May 25: what are the holidays today. Developments,Name day and birthdays May 25th.

Sat, 21 May 2016


Holidays May 25

Philologist Day in Russia

Every year on May 25, all those who
connected with philology: a teacher of Russian language and literature,
librarians, translators, teachers, and graduates
philological faculties. The term “philology” is accepted
understand a specific area of ​​knowledge that studies written texts,
culture of the people, which is expressed in language and literary
creativity. Researchers suggest that this area of ​​knowledge
originated in ancient Greece and ancient India. Therefore, to the classic
philology often classifies the Greek, Sanskrit and
Latin languages. At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, philology grew into
science that studies and develops the culture of the people.

World Thyroid Day

The holiday rooted in the global calendar in 2009 – from that
moment when the European Thyroid Association
issues of the thyroid gland and its diseases, proposed to introduce this
celebration. The idea of ​​the association was supported by the majority of medical
communities working in America and Eurasia. New World Date
aimed primarily at events,
focused on raising the level of informatization of the population
about common diseases of the thyroid gland. Also
ways of preventing these diseases are being considered. According to
statistics, about 25-30% of the adult population of the planet in one way or another
form prone to developing problems with the thyroid gland.
Most often, these problems are associated with iodine deficiency. People should
pay more attention to her thyroid gland because she is
an important part of the human hormone system, producing many
hormones involved in the regulation of growth, weight and metabolism in
whole It is known that most diseases of the thyroid gland
successfully treatable, and the iodine content is adjusted with
using iodine-containing drugs.

May 25 in the national calendar

Ryabinovka (Epifanov day)

May 25, people celebrate the memory of Epiphanius of Cyprus, which was
one of the early church fathers. Holy glorified fierce
denunciation of heresies. Despite the fact that Epiphanius did not have a proper
education, he was a very wise man. Being great
traveler, the saint condemned ancient culture and philosophy.
Russ Epifanov day dubbed Ryabinovka – in honor of the beloved by the people
fruit trees. Today girls dressed up in red sundresses and
bowing to mountain ash, they asked her to protect the family house
from fire. However, according to one of the signs of this day, morning at
�The “red caftan” (ie, in the conditions of a bright dawn) testified to
massive summer fires. Peasants who observed such a phenomenon
should have been especially vigilant with fire in summer. By
Rowan protected people not only from fire, but was also
amulet against various evil spirits. After all, it was not for nothing that they planted it
in almost all courtyards. She protected from the negative impact
detractors. The people also believed that the branch of this tree
helped a man who got lost in the forest to get home, therefore
rowan “whisks” foresters often took with them. Epifanov day
was associated with another plant – water lily. By состоянию этого
flower people made conclusions about the upcoming summer. For example, if this
day on the ponds lily poured leaves appeared, it means more frosts
not expected. In Russia, there was a belief that water lilies
possessed magical properties, and in particular, were able
bewitch your loved one.

Historical events May 25

25 мая 1682 год — В Москве начался «стрелецкий»
бунтByсле кончины Федора BUTлексеевича между двумя его братьями —
Ivan and Peter – the struggle for the throne. Ivan is not particularly
different health, both physical and mental, so for
he needed the continuous care that his elder offered
sister Sophia. The younger brother Peter was distinguished by good health and
fortress, so the Patriarch proclaimed him king and blessed on
reign. However, due to minority take the throne
should have been his mother Natalia Naryshkina. Ivan supporters led by
Sophia raised a riot against the Naryshkins. On this day, many fell
representatives of this family name. Sagittarius staged a real massacre in
the walls of the Kremlin, destroying enemies – allegedly “traitors”. Were killed
brothers Natalia Natalia, an important statesman Matveyev and
a lot others. As a result, both heirs became co-rulers, and
Ivan declared the “main king.” За него правила sister Sophia. BUT
crushed by the events of Peter, he harbored a serious offense at
archers. Byзже он жестоко им отомстил. In honor of this punishment
Russian artist Surikov created the painting “The Morning of the Strelets Execution”.
25 мая 1869 год — Открытие здания Венской оперы
The theater building in which it is located (and still
is located) Vienna Opera, opened its doors on May 25, 1869 and
Beginning of creative activity with the production of “Don Juan” (Mozart).
Vienna Opera has become крупнейшим оперным театром в BUTвстрии и центром
her musical culture. As a music director and
The chief conductor of the theater was elected H. Richter. Byсле Рихтера роль
the director was taken up by the distinguished composer Gustav Mahler,
which provided the theater with an even greater professional level
also greatly expanded his repertoire. Mahler turned the Vienna
Opera in one of the best theaters in Europe. With the beginning of the second
World War II theater experienced a serious crisis. In 1945, in
the bombing time of the cultural building was actually destroyed.
Only ten years later it was completely restored.
Today, the Vienna Opera is considered one of the leading scenes.
of the world since it is the guardian of the best human
traditions. In addition, on May 25 in the world two very
funny record. The first of them – in 1996 in Kosice, when
Athletic Barbarich on its own, without the intervention of outsiders
facilities, stretched train weighing 327 tons for a record state –
8.2 meters. BUT годом позже чудаковатый шриланкиец Джоаким
thoroughly surprised the country, standing on one leg for almost 77 hours.

Born on May 25

Пьер Буасье (1810 — 1885 гг.) — швейцарский
a botanist who collected a grand herbarium during his expeditions.
Boissier also discovered and described about four thousand new plant
species. His five-volume work called “Eastern flora” was
The main guide for exploring the eastern flora. Igor
(1889 — 1972 гг.) — русский авиаконструктор,
engineer, scientist, pilot and entrepreneur. At the age of twelve
the age of collected model of its first lethal apparatus – there is nobody
similarity of a helicopter. In 1910, the Sikorsky aircraft first rose
to the air. It is to him belong inventions in the face of the aircraft
�”Russian Knight”, “Grand” and “Ilya Muromets”, which gave impetus to
further development of multi-engine aircraft. Oleg
(1941 — 1981 гг.) — талантливый актер советской
era. He lived a short, but very bright and rich life.
When the actor died, a short autobiography was found in his house,
which he listed the initials and activities of the parents, indicated
place of study, work. On this revelation Dahl ended.
Friends described him as an honest and principled man.
Viewers will surely remember him in the films “Old, Old Tale”,
�“Can not be”, “Land of Sannikov”, “Golden mine” and many others.

Name Day May 25

Note: Evdokia, Denis, Herman, Peter, Ivan, Fedor, Semyon, Maria,

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