat, 28 May 2016


Holidays May 30

St. Joan of Arc Day

Patroness of all military, Jeanne d’Arc, the decision of the Pope
Benedict in 1920 was canonized. However many
remember the heroine and admire her exploits throughout
several centuries. She was born in 1412 in a small
french village. At the age of twelve, Jeanne appeared
first revelation. As the girl herself claimed, she heard voices
great saints. They told her about a special mission that Jeanne
was supposed to perform. The voice of Archangel Michael said that she
elected and someday will be the savior of France. While
the country was not in the best position: the land was occupied
the British, and the French army was in an extremely critical condition,
that did not allow to repel the enemies. The saints communicated with Jeanne on
over several years. When the girl grew and got stronger, they
began to call her to action. Having difficulty moving over
occupied territory to the allies, Jeanne found the dauphin Carl and
told him about the voices and the great mission. And at the age of
seventeen years old girl led the army, inspiring French
people to fight the invaders. Her army, displaying a huge
courage could sneak into besieged Orleans and in 1429
forced the British to remove the siege of the city. For this feat, Jeanne became
magnify the Orleans Maiden. Thanks alternately one after another
D’Arc victories, Dauphin Carl was crowned in 1429. Popularity
Jeanne grew up, and the aristocratic elite, frightened by the wide
the scale of the war, contributed to the removal of girls from
command of the army. Soon when trying to escape the besieged
Compiegne as a result of the betrayal of friends warrior was
captured by the Burgundians, after which – transferred into the hands of the British.
The church court accused Joan of witchcraft and heresy and decided to burn
her at the stake. The execution of the “witch” took place on May 30, 1431. Remains
d’Arc were dropped into the Seine. After a quarter of a century, the new judicial
process rehabilitated Jeanne and recognized as the beloved “daughter”

May 30 in the national calendar


On this day, the church honors the memory of St. Eudoxia, and today
peasants in Russia, it was decided to engage in potatoes: somewhere
to weed, but somewhere to dole up not yet made its way through the earth
potato There were also special signs on Eudoxia. For example,
it was believed that today is a reflection of the following three
months, clear weather promised heat, and rainy – testified
about wet and wet summer. May 30th, another saint named
Andronic – or Ondron, as his people called him. Andronicus
according to belief, they prayed that there would be no droughts. �”Ondron, open
heaven’s gates and let it rain to spill on the grain that is in cheese
the land fell, “- such a phrase could often be heard from old people in
this day. And to consolidate the prayers, people spent a special
rite: went out into the field, bowed to all four sides of the world
the queue. To commit such an action allowed only
men over the age of 33 years.

Historical events May 30

30 мая 1808 год — Включение великого герцогства
Tuscan (with autonomy) in the French
empireTuscan throne on the initiative of Napoleon took his sister
Eliza Possessing intelligence and ambition, the lady masterly coped with
given to her the role of the ruler. Fast enough she won
respect and love from the subjects. Eliza did a lot on
the benefit of its territory. During her reign, all were dried.
swamps, introduced a monopoly on tuna fishing, developed deposits
alum, improved fabric production
(mainly velvet and silk), theaters, libraries were built,
educational institutions, hospitals and hostels. However, the highest achievement
the ruler was that she was able to reanimate
decayed stone quarries of Carrara marble, which
subsequently provided the whole of Europe with fireplaces, clocks, altars and
др.30 мая 1896 год — В процессе коронации Николая
The second on the Khodynka field in Moscow there was a great crush, in
the result of which more than 1,500 people diedIn the honor of the coronation
Nicholas were established folk festivals with free delicacies,
gifts, wine and other entertainment. In connection with this event
an unimaginable number of people gathered at Khodynka. Everyone dreamed
Get the promised gift – grab your piece of “happiness.” And although
these were small presents in the form of a mug and bright calico
Scarf, the crowd did not stop. Millionth gang rushed to
to the pavilion with gifts shouting “Give” and “Disassemble faster, and
that is not enough. ” It is not difficult to guess what this all led to: in
about 1,500 people died and about
столько же получили тяжелые увечья.30 мая 1899 год
– For the first time in Germany, acetylsalicylic is on sale.
acidAcetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin in a simple way, was
synthesized in 1853 by an outstanding scientist Carl Gerhardt. AND
only after so many years, aspirin was brought to the “mind”, cleared of
impurities so that it can be
use in therapy. Initially, the drug was sold only in
Germany and strictly on prescription by the attending physician. May 30, 1999
— В подземном переходе станции метро «Немига» (Минск)
there was a crush that claimed the lives of 54 young people
two thousand people (mostly from 14 to 20 years old) returned from
concert, which was dedicated to the anniversary of the radio “World”. Hiding from
the surging rain, the crowd rushed to the nearest metro station.
100-meter underpass, not designed for such a huge
the number of people turned out to be completely downtrodden, and people, despite
this, kept on coming. The police tried to block
the flow, however, heated by the crowd and frightened by the hurricane, continued
push up The people in front were subjected to a cruel crush.
Many fainted, and subsequently were trampled. Employees
police trying to help people were also crushed.

Were born on may 30

Александр Невский (1220 — 1263 гг.) — князь, сын
Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Alexander Alexandrovich had to
live in one of the darkest periods of Russian history – in
times of crushing Russia and the constant onslaught of the enemy armies with
different sides. Already at the end of the 18th century about his famous exploits
and merit to the fatherland was folded “Life of Alexander
Nevsky. He is a real commander, with dignity defended
�”Russian land”. Canonized by the church, canonized
святых.Георг Пойербах (1423 — 1461 гг.) —
Austrian mathematician, astronomer. Is the founder
use of sinus. The scientist made a table of sines every 10
seconds This work was later completed by his closest receiver.
Regiomontan. Михаил Воронцов (1782 — 1856 гг.) —
Serene High Prince, Field Marshal General, Bessarabian and
Novorossiysk Governor, and from 1844 – Caucasian
наместник.Алексей Леонов(родился в 1934 году) —
Soviet pilot and cosmonaut, twice awarded the title Hero
Soviet Union. In 1965, Leonov was the first to “step in”
open space.

ANDменины 30 мая

Celebrate: Julia, Efrosinya, Jeanne, David, Andrei, Athanasius, Adrian,
Stepan, Lolita, Felix.

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